Because they are told to protest, and they blindly obey. That's the only reason.
The vast, vast majority of the protestors have absolutely no idea what's going on. I am absolutely certain that if you went to ask these leftist protestors even the most basic questions about the conflict, they wouldn't know any answers. Ask them why Russia attacked, what reasons or excuses they used to attack, and they might throw some blind guesses but they wouldn't know the actual answers. Ask them about anything related to the war, any details, no matter how basic and broad, and they wouldn't know any answers. Ask them at all what Trump is doing and how he's approaching the peace negotiations, and they wouldn't know any answers.
They have absolutely no idea whatsoever what's going on, or about any details of the war, no matter how basic and broad. Nothing. They are not interested in doing any research whatsoever. Even if you asked them to do some research on the subject in order to form more informed opinions and make more informed decisions (eg. what to protest and what not to), the vast, vast majority of them would do no such thing.
They have absolutely no idea why they are not protesting the war itself. They have absolutely no idea why they are protesting the peace negotiations, almost as if they wanted the war to continue. They have absolutely no idea what's going on. They do not think, they do not research, they do not find things out and form informed opinions. They protest because they are told to protest, and they blindly obey. They are nothing but puppets, mindless drones.
I don't claim that I know the intricate details of the conflict. But then, I am not out there protesting something I have no knowledge whatsoever about, just because I'm told to do so.
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