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Showing posts from October, 2023

Queer Latifah is racist against Asian people

Because according to the modern far left white people are not allowed to do anything, and everything they do is wrong and racist, once again some random white restaurant owner has been randomly chosen by the far-leftist mob for fake outrage about the horrendous crime of it being a sushi restaurant. Which, obviously, white people (and only white people, of course) are not allowed to own and operate. Take for example these tweets by a very popular and follower race hustler, someone who calls herself "Queer Latifah": Putting aside the racism against white people (which she most probably would gladly and openly embrace if asked), notice how, more subtly, she's being quite egregiously racist against Asian people. Sushi is a well-known Japanese dish with a long and rich history in Japan. If anybody were to "own" dishes (if we even accepted such a concept), it would be Japanese people. But she can't say that. Instead, she just bunches Japanese people in with all

"Stop oil" protesters must be stopped before it's too late

Especially in the United Kingdom, but also to an increasing manner in other countries as well, for many months now there have been people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to pester other people calling themselves "stop oil" whose life mission seems to be to interfere as much as possible with traffic. Deliberately blocking traffic is a crime in pretty much all countries, and in many countries these "protesters" are quickly removed by the police. However, in some countries the police does pretty much nothing about them, and the United Kingdom is the absolute worst of the bunch. I kid you not, there is video footage out there where the "protesters" are blocking traffic in the UK while an ambulance on an emergency call is trying to pass, and a police officer politely asks the protests if they could perhaps move aside, and when the protesters refuse, said officer just accepts it and does nothing. And the scary thing is that nobody, absolutel

"Pride Month" is nothing but pure narcissism

Consider that word, pride. Notice how the vast majority of people who could genuinely be proud of their own accomplishments and contributions to the betterment of society almost never want the adulation and recognition of the wider public. A fireman who risks his own life to save a child from a burning building could genuinely and arguably be proud of his accomplishment. Or a surgeon who performs a very difficult urgent surgery that saves someone's life. Or any of the other countless people in this world who either risk their own lives or use their knowledge, skill and experience to save other people's lives, or in other ways very prominently help other people. A scientist who makes a key discovery that, for example, leads to a cure of a very dangerous disease could genuinely be proud of his accomplishment. Or a scientist who develops a new technology that proves massively successful and beneficial to society. Or any of the other millions of people in this world who contribut

South Africa is a warning to Europe

In the 20th century, especially its latter half, South Africa was one of the richest and most prosperous first-world countries in the world. Its economy, infrastructure and government were completely on par with (and in some aspects even surpassed) most of the richest western European countries. One could even say that South Africa was pretty much in essence a rich European country in Africa. There was, however, a rather serious human rights problem in the country: Apartheid. This was an extraordinarily strict and very strongly imposed separation between white people and black African people, started in about 1949, so much so that the vast, vast majority of the black population of South Africa not only lived in completely separate regions of the country (with very strict border control within the country), but these black regions tended to be extremely poor and pretty much in essence some of the worst third-world regions of the entire continent. While some of the wealth of the white ar

Far-leftists just don't know how to feel about Jews

Jewish people as a whole just don't seem to be able to catch a break. Pretty much for their entire existence, save some periods of relative peace and independence, they have been persecuted, oppressed, marginalized and demonized by pretty much everybody. During their entire history they have been oppressed and demonized by different nations and rulers, and both by the far-right and the far-left (including what could be considered their historical equivalents). Nowadays they are still hated, maligned and demonized by the far-right (the actual far-right, not what the left is calling "far-right"), but for the most part Jews don't have much to worry about them because that side of the political spectrum has been relegated to a small fringe minority with little to no political nor social power. Nowadays the biggest dangers they face are the islamofascists and, quite ironically (or perhaps not), the modern far left. And it's precisely that last part that's the most

Eco-protesters in the UK are absolutely delusional

In recent years eco-protesting has become a fashion in many European countries, but is most prevalent and most disruptive in the United Kingdom, regularly blocking traffic (ironically increasing pollution in the process by causing traffic jams and disrupting the normal flow of traffic, causing cars to stay on the road and running for much longer than they would otherwise have) while the police does absolutely nothing to stop this lawbreaking (even in the UK deliberately blocking traffic is illegal, but apparently you can freely break the law if you are "protesting"). The one most prominent things that they are advocating for is stopping completely the import of fossil fuels and the use of internal combustion motor cars. Even if we took their side for a moment and assumed that was actually feasible in practice, they are still complete idiots and completely delusional. Why? Because even if they were successful in stopping all fossil fuel burning in the entire country (thus plum

The Ontario government is blatantly racist

In Canada, in this particular case more specifically in Ontario, grade school teacher candidates are required to pass (among many other things) an elementary math test. This is because grade school teachers may sometimes be required to teach particular subjects on a temporary basis even if it's not their particular field of expertise (due to eg. the actual teacher being sick and unable to attend.) Recently the Ontario government, more in particular the Ontario courts of law, struck down this math test requirement for grade school teachers. The reason? Because they argued that such a requirement is "racist". I'm not even kidding. And note that that was was the only test that was removed from the requirements for grade school teachers. According to them, requiring teachers to know grade school math is "racist" because certain ethnicities were failing these test in larger proportions than others. So what the Ontario government is essentially saying is that cer

One of the biggest modern lies: Decreasing birth rates = catastrophe

During the 1980's and, especially, during the 1990's and later the "multiculturalists" (who became just modern far-leftists) made a lot of false or exaggerated claims in order to justify bringing in as many foreign people into the country as possible. Unfortunately their propaganda campaigns, which they have been running for several decades, have been so immensely successful that most people just believe those claims wholesale. Even people who aren't especially politically oriented (and might even be slightly against far-leftism) tend to believe them wholesale. Do you know what one of these biggest lies is, that most people just believe wholesale? That the decreasing birth rates in most western countries is some kind of looming impending catastrophe that is in dire need of a solution. You hear this all the time. I have friends who believe it wholesale. In other words, that the birth rates in our countries is too low, and this will mean a huge looming economic cris

A thing I realized about egregiously effeminate men

Especially in the modern world there are tons and tons of men out there, who eg. make video content for YouTube and other video streaming platforms, who act in very exaggerated stereotypical "girly" ways . Many of them don't act like adult men, nor even like adult women, nor even like young boys. Note even like the average young girl. They behave like an absolute stereotype of a young coy "girly girl". Others might not behave in such an exaggerated manner, but still act in a more "girly" way that no normal adults (or even children) do. Do you know what I suddenly realized? Have you ever seen, eg. on YouTube videos, Twitch streams, or anywhere else, the polar opposite of this? In other words, women acting like stereotypical testosterone-fueled masculine macho-men? Deliberately trying to lower their voice pitch, acting like a "tough" macho, speaking and laughing like a stereotypical overly-masculine man? Such women might exist, but if they do,

No, "representation" does NOT matter in video games

During the past 10 or so years far-leftists have been pushing extremely strongly this narrative that we need "more representation" in video games, that "representation matters". They want to push this idea that people somehow feel excluded and marginalized if they can't see people with their own skin color or their own genitals in a video game. For anybody who has ever played any video games it should be extremely obvious how false this notion is. However, the far left has been pushing this notion so strongly that some people, including some video game developers, have started actually believing it. To them it has become truth by sheer repetition. The actual truth is that since as long as video games have existed, since the 1970's or so, there hasn't been a single person in this world who has played a video game and thought "I feel excluded and marginalized because this playable character doesn't look like me". Not one. (Sure, today there

Hilarious leftist narrative about "first female college football player"

One of the things that the modern left loves to do is to spin and distort narratives in order to further their agenda or do some good old social engineering. Sometimes the stuff that they come up is just despicable and nauseating. Othertimes it's just outright hilarious. Take, for example, the recent case of an alleged "first female college football player in a position that was not a kicker" story promulgated by, among others, The Today Show (a notoriously leftist TV show). The narrative is that this brave woman is breaking molds and making history by being the first female player in college football, showing how women can be just as good at football, how she can play the game just like the guys, and how in this game she made an excellent tackle in a crucial key point in the game. However, when you dig deeper, as eg. reported by Matt Walsh , it turns out that the story has been quite heavily spun and exaggerated to make it sound much more... inspiring than it really is.

The United States has a scary amount of governmental corruption

It's actually scary how much corruption and political bias there is in the United States, even and especially in the judiciary system. Take the "January 6th" protest thing, for example. It would be one thing if it were merely the Democratic Party members and the mainstream media that are throwing a massive hissy-fit about it, and trying to make it into something that it was not, and organizing farcical kangaroo court trials about it. That would be bad enough, but if it were merely that, then it would just be a bunch of mentally retarded clowns doing what clowns do. Where it gets much, much worse is when the FBI and the courts get involved in this heavily politically biased witch hunt. Dozens and dozens of people who did absolutely nothing, other than merely have the misfortune to physically be there, are getting astonishingly long jail sentences. These are people who just were there. They did not break anything, they did not hit anybody, they didn't even raise their