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Finnish newspapers are an absolute disgrace

Some days ago I saw the most cringe and embarrassing newspaper front page I have ever seen in Finland: It was nothing but a black page with white text on it. It was a message directly to Donald Trump, with a list of bullet points about why he was wrong about Russia and its involvement in the Ukrainian war, and how Russia is fully to blame, and all the wrongs that Russia has done to Ukraine.

I'm not exaggerating or making it up: It read exactly like someone's random social media post, ranting about Trump and something he has said. This on the front page of a major mainstream newspaper. It's the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen.

Finnish journalists, here's a wild idea:

How about we end the war peacefully first, and then you can play the blame game afterwards? Priorities.

Just end the war as peacefully as possible, stop people getting killed, no matter what it takes. Once that has been achieved, then you can start throwing your tantrums about who the bad guys are and who is in the wrong. Do the actual important things first, you can then yell at the clouds all you want.

