Doctor Mike is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, medical doctor celebrities on YouTube, with over 13 million subscribers, most of his videos getting over a million views. He is an actual licensed general practitioner in the United States.
In at least one video (and possibly others) he has very clearly and explicitly instructed his viewers "do not let your dog lick your face". The reason for this is that dogs (and other animals) often have bacteria (most prominently capnocytophaga bacteria) in their mouths that can cause very severe (and sometimes even fatal) infection in humans. This is one main reason why dog bites should always be taken very seriously and immediately treated by medical professionals.
However, the bacteria can be transmitted by licks as well: It's enough for a dog to lick your hand, and then you picking your nose with that same hand, for it to be possible to get an infection, which could be extremely severe in the worst cases.
Thus, Doctor Mike's strong advice to never let a dog lick your face is very sound.
Thus, I find it absolutely mind-boggling and incomprehensible that the very same Doctor Mike has two dogs and very frequently does this, willingly and purposefully:
Doctor Mike, what are you doing?
Not only is this blatantly against your own advice, but it's actually disgusting.
If there ever was a case of "don't do what I do, do what I say"...
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