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Showing posts from November, 2020

What will happen if Biden wins? Addendum

When Trump was running for president in 2016, the far-leftist propaganda machine was predicting that he would start World War 3, or at least start wars. Like with so many of their predictions, quite ironically the exact opposite happened: In fact, Trump was the first President of the United States since Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) who did not start a single war. (He "inherited" a few wars from Obama, but Trump ended them, he didn't start them.) In a previous blog post I predicted what will happen if Biden becomes the president . Many political commentators (on YouTube and elsewhere) have also made their predictions, and one rather particular thing is something that I would like to append to mine too: It's highly probable that Biden's (and eventually Harris's) administration will start the wars in the Middle East once again. There's a reason why military grade arms manufacturers are (once again ironically) supporting Biden, not Trump. Wars are highly profitabl

What happened to xkcd?

xkcd is one of the longest-running still active webcomics in existence, first created in 2005 and having published content very regularly for these 15 years. I was quite an avid follower since almost the beginning, probably since there were just about one or two hundred comic strips uploaded (as of writing this there are 2391). Many of the comic strips are funny, insightful, sometimes even quite nerdy (requiring a lot of knowledge about a particular field to understand), and sometimes really memetic (it has been really popular to use images or entire strips from xkcd in all kinds of places elsewhere, due to how memetic, funny or fitting they are for a particular subject). However, some years ago I kind of got a bit tired of following the comic, so I would usually just check it from time to time and read all the new issues that had appeared. Sometimes months would go by without me checking it. Eventually I kind of just forgot about the whole webcomic, and haven't checked it for like

Twitter verified accounts (blue checkmarks) and hypocrisy

Anybody can create a Twitter account. However, Twitter has a "verified account" system which is used primarily to assure visitors of the legitimacy of an account. For example, if an account appears to be of a famous person, like a famous actor or singer, or from a famous or prominent institution like a company or a brand, the "verified account" blue checkmark signifies that the account is actually of the real person or institution, not just some faker. Individual people who are not celebrities can also get their account verified, ie. a blue checkmark, but the requirements for this are strict and extensive . Among other things, they must have used Twitter actively for at least six months prior to applying, must have a verified email and phone number, they must have complied with the rules of the site, they do not post content that harasses, shame or insults any individual group, have a notable number of followers, and some other characteristic that makes them in some

When did Matt Parker become indoctrinated into social justice ideology?

The YouTuber and math popularizer Matt Parker , and his recent activism for social-engineering the use of the word "they" as the English gender-neutral pronoun, has become quite a pet peeve of mine, almost an obsession, but this is my blog, so who cares. You can read all my posts about him, in chronological order, here , here and here , but here's a really short recap: Matt Parker, of Numberphile fame on YouTube and a quite popular personality especially among the viewers of that channel, has recently started littering his videos with an overabundance of use of the pronoun "they" when referring to a single person, even when there's zero ambiguity about who the person is or was (such as Albert Einstein), or even if the person is someone he personally knows and is his friend. Not only that, but he goes so far as to use that pronoun more than would be necessary (ie. instead of saying eg. " Mark thought about it and then came up with an idea " he wi

Anti-Trumpism: The biggest propaganda campaign in human history?

When you think about it, it's actually incredible how widespread anti-Trump sentiments were all around the world, even before he became the president of the United States, four years ago (as of writing this). Pretty much everywhere, at least in the western world, people somehow just "knew" that Trump was a "racist" and that he would start the persecution of minorities and immigrants, and probably start World War 3. Based on literally zero evidence. This only became so much worse when he was eventually elected. It became so bad that when Trump was planning state visits to other countries, many people, sometimes even very high-ranking officials and politicians, were demanding that the country ban Trump from entering  (the United Kingdom being perhaps the best example of this). Almost invariably there were massive anti-Trump demonstrations and protests in these countries. Based on literally zero evidence. Mind you, much of this was before the American regressive

Fighting the left might be a lost cause: Addendum 2

Suppose that two football teams are playing a football tournament against each other, let's call them Team L and Team R. While at first both teams play relatively cleanly, Team L starts breaking the rules and cheating more and more as the tournament goes on. First it's subtle, but when they can get away with it again and again, they become more and more emboldened and blatant about it, and more and more aggressive about it. They start carrying the ball with their hands, they start throwing things at the members of the other team, they start pushing and even hitting members of the other team, and they blatantly disregard pretty much all the rules of football and sportsmanship. They start making goal after goal with blatant cheating and breaking of the rules. Team R, rather obviously, complains to the referee about this, but he does nothing. "What cheating? I don't see any cheating." Team R try to complain to the tournament organizers, and they do nothing. In a norm

History is written by the victors

The far left, especially but not exclusively in the United States, has for four years now kept repeating the same fabricated claims about Trump, how he's a racist, how he has eroded the rights of minorities, how he has put immigrants in cages, how he is a white supremacist and so on and so forth. No amount of evidence against those claims is enough for them. They have kept making those claims over and over, for four years, with no stop in sight. And it's not just some random people on Twitter doing that. It's major news corporations, politicians, Wikipedia, and so on and so forth. If they have been so bold and so unashamed as keeping making these false claims while Trump has been the president, how much easier it will be in the near future? My bet is that not only will they keep making all these false claims over and over, but they will start inventing new ones. They will start inventing things that Trump allegedly did or said, no need for any evidence. Mass media will star

The far-leftist totalitarianism is already starting

One common prediction about what will happen if Biden gets elected as the President of the United States is that the far-left will take it as a sign that it's open season to persecute republicans, and they will start a purge, in government, in society, and everywhere. Well, that was a quite easy prediction to make. The far-leftist bigots just can't wait to start the purge and the persecution, even before the election result has been confirmed. Take Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, for example. She doesn't just want Trump to be held accountable for his "crimes", but for everybody who supported him to be publicly exposed and held in a list. That didn't take long. This is exactly what socialist regimes do when they get power: They start punishing the opposition. This is exactly what a totalitarian communist-socialist takeover looks like. They want a purge. They want a complete takeover. They want to create a single-party totalitarian state. And the masked fascist terro