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The "war on Christmas" actually is a real thing

Suppose that you visit some exotic foreign country, like China or Japan, and during your visit there's a big local religious festivity going on, and one custom of it is that people will say some traditional well-wishing saying to other people, including you.

Now suppose you were to become extremely offended by this, and proudly proclaim eg. on some stupid TikTok or YouTube video how offensive you feel it is, because that's not your religion, and it goes against your religion, and you start making demands for them to stop saying those things, to change their customs and culture to suit your personal sensibilities.

I think we can all agree that you would be being a complete dumbass. I think this would be one thing where left, right and center would all agree: Don't be such an entitled prick. When you are in such a country as a visitor, you should respect and appreciate the local culture. Complaining about the local religious culture and how it offends you is being an egotistical entitled idiot. I think that even far-leftists would agree with this.

So why is it that this exact same thing does not apply to western countries that have Christian traditions and celebrate Christmas? Why are some countries, like the United States, going to lengths to avoid saying "Merry Christmas" to people in case that they get "offended"?

What's the difference? Why the double standard?

If a country like China or Japan should be allowed to have their religious culture, celebrations and traditions, then why shouldn't western countries? What's the difference?
