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My message to GNOME, Liberwolf, and other "woke" projects

The open source projects GNOME, Librerwolf and hundreds and hundreds of others have become notorious for being very openly run by far-leftist extremists who have take an absolutely totalitarian political stance: Not only do they openly declare their extremist political views but, more importantly, they absolutely and categorically forbid any dissenting opinions and discussion, and quickly ban anybody who even dares to question their policies.

In other words, these "free" software projects espouse the exact opposite of freedom: They are their own totalitarian oppressive dictatorial mini-regimes within their own domains, expelling and banning anybody who presents even the slightest of political dissent and criticism, which is so typical of modern far-leftism.

My message to all these projects is this: You do not understand what you are doing.

All of the project members embracing this ideology and these draconian oppressive measures: You think you are safe because you are toeing the party line and repeating all the talking points. You think that you are safe from the very measures that you are imposing onto dissenters. You think that because you are "on the right side of history", because you are a lapdog of the ideology, you are safe from its wrath. You feel safe on top of the sociopolitical ideological hill that your side has built, looking down in disdain at dissenters and the "enemy".

Well, news flash: You are anything but safe.

Your own side will inevitably turn against you. You are embracing and supporting a totalitarian absolutist extremist oppressive regime where you yourself are anything but safe. You may think you are safe, but you are not. That very totalitarian regime will turn against you at the drop of a hat, at a moment's notice, in the blink of an eye, and sooner or later you will be the target of the regime. You only need to make one tiny mistake, one tiny lapsus, write one tiny "wrong" thing, and you'll be gone. Your own side will have turned against you.

The totalitarian oppressive system that you are embracing, supporting and helping to build is like a rabid dog: It may attack the undesirables, but at any moment it may decide to attack you, and suddenly you will be the target of its attacks.

You are not embracing freedom. You are embracing oppression and totalitarianism. And the ironic (and sad) thing is that you genuinely think that's a good thing. They have duped you into believing that embracing and supporting the oppressive regime is the good and right thing to do. They have fooled you into thinking that you want the oppression and the totalitarianism.
