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Showing posts from January, 2023

When black police officers kill a black man, it's white supremacy, obviously

Once again there has been a high-profile case in the United States of police officers causing the death of an unarmed innocent person, a tragedy made so much more outrageous (at least in that country) by the fact that the victim was black. While the full details are yet to be published, according to some reports apparently this guy had no criminal record of any sort nor was he in the commission of any sort of serious crime (other than, possibly and allegedly, a more minor infraction of "reckless driving"). While driving he was pulled over by a police squad car, who proceeded to order him out of the car and on the ground. (Because of this extreme reaction to what apparently was a minor infraction, I really have to wonder if in their view the suspect took too long to stop the car after being signaled to do so. Because, as evidenced by myriads of cases , not stopping your car immediately when signaled is the worst trigger for a police officer, who will proceed to treat you like

Trump Derangement Syndrome is rather unique

There is a quite a lot happening in the modern world that's pretty much unprecedented in human history, ie. at no point during the entire history of humanity have such things happened, especially not at this scale (such as a very significant portion of a particular ethnic group hating their own ethnicity and celebrating its possible disappearance from the face of Earth, a large group of countries trying to destroy themselves by bringing in as many foreign nationals as they possibly can, the mainstream media at large spending over half a decade defaming one individual person non-stop every single day without pause in peace time, and so on and so forth.) One particular psychological phenomenon also seems rather unique. Well, perhaps not unique in the entire history of humanity, but at a very minimum unique in the present. And that's what many have given the moniker "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS). This "TDS" presents a multitude of symptoms, but one of them

Big tech has noticed that hiring leeches is not good for business

I wrote earlier how, for some reason, there's currently, as of writing this, going on a rather big wave of layoffs in the American big tech industry, where several huge megacorporations are firing thousands of "underperforming" people (as they themselves put it). I stated in that post that most of these layoffs are targeted at what I call "leeches", in other words, "gender studies" graduates who have no skills, no technical experience or knowledge, nothing to offer to the companies that for some reason hired them, and they are just billing full hours for doing essentially nothing (with reported cases of such people literally doing like a couple of hours of work per day, going home, and still writing full 8-hour days and even more in their timesheets). This is not just my guess or interpretation of the situation. For example, as reported by Bloomberg, " tech layoffs are hitting diversity and inclusion jobs hard ". Note what the article starts

Why are far-leftists so emotionally fragile?

I have been watching anti-leftist YouTube videos for pretty much as long as there have been anti-leftist YouTube videos in existence, which can probably be counted in the thousands, without any exaggeration. Do you know how many such videos I have ever seen where the person making the video openly cries and moans and is extremely distressed about something that the "enemy" has done recently? Not one. From the literally thousands of anti-leftist videos I have seen, I don't remember ever seeing even one single such video. If there exists such a video, I have not seen it. Yet, when it comes to videos made by far-leftist activists, you can find plenty of those. Leftists openly crying, weeping and whining about yet another horrendous thing that "the far right" as done, and how this is the end of the world, and how the concentration camps and ovens are just around the corner. You can even find compilation videos of such leftist videos. There's also another type of

Critics should ask more often what "non-binary" is supposed to mean

I have written previously about how the neologism "non-binary gender identity" is nonsensical and doesn't actually mean anything , and how leftists can't really define it when you start asking for a clear unambiguous full definition. I have noticed that this definition for that concept isn't being asked enough by critics. The political commentator and activist Matt Walsh has become quite famous for asking a very closely related question: "What is a woman?" And this is indeed an extremely good question to ask because most leftists are either too afraid or too confused to give a clear answer (for some reason). However, I have not seen too many instances of someone asking a leftist activist who uses the term "non-binary" to define that term, in a clear precise manner. I think this question should be asked more because that term is being used constantly everywhere by leftist activists. They are trying to impose that concept onto society and everyb

The "stages of grief" of far-leftist agendas

I have noticed how uncanny it is how closely controversial leftist agendas follow the traditional "stages of grief". These are some kind of activism agendas trying to enact or impose something radical and controversial on society, to try to achieve something, or something that happens deliberately or as a side-effect of far-leftist activism in society. When their critics try to point out the thing the left is trying to do, the left seems to go through the same steps as in "the five stages of grief": 1) Denial: "Of course it isn't happening! That's just a stupid right-wing conspiracy theory! It's complete misinformation! It's right-wing gas-lighting." 2) Anger: "How dare you claim that we are doing this?! You are just a racist misogynist fascist nazi right-wing extremist bigot! You are committing aggression against us by saying such things and making such accusations! You should be fired from your job and physically assaulted!" 3)

Leftist leeches are being laid off, and they don't like it

Many people have been wondering for years: University students who graduate in "gender studies" and similar, and do not study nor learn any actual practical skills nor knowledge that would help them build a career... how exactly do they earn a living after graduating? They don't know anything useful, so how exactly are they earning any money? As I wrote in a past blog post , one way they manage to survive is by leeching on huge corporations (those with thousands or even tens of thousands of employees): They manage to get hired somehow, and then they just try to pass under the radar, doing very minimal work if any, while still billing full hours. In that post I mentioned of an event that happened a few years ago: One day they CEO of a big company named fired over 900 employees who were "underperformers". According to sources, the worst of the bunch quite literally showed up to work, did something menial for like 2 hours, and then just went home, while

A common mistake First Amendment Auditors make: RAS

So-called first-amendment auditing is a common hobby in the United States (and a few other countries): People going with cameras to public places to see if their right to film in public is respected by the police, security guards, federal employees, and so on. Usually experienced auditors are very well-versed in the relevant laws that pertain to public photography and the rights of citizens and the extents of police authority, and thus they know, for example, when they need or don't need to present their ID, or when a detainment by the police is legally sound. Except for one very common mistake and confusion that I have noticed in a lot of First Amendment audit videos related to that. You see, in most if not all states of the United States there are laws that state that in order for the police to be able to demand someone's ID (and thus issue a sanction if he refuses to produce it), they need to have reasonable articulable suspicion ("RAS") that a specific crime has

Are people prejudiced towards fat people?

One core characteristic about the modern far left is that they will take a sociocultural phenomenon that's arguably not so good and could benefit from some improvement and then, using the excuse of "fixing" that problem, take it to an absolutely ridiculous extreme (with the primary goal of gaining power and control in society). One very good example of this is the general prejudiced attitude that society has had for quite a long time towards obese people. Well, at least some people in society. Taking this phenomenon the far left has, obviously, taken it to the absolutely ridiculous extreme of what they call "body positivity" and "healthy at any size", which they have been trying very hard to push into society, where the most extreme cases outright claim that being obese is actually not in any way unhealthy and that (as incredible as that might sound) there are literally no medical studies that would show otherwise (quite clearly a blatant lie because

The peaceful action that most enrages the American police

What do you think is the action that most enrages, "triggers", the typical United States police officer, making him extremely aggressive and retaliatory, usually making him pull his firearm and scream at the top of his lungs at the "suspect", and completely blow the situation out of proportion? It's understandable if a police officer were to react to this if someone directly threatens the officer's life, for example. Like pointing a gun at the police officer, walking into a police precinct with loaded guns drawn, or the like. But what is the completely peaceful non-threatening action that causes the strongest such reaction from the average American police officer? Could it be, perhaps, insulting the officer? Giving him the finger? Disrespecting his authority and telling him to fuck himself? Something else along those lines? Nope. While a few officers might get mad at such a thing, they mostly just shrug it off. No, apparently the thing that most strongly en

The January 6th commission doesn't want you to view the security camera footage

In January 6th of 2020 a bunch of protesters entered (allowed in by the police, btw) the Capitol building and some of them trashed the place a bit. The Democratic Party of the United States took this is a golden opportunity to try to claim that Donald Trump was trying to commit an insurrection, and they have been pushing this narrative in full force non-stop for over two years now, using the most ridiculous distortions and straw-men that you can imagine. As you might imagine, the Capitol building is stock full of security cameras, outside and inside. There are probably over a hundred of them, as it's one of the most important buildings in the country. The total amount of footage captured by these cameras is in the dozens of hours in total, the entire event from start to finish, from several dozens of different angles. Now think about this: How much of this footage have you ever seen? Almost none. And almost nobody has. And why is that? Because the Democratic Party has been fighting

Velma: Racist stereotyping... by the left

Scooby Doo is one of the most well known and beloved animated TV shows since it launched in the 1970's. Recently HBO got the rights to make a new TV series based on the characters of the original show. They created a TV show based on the character of Velma, depicting her background story. As a surprise to nobody, and because everything must convey The Message, and everything that's deemed as "white culture" has to be changed, they, obviously, race-swapped her. But that's not the only thing that they changed about her. You see, in the original series Velma was a very kind, polite, innocent, likeable, clumsy and intelligent person (essentially the "brains" of the group). In this new series she's a complete bitch. She's extremely and obnoxiously rude to everybody, she makes fun of people (even those showing interest in her), she insults people, she's even violent against people, and she (ironically) just loves calling everybody else a "bitc

It's ok when Biden does it

Every time that Joe Biden does something questionable, bordering the illegal (if not outright illegal), or just goofy, many people, including myself, like to point out "imagine if Trump had done the same thing", referring to how egregiously differently the mainstream media in the United States and elsewhere handle the situation. When Biden does something questionable or goofy, when the mainstream media cannot just ignore and keep quiet about it, they make up excuses. This even though the same media pundits attacked Trump for every possible minor thing, no matter how far-fetched. Well, now we have the absolutely perfect example of this exact thing happening. In other words, both Trump and Biden doing pretty much the exact same questionable controversial thing. Namely, having classified secret government documents in their private residences. The two cases are so similar to each other it's outright eerie. It's not like one had done something obviously and egregiously wo

The British government should be prosecuted for treason

There are literally tens of thousands of homeless people in the UK who live in utter poverty and without a permanent residence, because they just can't afford one. There are even more people who, while not homeless, nevertheless live in very poor conditions, having a hard time making ends meet, and who especially nowadays literally have to choose between buying food or warming their homes for the winter, and who live every day with the struggle of being constantly running out of money. Their living conditions are often completely sub-standard for such a developed country as the United Kingdom. The healthcare system of the country is overburdened and on the brink of collapse. Newspaper articles describe how people with medical emergencies, even elder people on the brink of death, have to sometimes wait for literally hours before an ambulance arrives, because there simply aren't enough resources. In many of the bigger cities of the country, especially London, many egregious crime

You will not be able to escape the leftist totalitarian messaging

In the last year or so London has become a city where you are constantly, constantly bombarded with The Message. You cannot escape it. The latest in-your-face form of it was the new year's fireworks, which were entirely far-leftist themed, not just with their colors, but with the announcers speaking ominously leftist slogans. If you live in London, you cannot escape it anymore. It will be shoved to your face, to your ears, down your throat. Of course San Francisco many other cities in the west coast of the United States, and many other cities in the country, have been like this for many years already. But London shows that what started in the United States is spreading like a pandemic to Europe, arriving at the west coast. It will spread to the rest of Europe sooner or later. (Sure, there are already "pride parades" and left-fascistic flags displayed occasionally in most European countries. But that's the thing: So far only occasionally. This is going to change, as

The irony of anti-nuclear protests in the 70's and 80's

The 1960's and 1970's saw the proliferation of nuclear power plants to meet the ever-increasing energy demands of the growing industry and population. It was, in fact, a time when society, especially western society, was moving towards a cleaner and more environmentally friendly direction. There was always some opposition to nuclear power due to the perceived dangers, but the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 (which caused literally no deaths and no ill effects on either people or the environment) caused this opposition to go into overdrive. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people (especially hippies) organized large protests for years and years. Super-famous celebrities and music bands organized huge events dedicated to anti-nuclear messages. Politicians were pressured from all sides to reduce or even ban nuclear energy. And, of course, the anti-nuclear protests exploded once again with the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. (The estimated total number of deaths, to thi

Would George Orwell be an anti-leftist today?

George Orwell (real name Eric Arthur Blair) is most famous for writing the book Nineteen Eighty-Four , published in 1949, as well as other books with similar themes, most prominently Animal Farm (published in 1945). That former book has been extraordinarily influential during all these decades (so much so that the term "Orwellian" is commonly used to describe totalitarian dystopias and other oppressive systems with insane ideologies), and it's actually eerie how well its description of its fictional world, especially all the concepts used in that world, apply to this day: Doublethink, newspeak, thoughtcrime, the Ministry of Truth, etc. Many of the practices used by the fictional totalitarian regime in the book can be seen in one way or another in the modern western world, enacted by the far left. Sometimes it's outright eerie how closely the far left follows these principles laid out in the book, following the practice of the totalitarian government in it. The minute