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Showing posts from March, 2024

Why companies should NOT hire any "diversity officers" or the like

The far-leftist "feminist" "social justice" ideology, which started mostly in American universities in the early 2000's and earlier, and from there spread like a cancer to the entirety of society (because the vast majority of journalists, politicians, CEOs, and so on and so forth are university graduates and, thus, have been indoctrinated into the cult and trained for political activism), has successfully taken over the vast, vast majority of American society (as well as the society of many other western countries) and are no invading and taking over every single aspect of society they can. Anything that they can take hold of, they will, and this is very much their very explicit intent and purpose, and they are completely open about it. Their indoctrination and training of university students exists for the very purpose of invading and taking over every single aspect of society. They aren't even secretive about it, and will say so out loud. Their methods, t

The constantly-changing SJW mind: Addendum 2

Some time ago I wrote a couple of blog posts about how consistency is not one of the strong points of far-leftist "social justice" ideology. They will strongly defend and fight for a particular position today, and do the same thing for the exact opposite position tomorrow. Whichever position suits their agenda and gives them most power, that they will defend. The exact same people can extremely strongly say one thing today, and the exact opposite a year from now, and they will not even bat an eye (and, of course, they will be completely silent about their past opposite opinion.) There are several examples behind that link above, but here's yet another one: Many years ago the far left was strongly advocating for the notion that there is no such thing as a "male brain" and a "female brain", that both men and women have literally identical brains and it's impossible to distinguish between the two. Many articles were written about how scientific study

The utter hypocrisy of anti-book-burning puritanism

The Nazi mass book burnings are and will probably forever remain as one of the most remembered and symbolic events of recent history. They are one of the most prominent symbols of totalitarian ideology that stands as the polar opposite to the principles of free speech and free expression, and freedom in general. As is so common, totalitarianism and other similar oppressive ideas can only withstand and survive by suppressing, censoring, gatekeeping and destroying all dissent, all criticism, all contradicting opinions and ideas. There's no more striking image that symbolizes this act of censorship than a bonfire made of books that are considered "harmful" to the totalitarian ideology. The destruction of literature for the purpose of censorship and gatekeeping is considered abhorrent and against the core fundamental ideals of freedom and liberalism. Good ideas can survive and, in fact, welcome criticism and scrutiny. Bad oppressive ideas can only survive by banning and destr

One of the major problems with American policing

I have written quite many posts in this blog about the absolutely ridiculous mentality and behavior among American police forces. This mentality and behavior seems to be very uniform across the entire country, even though local cultures otherwise can vary very wildly from state to state and even within a state. The United States is one of the very few countries where you can actually refuse to identify yourself to a police officer if he doesn't have an actual legal reason to demand your ID (ie. a reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime). This is a direct consequence of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution (something that most other countries lack). Most other countries are so-called "stop-and-id states" where you are legally required to identify yourself to a police officer if he demands it, no matter what the situation, no matter why he is demanding it. If you refuse, you can be issued a fine. The United States is one of the very few countries in the world that is

Why you should NOT use people's "preferred pronouns"

Far-leftists, especially those who are enamored with roleplaying all kinds of "sexual orientations" (and who have a gazillion made-up neo-words to compartmentalize their very specific brand of it), also love to come up with all kinds of "preferred pronouns". Unfortunately far-leftism has got such a strong hold in western society, especially in the United States and the UK, that there are more and more places where these "preferred pronouns" are being displayed among people's names. In fact, there are already some organizations that pretty much force their employees to announce their "preferred pronouns" in their private and public information, wherever their names appear. (Recently there was a controversy when a long-time worker of a big charity organization in the UK was asked to add her "preferred pronouns" to her bio, and she, being something like a 70-years-old woman and not being up to date with the latest fads, asked what it