As if the Academy Awards ceremonies had not already been cringey enough for many years now, the latest one had several winners give completely embarrassing speeches supporting "sex workers" and the "sex worker community", and how they want to decriminalize prostitution.
Ok, they can have and express their opinions. That's their prerogative and their fundamental right to free speech. If they want to embarrass themselves in front of millions of viewers, I'm not the one wanting to stop them.
However, would it be too much to ask for some consistency rather than having double standards?
These are the exact same people who got the so-called "grid girls" banned from Formula 1. These are the exact same people who have been somewhat successfully campaigning against having sexy female characters in video games. These are the exact same people throwing temper tantrums when Asian video games depicting sexy female characters become immensely popular. Because of "the male gaze" and "harmful stereotypes" and "objectifying women" or something.
So which is? Women pandering to men's sexual desires is ok, or is not ok? How can you both abhor and oppose things like the "grid girls" in Formula 1 and sexy female characters in video games at the same time as strongly supporting the work of "sex workers" and prostitution?
This is just the absolutely perfect textbook example of Orwellian doublethink: the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination. You can't find a better example of this in real life.
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