A man is driving along a road when he suffers a major seizure, causing the car to veer off and drive off the road to a ditch, thankfully at such low speed that the man is uninjured. However, he is unconscious and unable to move. Witnesses quickly call the emergency number and tell them about the man's seizure and accident.
The cops are informed by dispatch that the man had suffered a seizure, so they knew this when going to the site of the accident. Medical personnel was also alerted.
At the site of the accident a firefighter (rather than a paramedic, for some reason) tries to assess the condition of man and asks him questions. The man is clearly confused, doesn't really know what's happening or where he even is, his responses are incoherent, and he is constantly going in and out of consciousness. In other words, his medical episode is still fully ongoing, and he is in need of medical help.
The firefighter (again, rather than a paramedic, for some reason) tells the man that he needs to get out of the car. This in itself is very strange. Every single person knows that you shouldn't be moving a person who has been in a car accident, and that only medical professionals should get the person out of the car if he's unable to do it on his own.
This is where the completely incomprehensible behavior by the cops, who so far had been rather reasonable, begins.
For a completely incomprehensible reason the cops take the firefighter's instruction to the man to exit the vehicle as some kind of command that the man absolutely has to obey. The cops start demanding the man to exit the car, at a quickly increasing level of aggressiveness.
And to remind you, the cops knew that the man was having a medical episode, a seizure, it was a pure accident, he had done absolutely nothing wrong, and he was not being suspected of any crime (at no point do the cops even remotely indicate that they are suspecting him of any sort of crime). The man was also very clearly very confused and incoherent, and going in and out of consciousness.
Still, for a completely inexplicable reason, the cops started treating the man like he was some kind of uncooperative criminal, based merely on the instruction of the firefighter for him to get out of the car (even though that instruction itself was incomprehensible and nonsensical).
The cops started accosting the man more and more aggressively by the minute, ordering him out of the car and threatening him with a taser if he didn't obey. This even though they knew perfectly well that he was having a medical episode and could see he was going in and out of consciousness.
It escalated to the point where they actually tased him, one of the cops punched him in the face twice, they violently yanked him out of the car, and put him in handcuffs.
That's right, they violently assaulted a man who had been in a car accident (they having no idea if he was possibly injured), was having a seizure episode, and who was not suspected of any sort of crime. They tased him, they punched him repeatedly in the face, they violently yanked him out of the car and threw him in the ground, and they handcuffed him.
For absolutely no reason whatsoever. Well, no reason other than the instruction of a firefighter (rather than a paramedic) that he exit the car. That's it.
Afterwards they can be seen laughing about the entire thing. That's right. Laughing.
And what do you know, one of the cops proceeded to illegally search the man's car, even though he had no legal reason to do so. The man was not under arrest and he wasn't suspect of any crime whatsoever.
Of course that didn't stop them from trying to cover their asses by charging him with some bullshit charges anyway. At least the prosecutor outright refused to prosecute, no doubt having seen the footage of the event.
But before we applaud the prosecutor for doing the right thing, consider what he did not do: The next action should have been to prosecute the police officers for assault and battery, excessive force, violations of the 4th Amendment, failure of duty, and a bunch of other offenses. Rather obviously the prosecutor did no such thing. The man had to himself file a lawsuit against the officers.
It's literally like American cops just can't escape their organized criminal gang mentality: They treat every citizen as a criminal no matter what. Even the victim of an accident and medical episode, they treat like some kind of criminal. They assault him, they punch him in the face, they tase him, they handcuff him.
Criminal behavior is deeply ingrained in the psyche of American cops.
You can see a video about the event here.
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