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The main problems with the European Union

One of the main problems with the European Union is that it is, essentially, a "bait-and-switch" entity: It was originally sold as a purely economic union, and a lot of countries voted to join this economic union, only for it to grant itself extremely authoritarian legislative powers over its member countries, effectively becoming a federal government rather than being just a paneuropean economic agreement.

This is not exaggeration. For example in Finland, when joining the EU was being promoted to the citizens, the politicians, journalists and other people influencing the decision were very explicitly and directly claiming that it was merely just an economic union with extremely little or even no legislative power, and that the full sovereignty of the country was in no way in jeopardy, and that the EU would have no say in the local laws of the country.

And Finland is by far not the only example of this. In several countries the EU membership was up to citizen vote, and the citizens were outright misinformed and mislead about what the EU was and, especially, what it quickly would become. Nobody voted for the European Union to become an overreaching federal government with legislative power and control over its constituent countries. Moreover, nobody voted for their local currency to be replaced by the paneuropean currency; this only became a thing later, and this currency replacement was done without a citizen vote in most countries, imposed by the European Union. Only a few countries refused to move to the Euro. Countries using the Euro have no control over their own currency and interest rates.

The problem has only become worse and worse over the years and decades, as the European Union has voted to only increase its own powers over the constituent countries, becoming more and more totalitarian over time. The European Union has become, for all intents and purposes, an authoritarian federal government, and nobody originally voted for this.

What's worse, there's a great lack of democratic accountability. The European Commission (which proposes laws) is not directly elected by the people, yet it holds immense power. Many of these laws override national laws, even in areas where some countries never intended to give up sovereignty and autonomy. This is not what most people voted for originally.

Moreover, the European Central Bank exerts way too much power over the economy of the constituent countries, and this even though that organization is completely unelected and essentially self-appointed. The economic sovereignty of constituent countries is subject to the rules of the European Central Bank, which is unelected, undemocratic and unaccountable. Absolutely nobody voted for this to happen. The EU was originally supposed to be an economic agreement between the constituent countries, not a total surrender of economic power and loss of economic sovereignty to a centralized unelected entity that the members states have no say in.

Most EU officials are actively promoting expanding and increasing the power and control of the union even further, making it even more authoritarian, even more totalitarian, reducing even more the individual independence and sovereignty of the member states. Those EU officials who are against this are mostly powerless and lack the numbers and power to stop this from happening, much less reversing it. There is no discernible stopping point to this increase and grab of power. It's extremely likely that the EU will become not only a de facto country (which it currently is), but a de jure one, an official "United States of Europe" with a single centralized federal government, with a single founding Constitution, with a single centralized military, not unlike the USA.

The EU exerts its power over the constituent countries via sanctions and threats of sanctions, if some country does not agree to some EU decree. This is not just theoretical or fear-mongering, as it has already happened several times. The EU does not respect the sovereignty and autonomy of its constituent countries and imposes its will forcefully on them.

Many people support the EU because of the economic benefits that it brings. However, most of these benefits could very well be retained if the EU were what it was originally sold as: A purely economic union with little to no legislative power, instead of an authoritarian federal government. The economical benefits that the EU brings in no way justify its legislative control over the constituent countries.
