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Why more and more companies are adopting opressive far-leftist policies

In the modern world it might be hard to believe, but in fact the vast, vast majority of companies and corporations do not care about politics, especially identity politics, and would just want to do their business, create and sell products, and make a profit. And unlike the anti-capitalist crowd would let you believe, the vast majority of these companies are not greedy and exploitative, but in fact care for their workers, pay good salaries, and simply want to become successful and productive companies where people are happy to work for.

(In fact, it's counter-productive for a company to be exploitative, especially in certain fields of industry, because there's a huge amount of competition, and if your workers are unhappy they will simply go to another company that treats them better and pays them more salary. It's in the interest of the company to treat its workers as well as possible, and give them as many benefits as possible, to keep them happy and stop them from leaving for the competition. The stories you hear about exploitative companies that work their employees almost to death are a microscopic minority of all existing companies.)

Yet, more and more companies are adopting very far-leftist company policies and codes of conduct that are full of leftist social justice buzzwords and platitudes, and more and more of them are hiring "consultants" whose only job is to "teach" the workers about these things and to watch over the company policies.

But why? If they aren't interested in identity politics, why are more and more of them doing this?

The reason is that they are forced by other companies to do it.

It's extraordinarily rare, almost non-existent, for a company to be completely self-sufficient and independent. Almost all companies have business dealings with other companies. Many companies commission either products and material from other companies, or "rent" experts from other companies to temporarily work for them. Or the other way around. This is extremely common in medium-to-big tech companies: They will either rent expert labor force from other companies, or rent their own labor force to other companies, as well as commissioning some internal work from other companies (or doing internal work for another company).

And in many fields of industry, especially in technology, there's a huge amount of competition. Companies will commission or hire work from other companies based on price, the quality of the work, previous business deals, the reputation of the other company, and so on.

So what has been happening in recent years is that huge tech megacorporations that have been invaded by the social justice ideology, when they are negotiating business deals with other (often slightly smaller) companies, will ask what the social policies and official codes of conduct of those companies are. The big SJW company will demand a far-leftist official policy from any company they have dealings with so that their workers will be "safe" there.

These slightly smaller companies effectively have no choice: They have to enact a far-leftist social justice official company policy and code of conduct, or else they will lose business. The big and rich SJW companies won't buy anything from them if they don't.

And, quite often, these demands are viral. In other words, the big SJW company will not only demand for this other company to have SJW policies, but also from any third-party sub-contractors that this other company may have dealings with. Thus even this smaller company, possibly against its owners' will, likewise will start demanding SJW policies from even smaller companies, so as to not lose business with the big ones.

When a SJW company is big and powerful enough, it can effectively extort smaller companies to become SJW companies as well, and they don't have much to say about it, or face losing business and profit.
