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"Trumpism" is the new "gamergate"

Gamergate, the massive online consumer revolt against corruption in video game journalism, was the perfect storm, in conjunction with the raise of far-leftist social justice ideology. It just happened exactly at the right (or wrong, depending on your perspective) time at the right place, and it just caused a shitstorm among the social justice idologues, that wouldn't be surpassed until they contracted Trump Derangement Syndrome some years later.

"Gamergate" became the biggest scapegoat for pretty much everything (even though the vast majority of social justice warriors couldn't even define what it meant, but of course they didn't care). Years before Trump, before "white supremacists", before "fascists", before any of that became the preferred scapegoat for every problem, there was "gamergate". Its Wikipedia page is probably the one that kind of kickstarted the absolutely humongous political bias at that website, as the page became the epitome of political bias at Wikipedia (only the page about Donald Trump now rivals it, many years later).

"Gamergate" became "the Illuminati" of the social justice warriors, with absolutely insane (and hilarious) conspiracy theories about it (even though, like "the Illuminati", they couldn't even clearly explain what this mysterious "gamergate" even was).

"Gamergate" was such a huge scapegoat that the social justice "journalists" were still talking about it and using it as a scapegoat for many years after the rest of the world had completely forgotten about it and didn't give a flying fuck anymore. Even in 2020 there were still articles written about "gamergate", several years after the entire thing was almost completely forgotten.

However, it appears that the mythological "gamergate" might finally be shoved aside by even the most far-leftist social justice journalists. That's because now there's a new scapegoat in town: "Trumpism".

There are already articles calling completely random things that people do online as "Trumpism". Ideas, political stances, memes, activism, jokes, people organizing online to do things... if it's something that the left doesn't like this particular week, it's now "Trumpism". Because of course it is. It doesn't matter if the thing is the exact same thing that people have been doing for decades, it's now "Trumpism", because of course it is.

Expect to see that a lot in the next five to ten years. Everything will now be "Trumpism" (in addition to being "white supremacy" etc.)
