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Biden is setting speed records on broken promises and disappointments

Biden has not been the President of the United States even for a week, and he's already breaking records on how many campaign promises he's breaking and how many people who supported him are being disappointed.

Did you know that Trump's administration created a rule for the United States Department of Health and Human Services to lower the prices of insulin? I bet you never heard of this. The mainstream media didn't really like to highlight the positive things that Trump did.

Do you know what was one of the first mandates of Biden's administration when he took office? You may already guess it: Put that order on hold. Immediately raising insulin prices.

When Biden was elected president, the American Alliance For Diabetes (AFD) congratulated him in an exalting tweet.

When the insulin praises suddenly went through the roof, the exact same account posted a tweet lamenting that fact. "I am really saddened by the fact that price of Insulin is really shooting up in America. It's a life saving hormone, if people can't afford it, how are they gonna survive?"

That account is not the only one.

Many labor unions directly and openly endorsed Biden when he was running for president. When he cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline on the very day he was inaugurated, several of these unions posted articles lamenting the fact that this action kills thousands of jobs as well as raising energy prices for millions of Americans, and admonished Biden for it.

Many feminists and black activists were not very happy that Biden signed an order to allow men to compete in women's sports.

In August of 2020 Biden promised during his presidential campaign that he would not ban fracking. On the first week in office, Biden's administration declared that they are going to ban fracking.

No wonder that, regardless of how much the mainstream media tried to make Biden a Messianic figure, he has the lower first day approval rate in recent history. Yes, even Trump had a higher approval rate.
