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Why do giant megacorporations support "socialism" and "anti-capitalism", part 2

At face value it feels very strange that pretty much all of the largest megacorporations headquartered in the United States support a far-leftist political ideology set on destroying those very corporations, destroying the entire capitalist system that made those corporations possible and rich.

Are they stupid, or are they playing some kind of "4D chess", as the saying goes, where they seemingly seem to support something that goes against their interests but that actually benefits them in some way? In a previous blog post I presented one piece of evidence for the latter.

Many people have pointed out another way in which supporting the far left actually helps the interests of the megacorporations, rather than it working against them.

Almost ten years ago, in 2011, the far left in the United States organized a massive demonstration and protest (which was actually mostly peaceful... those were different times) that lasted for several months. This movement was called "Occupy Wall Street".

In this movement the far left (and quite some centrists) protested corporate corruption, the banking system, and the government helping corporations more than people. The issues and points were complex and diverse, but the point was that they were protesting giant megacorporations, and the government's role in helping and protecting them, often at the expense of the citizens.

Now think for a moment about this: When was the last time you heard of a far-leftist protest against giant megacorporations?

That's right. For the past 5+ years or so, the only things that the far-left has been loudly protesting are imaginary enemies. The "far right", the "racists", the "white supremacists", the "fascists", the "nazis". And recently the police.

Suddenly, the enemy was not big megacorporations. The enemy now consists of individual people. Conservatives. Trump supporters. Centrists. Critics of social justice. Political commentators who don't accept the narrative and are critical of it. Suddenly, the far left is not concerned about bringing giant megacorporations down, but bringing individual people down.

Suddenly, not only are giant megacorporations left alone, but in fact some far-leftists even support and defend these corporations. If the "far right" organize anything, any kind of protest or demonstration against some megacorporation like Twitter or Facebook, the SJWs will actually hurry to defend the corporation against the evil "racists" and "nazis".

Many people have pointed out how megacorporations supporting the social justice idology has actually deflected attention away from themselves and towards inconsequential people (well, inconsequential from the point of view of the corporations, that is.) Even imaginary people in many cases. Long gone are the days of "Occupy Wall Street", when the far-leftists actually protested against big corporations.

I have no idea if this has been deliberately planned or it was merely serendipitous, but either way it has worked marvels for the corporations. No wonder they are happy to support the cause.
