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What did we learn from Donald Trump's presidency?

The fact of how astonishingly politically biased the vast majority of the mainstream media is, especially in the United States. Some news organizations so much so that they effectively became full-on anti-Trump and anti-Republican propaganda machines for the entirety of the four years, non-stop, constantly smearing him and attacking him for the most minor of things, and fabricating outrage from absolutely normal and mundane actions and words.

That not only did the mainstream media and the feminist academia in the United States created a racist dictator from thin air, based on zero evidence and with extremely little to back it up, via sheer repetition of the same arguments over and over, but also that a good portion of the rest of the world just believed it and swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Everybody just "knew", somehow, that Donald Trump was an evil racist who was going to commit genocide on minorities and start World War III, even though nobody could cite any examples or evidence.

That the mainstream media in the United States was extremely smug, full of itself and complacent, being so certain that Trump would lose, that they will never make the same mistake again, and will continue their anti-Republican political propaganda campaign for decades to come, without limit to how much they will escalate the narrative. Also, that there's no limit to how much the media is willing to fabricate and lie in order to create the narrative.

How totalitarian and powerful the Silicon Valley giant tech megacorporations are, openly engaging in blatant partisan censorship and political discrimination on their platform, without remorse, without shame, and with complete impunity. To the point that they openly attack and try to destroy and silence smaller companies and organizations who do not conform to the same totalitarian censorious rules.

How astonishingly corrupt government officials and the police forces in the United States are, from top to bottom, at all levels. When city mayors are not directly ordering the police forces to stand down and not intervene, the police officers on their own accord will just watch from the sidelines while radical terrorists invade the streets, disrupt traffic, harass people, assault people, destroy and vandalize property, commit arson, with the police officers just watching and doing nothing to intervene and stop this egregiously criminal activity, even when the victims of this harassment and assault directly ask the police officers for help, to intervene and stop the assault.

How nobody, absolutely nobody, is demanding the police forces to be held accountable for this failure of duty and complicity that amounts to insurrection. Not the government, not city officials, not the different federal law enforcement bureaus, not civil rights movements, no individuals regardless of their political affiliation. Not even the President of the United States himself. No investigations, no suspensions, no criminal trials, no sentences. Nothing. The entire system is completely rotten and corrupted to the core, from the absolute top to the absolute bottom.

How politically biased Wikipedia is, and how, likewise, absolutely nobody cares nor draws attention to it, no matter how influential Wikipedia is worldwide.

The level at which the far-leftist "intersectional feminist" ideology has infiltrated all of society, starting from universities and spreading from there to everywhere else. Also, how totalitarian, anti-constitutional and racist this ideology is.
