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No, the race of the voice actor does not matter

I think it's highly ironic that the very people who the far left absolutely hates and is constantly attacking and vilifying, the (what they call) "far right extremists", "gamergaters", "gamers", "trumpers", "racists", yada yada yada, seem to be a lot more tolerant when it comes to, for example, people's race, than the very far-leftists who call them "racists".

The far left has been pushing this quite racist idea that, for example, only black actors can voice-act a black character. That a white actor voicing black character is somehow "racist" or otherwise inappropriate.

Quite ironically, the very people that they are constantly vilifying, demonizing and calling "racist" in general do not show the same kind of sentiment, even when the difference between fictional character and voice actor is in the other direction.

For example, in the Star Wars universe Anakin "Darth Vader" Skywalker is canonically a white man. In the original trilogy he was voiced by James Earl Jones.

I have never seen any Star Wars fans, no matter how "racist" the far left calls them, objecting to this. The vast, vast majority of fans, and people in general, consider this choice of voice actor to be absolutely perfect and have zero problems with it. They would never, in a million years, want that voice actor to have been different. If a new "remastered" version of the original Star Wars trilogy were to be released where they changed the voice actor of Darth Vader to someone else, there would be a riot. Everybody would oppose such a change.

Or take, for example, the character of Kratos in God of War 4. The voice actor is Christopher Judge.

Mr. Judge's voice is so incredibly badass that for all intents and purposes he is not just voice-acting the character of Kratos. His voice is the voice of Kratos, period. His voice is absolutely perfect for the badass character.

I have never, ever heard anybody, especially a gamer, complain about this choice of voice actor. Any gamer and fan of the game would agree that the choice of voice actor is absolutely perfect and would heavily oppose changing it to anybody else (regardless of what the skin color of this someone else would be).

The thing is, gamers at large are not racist. Social justice warriors are. Gamers don't care what the skin color of a voice actor happens to be, they only care that he's talented and perfect for that role. Only social justice warriors care about the race of voice actors, because social justice warriors are nothing but a bunch of racists.
