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Showing posts from January, 2021

The "natural resource" fallacy of the far left

Suppose a hypothetical scenario where there's a very large area of land at some remote location, divided into a hundred plots, each owned by a farmer, to do with them what they want. A few farmers do a decent job at cultivating the land and keeping a few animals for their own and their families' sustenance. Most of them, however, don't really know how to cultivate very well nor how to keep a farm, and they don't even work all that hard, and they seriously struggle to get even a minimum of sustenance. One of the farmers, however, works really hard day after day, building all kinds of tools to farm more efficiently, and doing a lot of work to cultivate the land plot, and to raise the farm animals. Where most of the other farmers hardly do any work and mismanage their lands very badly, this one farmer works really hard day after day and does it so efficiently that his farm absolutely thrives and becomes a cornucopia. His land becomes so fruitful that he gets an overabundan...

No, the race of the voice actor does not matter

I think it's highly ironic that the very people who the far left absolutely hates and is constantly attacking and vilifying, the (what they call) "far right extremists", "gamergaters", "gamers", "trumpers", "racists", yada yada yada, seem to be a lot more tolerant when it comes to, for example, people's race, than the very far-leftists who call them "racists". The far left has been pushing this quite racist idea that, for example, only black actors can voice-act a black character. That a white actor voicing black character is somehow "racist" or otherwise inappropriate. Quite ironically, the very people that they are constantly vilifying, demonizing and calling "racist" in general do not show the same kind of sentiment, even when the difference between fictional character and voice actor is in the other direction. For example, in the Star Wars universe Anakin "Darth Vader" Skywalker is can...

"We white people"

One very prominent trait of the social justice ideology is that of psychological projection: They accuse others (the "enemy") of what they themselves do and think. Likewise, they believe that everybody else thinks similarly to them, for example when it comes to identity politics and dividing people into groups based on characteristics like race, and they cannot comprehend that not everybody thinks like them. A prominent example of this is when a white person (most often a white man, because they think that white people will pay more attention to a man than a woman) who is a full-on social justice activist, writes an article or makes a video where he talks about "we white people", about how "we, as white people, should do this and that, and think this and that". I'm sorry, but there is no "we". I don't know you, I don't know who you are, and I don't give a flying fuck about your skin color. I feel literally zero kinship towards a s...

Why do they call it the "regressive" left?

Need I even comment? Welcome to the Jim Crow Laws v. 2.0. We are traversing back in time.

"Trumpism" is the new "gamergate"

Gamergate, the massive online consumer revolt against corruption in video game journalism, was the perfect storm, in conjunction with the raise of far-leftist social justice ideology. It just happened exactly at the right (or wrong, depending on your perspective) time at the right place, and it just caused a shitstorm among the social justice idologues, that wouldn't be surpassed until they contracted Trump Derangement Syndrome some years later. "Gamergate" became the biggest scapegoat for pretty much everything (even though the vast majority of social justice warriors couldn't even define what it meant, but of course they didn't care). Years before Trump, before "white supremacists", before "fascists", before any of that became the preferred scapegoat for every problem, there was "gamergate". Its Wikipedia page is probably the one that kind of kickstarted the absolutely humongous political bias at that website, as the page became the...

Biden is setting speed records on broken promises and disappointments

Biden has not been the President of the United States even for a week, and he's already breaking records on how many campaign promises he's breaking and how many people who supported him are being disappointed. Did you know that Trump's administration created a rule for the United States Department of Health and Human Services to lower the prices of insulin? I bet you never heard of this. The mainstream media didn't really like to highlight the positive things that Trump did. Do you know what was one of the first mandates of Biden's administration when he took office? You may already guess it: Put that order on hold. Immediately raising insulin prices. When Biden was elected president, the American Alliance For Diabetes (AFD) congratulated him in an exalting tweet. When the insulin praises suddenly went through the roof, the exact same account posted a tweet lamenting that fact. "I am really saddened by the fact that price of Insulin is really shooting up in Am...

Why do giant megacorporations support "socialism" and "anti-capitalism", part 2

At face value it feels very strange that pretty much all of the largest megacorporations headquartered in the United States support a far-leftist political ideology set on destroying those very corporations, destroying the entire capitalist system that made those corporations possible and rich. Are they stupid, or are they playing some kind of "4D chess", as the saying goes, where they seemingly seem to support something that goes against their interests but that actually benefits them in some way? In a previous blog post I presented one piece of evidence for the latter . Many people have pointed out another way in which supporting the far left actually helps the interests of the megacorporations, rather than it working against them. Almost ten years ago, in 2011, the far left in the United States organized a massive demonstration and protest (which was actually mostly peaceful... those were different times) that lasted for several months. This movement was called "Occ...

The press creating villains out of thin air is nothing new

The mainstream media, especially in the United States, has become very infamous (at least among everybody who pay attention to current politics and aren't far-leftists) during the past four years by creating a villanous tyrannical dictator, based on pretty much zero evidence, out of a man who has pretty much no history of the things that the media blamed him for. Indeed, there really is no evidence that Donald Trump would be some kind of tyrannical racist whose plan was to make America into a dictatorship and take over the world. In fact, there's plenty of evidence of the contrary (there are many clips of many interviews he had well before he ran for president of him denouncing the far-right, the KKK and the racists.) But the mainstream media made him into a tyrannical dictator, and the world believed it. And history will most probably believe it for decades to come, because history is written by the victors. This is nothing new, however. The mainstream media has always abused ...

Doctor Mike and "sexism" in a 50's PSA

"Doctor Mike" is a very popular medical doctor celebrity who is not only famous on mainstream media and all kinds of TV shows, but also has a very large YouTube channel with over 6 million subscribers. Being a medical professional, it's not very surprising that he's quite sympathetic to the far-leftist social justice ideology. He is not a full-on social justice warrior (which would make his channel quite insufferable to watch), and in fact he has sometimes went against the social justice narrative on some occasions, eg. when doctors have been accused of racism or sexism, and he's also quite the ladies man and a jock. However, he is very sympathetic to the social justice narrative and does from time to time make allusions to it, sometimes even excessively so (such as in one video telling how from a group of residents (postgraduate medical trainees) at his hospital only one of them was male, all the others female, and how that was a positive thing, somehow.) Fortu...

Oh, how has the tune of the mainstream media changed

CNN, one of the largest news network companies in the United States, which became essentially a full-on 24/7 anti-Trump propaganda machine since before Trump was even elected, and which ran anti-Trump hit pieces pretty much daily, sometimes all day long, for the entirety of the four years of the presidency, during the past several months had constantly a visible death count on the screen, of people in the United States who had died of covid-19. Quite especially during their anti-Trump hit pieces would this counter be clearly visible. The very day that Biden was inaugurated as the new president... mysteriously the counter disappeared. Like by magic, CNN isn't displaying the counter anymore. It's almost as if the number of deaths caused by the pandemic isn't so important anymore, now that they can't blame it on the head of state. Curious. In the summer of 2020 the New York Times published an op-ed written by an US Senator advocating the deployment of military troops to qu...

Why do giant megacorporations support "socialism" and "anti-capitalism"?

As has become quite clear over the past decade or so, for some reason most giant megacorporations headquarted in the United States, quite strongly and openly support the modern far-leftist ideology, not only promoting it, campaigning for it, and even funding it, but also going their way to try to shut down the opposition and the criticism. At face value this is highly strange. After all, the modern far-leftist SJW ideology, which they are supporting and promoting, is staunchly anti-capitalist and socialist. The ideology strongly and even violently opposes the "top 1%", the extremely rich, corporations owned and run by a small group of rich people rather than the workers, and pretty much everything that they deem inherently capitalist. In other words, at face value it seems that these giant megacorporations are supporting a political ideology that seeks the very destruction of these megacorporations. An ideology that seeks to take away all the wealth that the people at the top...

Less police! No, more police!

For something like four years now masked domestic terrorists have regularly marched the streets of many cities in the United States, making noise, disrupting traffic, harassing people, assaulting people, committing acts of violence, destroying property, even burning down buildings, and this behavior has only escalated and escalated over the years, up to the point of causing literally billions of dollars in property damage and something like a hundred deaths, with the terrorists doing this in one city every single night for over two months straight. Not only were the politicians on one side of the aisle awfully quiet about this, but in fact some of them actually supported this. A few of them joined the terrorists on the streets. This was quite a clear act of insurrection and sedition. The other side of the aisle wasn't a whole lot better. Some of them whined a bit, but pretty much nothing was done about it. For many months the far left, including some of those politicians, has bee...

Biden became the president, time to bet

So, Biden finally became the President of the United States, to the acclaim of the worldwide mainstream media, who hail this as a "victory for democracy". I suppose implying that Trump's presidency was undemocratic... somehow. No need to even explain how. Anyway, now that he's the president, it's time to bet: How long before he steps down and Kamala Harris takes his place (which is what the Democrats were planning from the very beginning)? I give it 2 months at most. If Biden is still the president by the end of this year I would be really, really surprised. How long before the far-left starts loudly demanding Biden to step down and for Harris to take his place? I'd say 1 or 2 weeks at most. When Trump was running for president they predicted that he would start World War 3. Ironically, he is the first president since Jimmy Carter who didn't start a single war. How long before the Biden administration starts its first war? I give it 6 months tops. How long...

How you know that the American far-left is full of BS

The cultural and sociopolitical war that the far-left has been engaging in, especially in the United States, has escalated and escalated during the past months to absolutely ridiculous extents. Not only have their policies and goals become more and more radical, extremist and ridiculous, but they have become bolder and bolder, and more and more violent by the month. One of the most mind-boggling things that they have been doing over the past months is not only defacing and destroying the statues of Abraham Lincoln, but many institutions, such as schools, named after him are being renamed. This just goes to show the absolute insanity that the American far-left has reached. Abraham Lincoln is arguably one of the greatest and most admirable heads of state that has ever existed, in any country, during all of human history. He was the President of the United States whose administration fought a literal civil war to end and criminalize slavery in the country, and to free the slaves. Lincoln ...

Biden just can't wait to be a racist

It's funny how for over four years they accused Trump of being a racist and enacting all kinds of racist policies, with very little evidence to support those claims, yet Biden has not yet been even officially inaugurated as the next president and he already is announcing his plans to engage in racial discrimination. In a recent speech he gave for his immediate plans after he becomes the president, he announced that he would start a program to help small businesses that are struggling because of the pandemic restrictions: "Our focus will be on small businesses on Main Street that aren't wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own." Ok, fine so far. But he continues: "Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild." And of course he's planning on engaging in racial an...

The reason why the Democrats want to hurry to remove Trump from office before the inauguration

 For four entire years the Democratic Party of the United States has been fervently trying to come up with any excuse, any crime to pin on Trump, in order to try to impeach him and remove him from office. They don't really care which, as long as Trump is removed. (Which, technically speaking, makes it sedition.) In December of 2019 they finally got around to try it, and they impeached Trump. Of course "impeachment" merely means that the House of Representatives has decided to take the President to be tried in congress, not that he has been found guilty. The charges against Trump were so extraordinarily flimsy and ridiculous that not only did every single Republican senator vote to acquit, but even one Democrat senator dared to do so as well (earning my respect for daring to go against the hive mind). Rather obviously the Democrats weren't happy about that. As of writing this the inauguration of the next President, and thus Trump's term ending, is happening in ...

"Amen and a woman" is cultural appropriation

The far-leftist social justice ideology, in its never-ending quest to attack western society and white people, at some point came up with the concept of "cultural appropriation" and, like always, even though it might have had a modicum of reason behind it at first, they took it to an absolute and ridiculous extreme, going so far as claiming that just wearing a dress from another culture, or preparing a meal from another culture, is "cultural appropriation". However, if we disregard these ridiculous extremes and go to the roots of the concept, an argument could be made at the very least about respecting other cultures and elements in them that have a symbolic meaning to the people of those cultures. The archetypal example is the Native American war bonnet, ie. the feathered headgear worn by the male leaders of certain tribes. To these people it's not just a decoration, a fashion accessory that's worn merely to look cool. This headgear historically had a str...

What happened to LegalEagle, addendum 2

A bit over a week ago I wrote about the lawyer and youtuber who goes with the handle LegalEagle , how his youtube channel used to be really interesting and didactic, but who quite recently has seemed to contract a really bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome ahead of the presidential elections. Now that the elections are over and nothing can change the result anymore, has he calmed down and returned to his interesting content, such as reviewing movies and how legal procedure is depicted in them? No. The exact opposite, in fact. This man has become absolutely obsessed! This is one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome that I have seen. It seems that he was four years late to the party, contracted TDS just a month or two ago, and is apparently now trying to make up for the lost time and catch up with four entire years of anti-Trump propaganda, because he is pumping out anti-Trump video after anti-Trump video at an astonishing pace. During this past week alone he has uploaded ...

Amazon removing Parler from the internet is a glimpse of the future

During the past century or so many countries have passed and enforced so-called anti-trust laws, anti-monopoly laws, anti-cartel laws, and all kinds of similar preventive measures against companies becoming too big and gaining a market monopoly (or for a small group of companies colluding and effectively becoming a joint monopoly). There have actually been cases where the government has forcefully split a giant corporation into several smaller independent ones. Someone who believes in private rights and freedoms above everything else, and who does not hate capitalism, might think that this kind of governmental meddling is completely antithetical to the rights of people to own private property (which is what these corporations are) and to manage them however they wish. A government forcefully dissolving a company, essentially destroying it, and splitting it into smaller independent companies, may feel like the actions of a tyrannical oppressive government set on keeping citizens under i...

What did we learn from Donald Trump's presidency?

The fact of how astonishingly politically biased the vast majority of the mainstream media is, especially in the United States. Some news organizations so much so that they effectively became full-on anti-Trump and anti-Republican propaganda machines for the entirety of the four years, non-stop, constantly smearing him and attacking him for the most minor of things, and fabricating outrage from absolutely normal and mundane actions and words. That not only did the mainstream media and the feminist academia in the United States created a racist dictator from thin air, based on zero evidence and with extremely little to back it up, via sheer repetition of the same arguments over and over, but also that a good portion of the rest of the world just believed it and swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Everybody just "knew", somehow, that Donald Trump was an evil racist who was going to commit genocide on minorities and start World War III, even though nobody could cite any examples...

An odd form of semi-fraudulent sales on ebay (and other such sites)

For quite many years now there has been a sort of half-scamming people on ebay and other similar auction websites that has gone largely unnoticed, merely getting just some passing mentions sometimes, but which otherwise hasn't been paid much attention to. The scam is not so much a direct lie about the product being sold or auctioned, but it's often very misleading to the point that many people buy or auction on it without realizing that what's being sold isn't actually what they think it is. And that is: Selling or auctioning the box of a product, such as a console, graphics card, video game, or similar highly sought out product. In other words, just the empty box itself, not the product that was originally inside it. At this point this is, rather naturally, being done with boxes of RTX 30 series graphics cards, PlayStation 5 consoles, and many modern CPUs. But the practice goes many years back. The listings for these can be confusing. The fact that what's being so...

Twitter jumped the gun on banning Donald Trump

I'm quite certain that for the past four years it has been quite a source of frustration for many people running Twitter that they couldn't ban Donald Trump from their platform because banning the President of the United States would have been more trouble than it was worth. I'm absolutely certain that the discussion of banning him has been held among the people running Twitter literally hundreds of times during these years, but they never dared to do that because of his current status. It's completely certain that for many years they have had their finger on the ban button ready to press it the very second that Trump stops being the president. Well, it seems that they couldn't contain themselves any longer, and they jumped the gun. Donald Trump is still , as of writing this, officially the President of the United States, but Twitter couldn't wait anymore and just banned him permanently from their platform. Using excuses, of course, not any breach of their rule...

The unfortunate side-effect of the Capitol riot

Did you know that just a couple of months ago (as of writing this) there was a massive BLM protest in Washington, all around The White House? Streets were on fire and the protest was so violent that the Secret Service took the President to the security bunker under the house for safety. Maybe you had heard of this, but probably you didn't, especially if you do not live in the United States, like me. I certainly didn't know of this until recently. Why is that? Because the mainstream media and politicians, especially abroad, were completely silent about it. No front page news. No heads of state public proclaiming that this is a "threat to democracy". No condemnations, no outrage, not a peep. Maybe at most there might have been a small article somewhere in the middle of some newspapers. Did the American press make a big deal about this and call it a "threat to democracy"? Of course not. Instead, they mocked Trump for "hiding" in the bunker. No conde...

What happened to The Amazing Lucas?

The youtuber The Amazing Lucas was for many years a quite popular political commentator with very conservative but usually very well-argued and reasonable opinions. His channel goes back quite many years, and after Trump became the president he was very pro-Trump and highly critical of the most idiotic actions and opinions of the Democrats (although still criticizing the Republicans and the conservatives when they did something unusually and egregiously stupid.) He would very often praise and defend the police when they did something right or were not guilty of any wrongdoing (while being accused by the left of such), but likewise criticized the police when they did commit a clear violation of their duty. While he very often ridiculed and made fun of social justice and their crazy antics, to my recollection, from all the videos I have seen, he never outright distorted, cherry-picked or straw-manned their position, but always acknowledged what their actual positions are, gave credit we...

The new leftist buzzword: "Democracy"

It's rather curious how during the last few months it appears that according to the mainstream media, leftist politicians and political influencers, everything that conservatives and anti-SJWs do is now a "threat to democracy". The mainstream media, especially in the United States, has been repeating that mantra over and over during the past few months. Everything they don't like is now a "threat to democracy". Of course they don't give a flying fuck about actual democracy. It's just a fashionable buzzword. This fact is quite emphasized by their blatant biased and partisan use of that accusation. After all, how many times have you heard the mainstream media or any leftist politician state that it's a "threat to democracy" when radical leftists roam the streets harassing and physically assaulting people for their political opinions, ie. engaging in political violence? For all the media is concerned, that's not a "threat to democ...

The huge irony of Strafgesetzbuch section 86a

The German Strafgesetzbuch (Criminal Code) section 86a outlaws the "use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations". This includes all kinds of Nazi, Communist and Islamist symbols such as flags, icons and even songs (not just the words of the song, but the melody itself.) The idea of banning symbols of "unconstitutional organizations" is a huge oxymoron, just like "free speech zone" (which is oxymoronic because it restricts "free" speech into tight boundaries) or "private government property" (by definition government property is not private property in a democratic country). One of the core principles of a Constitution is that it protects the right to political opinions and criticism, even (and especially) when those opinions and criticism are targeted against the political system and even the Constitution itself. One of the most fundamental principles of a Constitution, and constitutional ideals, is that it protects the right to...