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What happened to Fox News?

In several previous blog posts titled "What happened to (such-and-such)" I have always written about people or entities that used to be very reasonable and have very good and fair opinions, who have then turned into complete zealots and bigots with absolutely idiotic changes in their opinions and attitudes, most usually by contracting Trump Derangement Syndrome and turning into the worst kind of totalitarian regressive leftists.

In this case, however, the "conversion" seems to be in the other direction. What once used to be a ridiculously and laughably biased and dishonest entity has become the only voice of reason.

Fox News is an American news channel that's notoriously (and rather unusually) conservative and Republican. For decades they were pretty much the laughing stock of both Americans and non-Americans alike (pretty much regardless of one's political opinions, with the exception of ultra-conservative Americans). They were constantly spouting the most ridiculous political conspiracy theories, were constantly and relentlessly attacking whatever Democrat president or senator they had their targets on with the most ridiculous of accusations and lies, and overall were so deeply and utterly biased towards American conservatism that it was hard to decide whether to laugh at them or cry. Nobody outside the extreme conservative side took them seriously.

Yet, somehow, as incredible as it sounds in retrospect, it appears that the tables have turned completely around.

Now it's pretty much all the other news networks, especially CNN and MSNBC at the forefront, but most of the others not much behind them, who have turned into "the Fox News of the left". They are the ones who are now constantly, constantly, spouting out ridiculous political conspiracy theories and relentlessly attacking heads of state and politicians they don't like with the most ridiculous and laughable accusations and lies, who have thrown even the semblance of journalistic integrity to the trashcan, and who are so one-sided, partisan and biased that it would be hilarious if it weren't so scary.

Somehow now Fox News seems to be the only voice of reason among the big media in the United States. At least in comparison. They are still biased and partisan, of course, but their tone seems to have somehow naturally turned significantly towards being more reasonable, and to presenting more unbiased facts rather than accusations and distortions. (They are still probably still guilty of that to some extent, but it appears to me that the proportion between unbiased facts and distorted false claims seems to have drastically changed.)

A mere ten years ago I would have never thought in a million years that I would actually start supporting Fox News. Yet here I am. Everything has turned upside down.
