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Is the American Democratic Party guilty of sedition?

Donald trump is currently in the midst of an absolutely massive witch hunt and political persecution by the American Democratic Party, who are doing everything in their power to have him removed from office, by any means they can.

It's rather obvious to anybody, including the Democrats themselves, that they absolutely don't give a flying fuck about any phone calls by Trump, or whatever was said, or whatever was or was not meant by what was said. That particular phone call is just a convenient excuse. They are desperately grasping at straws to find anything they can to pin on Trump to have him impeached, and they absolutely don't care what it is. Collusion with Russia? Quid pro quo with the Ukrainian president? Obstruction of justice? They don't care what it is, as long as they can try to impeach Trump with it. If they could impeach him for eating two scoops of ice cream when the menu said only one, they would absolutely do it. The "crime" itself is completely inconsequential; they don't care what "crime" they can pin on him. What they want is to remove him from office.

In other words, this is most certainly, clearly and absolutely not a case of "the current President has committed a serious crime; is it serious enough that he should be impeached?" No. It's a case of "we want the President impeached and removed from office no matter what the cost and what the means. What crime can we find to pin on him, so that he could be impeached?"

Or, in other words, the motivation is removing him from office. Whatever crime they can dig up and pin on him is just the means to that end.

I think this fulfills the definition of sedition.

At a very minimum, this is undemocratic behavior by the Democratic Party, because they do not accept the will of the people, who voted the President into office, and are trying to circumvent this public vote by removing said elected official from office by any means they can.
