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Showing posts from July, 2020

The difference between Finnish and American police

In 2019 a group of activists in Finland tried to stop a new mine from being opened by, among other things, blocking the road to the site, and stopping the mining equipment from being used by standing on top of it. They were arrested and all of them are being prosecuted now. It is illegal in Finland to force someone to do something or stopping someone from doing something by the use of violence or intimidation, without the proper legal authority to do so. The maximum possible sentence for this (in the worst cases) is two years in prison. In the interim time, almost immediately after having been arrested in 2019, all of these people were issued restraining orders: They were not allowed go to any of the sites of the mining company. You see, here in Finland, at least so far, the police actually enforces the law . "Protesting" does not somehow liberate you from the responsibility of following the law. Breaking the law does not somehow become less criminal if done in the name of &q

Why the Nordic prison system does not deter migrant crime

The so-called Nordic Countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and, depending on the definition, Iceland) have been extremely peaceful and prosperous since World War II ended, raising from the ashes and becoming some of the most peaceful and socially and technologically advanced free democratic countries in the world, with some of the best welfare systems and social safety nets of all countries. For these reasons crime rates in these countries in this time period (ie. since the end of the war to about the 1980's and 1990's) have been relatively low, and the types of crimes tend to be relatively low-key. While there are, of course, many heinous and horrendous crimes, they have always tended to be extraordinarily rare, and the vast, vast majority of crime has tended to be rather petty, often in the form of physical altercations (especially among drunken people), petty theft, reckless or drunken driving, spouse beating and so on. Even when it comes to much more serious crimes l

"They" as a singular pronoun is dehumanizing

I have written before that, even though spoken languages change naturally over time, and sometimes new words are invented or new meanings attached to existing words in order to fill a need to describe something new, the case of trying to make the word "they" the gender-neutral pronoun in English is done for all the wrong political reasons , via massive social engineering. I also wrote another post where I gave a rather egregious example of this social engineering in action . Matt Parker is a youtuber and math popularizer who for years has made really entertaining and high-quality videos (and who is a regular at the Numberphile youtube channel .) He has made some of my all-time favorite videos, which show the entertaining side of maths. For example The Best Square in New York , and There is only One True Parabola (both of which I highly recommend). For some reason he has become quite a prolific activist (I don't know if deliberately or unwittingly) at forcing the use of t

The eerie warning of Jonestown

Jonestown was a settlement in the Guyana established by the Christian cult Peoples Temple. It became infamous in 1978 because of the mass murder/suicide by the cult members that killed a total of 918 people. The Wikipedia page describing the settlement has some really interesting tidbits I'd like to quote here. Just read: As 500 members began the construction of Jonestown, the Temple encouraged more to relocate to the settlement. Jones saw Jonestown as both a "socialist paradise" and a "sanctuary" from media scrutiny. Jonestown was held up as a benevolent communist community, with Jones stating: "I believe we're the purest communists there are." Jones' wife, Marceline, described Jonestown as "dedicated to live for socialism, total economic and racial and social equality. We are here living communally." Jones wanted to construct a model community and claimed that Burnham "couldn't rave enough about us, the wonderful things we

Minneapolis, the perfect example why social justice doesn't work

Far-leftist Trump-hating social justice warriors who think that all conservatives are literally nazis (not just figuratively or as a hyperbole, but literally nazis, of the exact same type that existed in Germany in the late 1930's) are violently pushing for their political ideology to become the only kind of government for the country, creating the perfect utopia and ending inequality and injustice. The thing is, we don't need to just hypothesize and guess what would happen if they get in power. We already have several examples of this. Minneapolis may be the best example of them all. The city council, everybody in power, is not only 100% Democrat, but they are very far-left and hold very social justice ideological views. Pretty much every single policy that the far left is pushing, they have passed in Minneapolis. Social services, tax-paid subsidized housing, raising minimum wage, social programs to help "minorities"... Pretty much every talking point of the far lef

The far left can't help but unwittingly be white supremacists

In a previous blog post I commented how the feminist activist Thomas Smith, in a debate against Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin, essentially stated that if people's freedoms were maximized, if everybody were treated equally and given the same opportunities and freedoms, white people would naturally raise to the top and take all positions of power, and thus the only way to stop that from happening is to limit the freedoms of white people and discriminate against them. This is not liberal rhetoric. This is not humanist rhetoric. This isn't even leftist rhetoric. This is pure white supremacist rhetoric. This is something that bona fide white supremacist say and believe. (When Carl called him out for being "a white supremacist with a guilty conscience", he was baffled, as he couldn't understand what Carl was saying. He was being a white supremacist completely unwittingly.) In another post I commented how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unwittingly stated that al

The American police just can't help but be corrupted PoS's

Some weeks ago a group of loud protestors in St Louis broke the gate to a fenced private residential area and entered illegally, and refused to leave when told to, ie. were officially trespassing. A couple living in one of the homes close to the gate were so fearful for their safety that they retrieved a couple of (completely legally owned and licensed) firearms and when to their front yard with them, to tell the invaders to go away. The protesters broke several laws, including destruction of private property, breaking in, and trespassing. The homeowners broke no laws whatsoever. How many of these protesters were arrested for their crimes? Not one. Nada. Zero. Instead, not only did the police start an investigation on the homeowners, but they in fact raided their home and seized all their firearms. Even though there was absolutely nothing illegal about those firearms, or them owning them. Some days ago I wrote a message to the United States police about why they get no sympathy from m

Predictions for the near future, part 20

I already alluded to this a couple of blog posts ago , but let's reiterate it and make it an "official" prediction of mine for the near future: The regressive far-left terrorists have become so emboldened during the last four years, at an ever-accelerating rate, that there is no limit to what they will end up demanding, and what they will end up claiming as "racist" and "white supremacy" and to demand it be destroyed, no matter how ridiculous it may sound. This will include the very Constitution of the United States. I guarantee with 100% certainty that in the very near future they will claim in the United States that the Constitution is a racist document, written by racist slave-owners, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a "white supremacist" system that oppresses minorities and keeps white people in power. They will claim that the First Amendment is racist because free speech allows "silencing" minorities and for &

I was wrong about the left's narrative about Trump's presidency

In April of 2018 I made the prediction that if Trump gets to the end of his presidential term and none of the things that the SJWs with Trump Derangement Syndrome predicted would happen end up happening (as they won't), such as the country becoming a totalitarian fascist regime, instead of admitting having been wrong, they will instead argue that it was their activism that stopped Trump from doing those things, thus justifying this activism. Well, it turns out that I was wrong in my prediction. Instead of doing what I expected, the regressive far left has been doing something much simpler and stupider. What have they been doing, and will keep doing for as long as Trump remains president, and probably years after? They are pretending that every single thing they predicted is actually happening. They don't care that they can't present any evidence of it, they still keep claiming that all of their predictions were true. For four years now, and for the foreseeable future,

I think the United States is going to split into two countries

In November of last year I pondered what would happen if the United States were to split into two countries , a prospect that I didn't consider completely out of the realm of possibility even back then. Due to the latest events, and the speed at which the totalitarian left is gaining power, I'm becoming more and more certain that this split is imminent. It may take some years, perhaps a decade or two, but I'm already seeing it coming. The split will happen because the totalitarian left will gain absolute power in the United States and start dismantling everything that makes America America, starting from its very foundation, ie. the very Constitution of the United States. If and when the totalitarian left gains absolute power, much of the Constitution will be amended, repealed and changed. Assuming the entire Constitution isn't just scrapped and declared null and void. With it will go all of the basic human rights of the population, starting with the Bill of Rights (ie

My message to the United States police forces

This is my message to all the police forces and police officers in the United States. For over four years now you have watched from the sidelines while masked terrorists have been roaming the streets and breaking the law, right in front of you, and done nothing about it. For over four years now you have directly witnessed these rich middle-class larpers disrupt traffic, disturb the peace, vandalize and destroy property, harass and even assault people, and have done nothing about it. For over four years now you have had people on the streets, who have been harassed and attacked by these terrorists, come to you to plead for help, and you have just watched, doing nothing. For four years now you have allowed all these crimes to happen, and done nothing to stop it or arrest the criminals. You have been too afraid to do anything to a bunch of rich middle-class larping kids, and allowed them to break the law and harass and assault people, and break all other kinds of laws, without doing anyth

Social engineering in action: The word "they"

I wrote earlier why the word "they" is being artificially and forcefully pushed onto the English language as "the gender-neutral singular pronoun" for all the wrong political reasons. The scary thing is that it works. It's currently the perfect example of bona fide social engineering: Artificially and deliberately affecting and modifying the wider society, how people behave or how they speak, for a particular purpose (rather than the change forming naturally). Matt Parker is a youtuber and mathematics popularizer. I really like his videos, but it appears that he has either been completely brainwashed by this social engineering, or he's furtively an activist trying to participate in the social engineering himself. He's constantly, and I mean constantly , littering his videos with the word "they" everywhere at every possible moment. Whether deliberately or inadvertently, I don't know. However, it makes his videos a bit annoying to watch. Co

How the left and the media fabricate truths via repetition

On July of 2020 a group of "protesters" were illegally (although with the police deliberately not doing anything to them, as always) blocking an entire highway in Seattle. They had parked two cars blocking the highway, behind a curve. No lights. They were all wearing black. Even though, apparently, the police had blocked off the highway, some random guy had somehow (it's unknown as of writing this how) found a way into the highway, most probably completely unaware of what was happening. As he was driving at full speed along the empty highway, suddenly the two cars blocking the way appeared in front of him. He couldn't stop in time, so he swerved to the right to avoid a collision. Suddenly, behind the cars were people in the middle of the highway, so he swerved left to avoid them. However, he hit two of the people. One of them is now dead. Rather obviously, the regressive left and the mainstream media immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was a "white supr

The real goal of "cancel culture"

For quite many years now, over a decade or so, and at an ever-increasing rate there has existed a coordinated campaign by far-left activists to have people they don't like fired from their jobs and removed from their positions. This has been named with the moniker "cancel culture". Many people think that this is just a form of intimidation and trying to silence people and bully them into submission. An attempt at trying to make people afraid of expressing their dissenting opinions. While that's part of it, that's actually not the ultimate core goal of the tactic. And I believe there seems o actually be scaringly little awareness of this, even among most anti-SJWs and critics. Scaring people into silence is a nice bonus, a nice side-effect, but it's not the actual ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to remove all dissenters from all positions of power and influence. When said, it may sound like a rather simple and self-evident thing. However, I get the impress

No, Disney did not plagiarize Kimba The White Lion

In August of last year I made a blog post about how Disney had plagiarized the Japanese cartoon series Kimba The White Lion with their movie The Lion King. Well, it turns out that pretty much everything I wrote there is bullshit. I pride myself for not easily falling for conspiracy theories, but sometimes I get a taste of humility by, once again, falling for a conspiracy theory. To my shame, I have to admit that I swallowed this one hook, line and sinker. I added a big notice at the beginning of that page stating as much and linking to this post. Like always with such conspiracy theories, it's nothing but carefully cherry-picked tidbits, distortions and misinformation collected into a narrative that sound plausible when isolated from the wider context and all the vast amount of information that contradicts it. This youtube video is 2 hours and 20 minutes long, but I think it's worth watching. It analyses in detail the conspiracy theory and all the claims, and sheds light on w