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J. K. Rowling is getting a taste of her own medicine

I have been saying for years that social justice warriors and their "allies" (which you should never become, seriously) are extremely naive in that they feel safe in their beliefs, stances and, especially, in the groups they associate with, ie. other social justice warriors. They seem unable to understand the totalitarian vindictiveness of their own side: They think they are on the right side of history and thus safe among their own people, and they don't understand nor want to accept that their own side could turn against them at any moment, for any reason. It takes but one single step away from the (ever-changing) rules of their ideology, one single transgression, and the person may quickly find herself a pariah and the enemy, in the blink of an eye. There is absolutely no safety in that group. It's an absolutely precarious group to belong to.

J. K. Rowling has recently got a taste of exactly this.

If not an outright regressive leftist social justice warrior, J. K. Rowling has most definitely become famous for being a full "ally" of the regressive leftist ideology, even going so far as to retcon her own Harry Potter universe to be more pandering to the social justice ideology.

Yet, it takes but one single misstep, one single transgression, and she has become a pariah, and the target of a massive hate and harassment campaign by her own side.

And what was her "transgression", her "crime" against social justice? One single tweet where she presented the opinion that it's wrong for a person to lose her job because she thinks that biological sex exists.

That's it. She didn't even say that she thinks that biological sex exists (which she probably does think, but she didn't say that in the tweet). She just said that it's not right for someone to lose her job just because of her opinion that biological sex exists. A sentiment that I think any sane person ought to agree with (and I most definitely agree with).

The problem is that she defended the "wrong" person. That "wrong" person is a known TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) who is one of the Public Enemies of the regressive leftist ideology, because she thinks that men have no right to invade women's spaces by merely claiming that they are women too, and that lesbian women have the right to refuse sex and relationships with men, even if those men claim to be women.

(One would think that the regressive left would agree with those things. After all, that's quite in concordance with what they believed for decades: Safe spaces for women, where men have no business entering, and women having the inalienable and absolute right to choose who they hook up and have sex with, and who they don't. However, the "trans" people have climbed in the social justice oppression ladder much higher than women in the recent years, and thus they now enjoy significantly more protections than women do, and thus social justice warriors have forgotten about the rights of women that they so furiously defended in the not-so-distant past. The "T" in "LGBT" has overtaken everything else.)

And now, because of that one single tweet, she has become the pariah of the regressive left, and the target of their ire. Not only did she receive a barrage of harassment because of that tweet, they are now digging up dirt from her past to smear her even more. She has become the enemy, in the blink of an eye.

J. K. Rowling, I hope you have learned something. You probably won't, but I hope you do.
