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Is Games Done Quick organized by SJWs?

I have written in past blog posts (such as here and here) about why I have stopped following and supporting the Games Done Quick marathons because, among several other things, it's quite clearly run by regressive leftist ideologues who are pushing a leftist feminist agenda onto their viewers for social engineering purposes.

But what do I base this claim on? How do I know they are run by regressive leftist social justice ideologues? Sure, they impose ridiculously harsh punishments for even the smallest of transgressions, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are SJWs. It may just mean that they are trying to be as corporate-friendly and advertiser-friendly as possible. And sure, they have had time and again that one transvestite as a host and commentator, but maybe they are just open-minded, non-prejudiced, and that person was genuinely the best for that job from all the other candidates. Who am I to say that he was chosen because of identity politics ideology rather than merit? I certainly wasn't there when they made the hiring decision. And sure, they have put several times "trans" speedrunners front and center, but that may just be that they don't discriminate. Whoever is a good speedrunner can have an opportunity to get into the marathon.

Well, let me present you a rather decisive piece of evidence. GDQ is currently, as I'm writing this, streaming an off-season mini-marathon on Here's a screenshot:

What's so telling in this screenshot? Well, let me draw your attention to it, if you didn't notice:

"But hey", someone might say, "that's just some minor off-season special stream. That doesn't mean they would do that in the main AGDQ/SGDQ streams". Well, the AGDQ is currently in progress, and what do you know...

Need I even say more?
