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Showing posts from June, 2022

The biggest misconceptions and lies about the repeal of Roe v Wade

The repeal of the so-called Roe v Wade federal ruling in the United States by the Supreme Court was quite surprising and came a bit out of the blue, and quite unsurprisingly caused a complete meltdown on the far left and the Democratic Party of the United States. (Many conservatives like to joke about this like "they haven't been this upset since we abolished slavery", which I find genuinely funny. (For context: It was indeed the Democratic Party that back in the day opposed the 13th and 15th Amendments and the abolition of slavery.)) Also unsurprisingly there are myriads of misconceptions and outright lies told about this decision. Some of these misconceptions are actually held by the conservatives. By far the most blatant misconception is the notion that this decision bans abortion in the United States. It does no such thing. The only thing it does is that now the Federal government can no longer mandate abortion laws onto the states, and thus each individual state can

How is it possible to indoctrinate so many people so profoundly?

When you look enough at what the modern far left is doing in western society, one has to wonder how so many people can be so profoundly indoctrinated into such a bigoted hateful racist discriminatory ideology, and how are they seemingly completely unable to see how horrendous their ideology is. As I have written previously we have become a society where white people applaud and cheer with pure joy and schadenfreude the idea that white people may become a minority in western countries . A society where so many people, including many white people, consider white people to literally be a sub-human sub-species that's separate from the superior races, with racism being encoded in their very DNA (I'm not even kidding or exaggerating). A society where white people, and only white people, are attributed the worst qualities of the human condition, such as the invention and practice of slavery and the colonization, conquest and theft of other people's lands, property and inventions (

Even leftist congress representatives are complete idiots

When the Supreme Court of the United States ruled recently that the (in)famous federal law commonly referred to as "Roe v Wade" was actually not constitutional, and that the Federal government actually shouldn't have a say on what individual states legislate in this matter, the far left in the United States quite unsurprisingly went, once again, completely insane. One of the most idiotic responses to the ruling was that made by Maxim Waters, a congressional representative for California. She said: "To hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them." What's unclear to me is how she figures that happening, exactly. To explain what I mean, let me clarify: Roe v Wade was a Federal law that mandated that every state must allow abortions, under certain conditions (first trimester almost all abortions are legal, no questions asked, second trimester allowed only in certain particular circumstances, third trimester allowed only in extreme circumstances). Meaning that

The rationale for Roe v Wade is actually incomprehensible

The landmark United States Supreme Court decision named "Roe v Wade" (after a famous court case), which forbade the states from banning abortion has been in the news lately because, quite famously, the Supreme Court decided to repeal it (meaning that now each state can decide on their own how they want to legislate the matter). The question that the current Supreme Court handled was whether Roe v Wade is actually constitutional. This is because the original decision for creating the law (by the Supreme Court of the time) was precisely that it's unconstitutional to ban abortion. One could rightly ask how on Earth can the right to abortion be considered a constitutional right? Where exactly does the United States constitution state in any way, shape or form that abortion should be allowed, or that banning abortion is against the constitution? It would have been one thing to say that the constitution takes no stance on the matter, and thus it's not a question of constitu

Abortion compared to slavery

In the wake of the unprecedented (and rather surprising) landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court to abolish the famous Roe v. Wade legislation (which mandates at the federal level that all states must provide abortion services to all women, the abolition of this legislation meaning that now each state can decide on their own what they want to legislate with regards to this), some people have compared abortion to slavery, which I think is actually quite insightful. Slavery in its most extreme form, very much including that which happened in the United States, means that one person fully owns another person as his private property, and the slave has essentially no rights of any kind. Because the slave is property, that means that the slave owner can do whatever he wants with that property, as with any property. That very much includes killing the slave, if the slave owner so chooses. Since the slave is his property, he can perfectly well do that, and nobody has

The irony (and hypocrisy) of the alphabet community

Consider the state in which the western world is at the moment: Universities and academia are almost 100% far-leftist "intersectional feminist" "progressive" one million percent pro-LGBwhateveralphabet. In many if not most western countries all lower-level schools are likewise invaded by the ideology and in many schools this is being actively and regularly taught to students (at an ever-increasing pace). Dissent is not allowed, and any form of dissent is opposed extremely aggressively (sometimes even with actual physical violence towards the dissenter, even ending up in hospitalization). And because universities are almost 100% far-leftist, so is the scientific community. By far and large any dissent from the ideology is absolutely not tolerated, and any prominent scientist making even the slightest remark that goes against the far-leftist doctrine, no matter how mild, will be shunned, harassed and kicked out. The press, and the mainstream media in gen

The priorities of the British police

For quite many years now the British police has become quite infamous for having become the morality police for the modern far left. The situation is worsened by the fact that there's pretty much nothing protecting the citizens from the arbitrary whims of the police forces. After all (and perhaps a bit surprisingly) the United Kingdom does not have a Constitution. A Constitution usually protects the rights of the citizens (such as the right to free speech) and limits what kinds of laws government can pass, and what the police can do. Not in the UK. There the police can decide at a whim what kind of speech is allowed and what kind of speech you will be arrested for. Indeed, citizens in the UK have been investigated and even arrested by the police by the thousands every year for such "crimes" as "misgendering" someone online, for making some minor controversial jokes in some private online group, and even for merely liking a particular tweet (not even writing it,

Modern western society is inherently misandrist

Whenever there's any sort of celebration or commemoration of women, or mothers, or any sort of message being conveyed about women or mothers in mainstream media (such as advertisements of a product for women) there isn't even one single instance, none, of a piece of media doing this that would in any way, shape or form criticize women/mothers, or admonish them in any way, or tell them what they should be doing or reminding them about their responsibilities and duties in society. Take any piece of media, any sort of PSA, or celebratory video or TV segment, or any advertisement (which is either commemorating the special day, or selling a product for women), and it will always be completely positive and celebratory of women. Now contrast that to similar events or ads about men, or fathers. For example those broadcast on or around Fathers' Day. Or any sort of advertisement for a male product (such as a shaving razor, for example). While there are, of course, a lot of videos tha

Why do even reputable scientists get fooled into the UFO nonsense?

I have written about this very subject in a few past blog posts, but given how prevalent the current UFO delusion is becoming, even among some reputable and very known scientists, I think it deserves rehashing. As mentioned in a recent blog post of mine , in the last year or two the United States government has started releasing video footage of unidentified phenomena that has been caught on camera during training exercises, missions and so on, and has launched some inquiries into trying to find out what those things are, and all this has become so convincing that now even some reputable scientists, including physicists, have become "converted" into UFO believers. Many of them no longer question whether they are physics-defying flying aircraft, and their only question is whether they are man-made or extraterrestrial in origin, and whether they pose a danger to us. Likewise I wrote how this is just complete nonsense, based on blurry videos (often in the infrared spectrum, mak

University professor vs. far-leftist cult members

While browsing YouTube I happened to come across this snippet of some kind of conversational experiment made by some sociologist in front of some Portland State University, when a mob of indoctrinated far-leftist students first started shouting at him and giving him the middle finger from the roof of the building, and after a while went to confront him directly: CONFRONTATION at Portland State University: Did I Harm Students By Asking This Question? While they (rather unusually) did not resort to violence, pay special attention to how the leftist mob speaks. What they are saying. What's happening is not a discussion among a group of people, with each presenting their own personal opinion, which may differ (slightly or strongly) from the opinion of some of the other people present. They are not presenting their own thoughts, they are not discussing anything that the other members of the mob are saying. There is zero disagreement between the members of the mob, no matter how slight.

Why is the British police allowed to let rapists go free?

For years and years, especially about ten years ago, the far-leftist feminists went on and on and on about how there's a rape culture in our society, where men raping women is seen as a lesser of a crime and where police officers and other officials routinely disbelieve women who have been raped and let rapists go free. For years and years this was considered by far-leftist social justice warriors as one of the biggest crimes in modern western society. There were huge campaigns and protests to rectify this, and many times there were huge over-reactions to alleged rape cases, especially in university campuses (back ten or so years ago there were several infamous high-profile cases of far-leftist university students organizing violent protests over rape accusations that in the end turned out to be completely false, and the accused men completely innocent of any wrongdoing.) One of the slogans that feminists of the time loved to push was "listen and believe". Women who claim

It's sad that even many reputable scientists are now UFO believers

It is said by many people, even some reputable scientists, that in the last few years there has been a significant shift in what can be called ufology. They say that we no longer wonder if all that footage of purported UFOs is real or not, and instead the question is now whether they are an actual threat to us or not, whether they are human-made or extraterrestrial. As in, there is no question anymore whether the footage is about actual physics-defying aircraft. There indeed has been a radical shift in ufology. But not that kind of shift. The radical shift is that now even many reputable scientists have been successfully fooled into believing nonsense. Where previously the vast majority of scientists just dismissed all those UFO claims as mere speculation based on unreliable eyewitness testimony and blurry videos with no actual believable tangible evidence, now more and more reputable scientists have become convinced that those things are real flying physics-defying devices. More and m

The racist mass indoctrination of western countries is mind-boggling

Imagine that you were in, say, Namibia, and you are watching a talk show on TV with a live audience, and at one point the host says to the audience that according to official estimates black people will become a minority in Namibia by the year 2040, and the audience, the vast majority of whom are black Namibians, erupts in cheers and applause. From the context it's clear that this is not some kind of sketch show, or parody, or anything like that, but that both the host and the audience are completely serious about it. That would be highly bizarre, to say the least. Why are they cheering this? Or suppose that you were in Japan, and in such a talk show the host says that Asian people will become a minority in the country by 2050 or so, and the audience, which consists mainly of Japanese people, likewise erupts in cheers and applause, clearly celebrating that announcement like it were the best news they have heard in quite a while. Again, from the context it's clear it's not s

The treatment of detransitioners proves the left is full of BS

One of the major mass delusions arguments of the far left is that both gender and even biological sex, and the notion of the gender binary, are nothing but "social constructs", there's no such thing, it's a vast spectrum, and people are not fixed to one particular form of gender or sex. If a biological male says that he's a woman, then he must be considered a woman, period (or else you'll be harassed and physically assaulted). If a biological female says that she's a man, then she must be considered a man, period. The individuals word on this is gospel, and it must not be doubted or questioned under any circumstance. Moreover people must be supported and encouraged to define their own gender, sex and sexuality. If a person wants to "transition" from one sex to another, that decision must be supported and helped in every possible way. It doesn't matter what they are transitioning to, it must be supported and accepted. And, above everything el

The Gnome Project policies are outright cringe

Gnome is a Linux desktop environment developed by the Gnome Foundation. The Gnome Foundation has since many years ago been completely taken over by radical leftists who unashamedly tell you in their "Code of Conduct" document that they will not discriminate based on race or sex... except if you are white and "cis", in which case you are free to be insulted, derided, harassed and discriminated against by "minorities" and they will do jack squat about it. (Just imagine applying for a job somewhere, and at the end of the job interview the interviewer asked you if you are heterosexual. You'll probably be quite puzzled about it and wonder where's that coming from and why he's asking, but after you answer in the positive the interviewer tells you that "ok, just note that since you are white and heterosexual, don't even bother reporting any harassment or discrimination against you. Don't expect us to do anything about it. You are white an

Doctors who mutilate children are monsters

I have written about this before, but I would like to reiterate: If you are a medical doctor who performs "sex change" surgeries and unnecessary mastectomies on minors, you are a monster, you are no better than Josef Mengele, and you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and abuse of children, and thrown in the deepest pits of jail for the rest of your life. My only hope is that decades from now society will look back at these times, and at you, with complete disgust and revulsion, even more so than today we look back at the times of lobotomies and trepanning. I really, really wish that if that happens, and you live to those days, you are prosecuted and thrown to jail for the rest of your miserable life, and that you are abused in jail just like you are now abusing children. Any lawmaker, judge, and any other kind of official who explicitly allows and promotes this should also be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You are no better than those Nazi officers who

It's once again time to vocally disparage "Pride Month"

Celebrations, holidays and parades usually celebrate either a day that's considered somehow traditionally or religiously significant (such as Christmas), or events of great positive significance (such as the country gaining independence), or people who have achieved great accomplishments for the betterment of society or the country, or which have brought a lot of fame and recognition to the country, worthy of celebration. There are only two types of holidays that celebrate a minority of people for merely existing, merely for what they are even though they may have never done anything of any significance for the betterment of society. Holidays that were created solely to celebrate and bolster the ego of a person or small group of people, rather than what they have done. Those would be holidays created to celebrate a dictator, and Pride Month. "Pride Month" started initially as just individual parades. Then it became "Pride Day". Then it eventually became "Pr