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Donald Trump has been impeached by a complete kangaroo court

So finally the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump.

Note that being impeached does not mean being removed from office. It simply means that the House of Representatives has effectively decided to "sue", so to speak, Donald Trump, and the "court" that decides whether to convict him or not (ie. remove him from office and impose whatever additional sanctions) is the Senate. In other words, being impeached means that Trump will go "on trial" to the Senate. The Senate will then decide whether to remove him from office or not. (The chances that they will seem quite slim, but that's what the situation currently is).

The whole impeachment vote in the House of Representatives was 100% partisan, and essentially just a kangaroo court. Not one single Republican representative voted for impeachment, and every single Democrat representative, with the exception of one, voted in favor of it. Because the Democrats have currently a majority in the House, that means that Trump was therefore impeached.

I really have to commend that one solitary Democrat representative who had the courage to go against the party line. If he were in my presence I would shake his hand. That guy has balls, and the only Democrat with an actual spine. (My admiration for that guy doesn't really come from him having "voted the right way", but from his incredible courage for going against the party line in the current political climate. That requires balls.)

As for the rest of them... as I wrote in an earlier post, they don't give a flying fuck about the actual "crime" is, or how flimsy the evidence may be. They only want Trump removed from office. They don't care about democracy, the people's vote, or anything. What they are trying to do is, pretty much in essence, a borderline coup d'etat. Abusing the legal system to try to remove the Head of State from office by using any excuse they can find, no matter what.
