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Predictions for the near future, part 18

This will be a slightly different post in this "predictions for the near future" series in that it will not deal with the regressive left and their ideology... but with their critics, the "anti-SJWs".

I have mentioned this already in a couple of past blog posts, but I have noticed a trend, perhaps slightly worrying trend, among the anti-SJW skeptic community (especially on YouTube). The more the regressive left gains power, and the more totalitarian and draconian they become, the more they are pushing their critics away. Away towards which direction? Towards conservatism.

American conservatism in particular.

As I have been saying many times, American conservatives are very right in some things, but also very wrong in others. The worrying thing is that when anti-SJW skeptics agree with American conservatives on those things they are right, and the more the regressive left pushes them further into conservatism, the more palatable everything that American conservatives say becomes. Even those things that the average "centrist" and "classical liberal" anti-SJW doesn't really believe in.

One example of how I have been noticing a slight shift in attitudes among this crowd is in their attitude towards guns and gun ownership. I am not saying that gun ownership is a good or a bad thing (it's not really my point here), but I have noticed that more typical "European style" liberal anti-SJWs who have traditionally had a very European stance on this (ie. they think that gun ownership should be heavily regulated and restricted) are slowly but surely becoming more and more positive towards gun ownership.

Again, I'm not saying whether this is a good or a bad thing. I'm simply noticing a shift in attitudes towards American conservatism.

Another somewhat similar example is their attitude towards Christianity and the (at least alleged) "Christian values" (or, as American conservatives love to say "Judeo-Christian values"). Again, I'm not saying this is a good or a bad thing, but I have likewise noticed slight hints of attitude changes towards Christianity in particular among some anti-SJW skeptics (which might be motivated not only because of the regressive left, but because of radical Islam and the Islamic culture.)

Anti-SJWs, especially those who are not Americans (or those who are but are openly not Republicans), tend to be atheists. Many of them are quite open with this (and of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with it). However, in a few cases I have seen over the years a slight change in tone when it comes to Christianity.

In fact, I actually made a prediction in the comment section of a video by Sargon of Akkad (I don't remember what the exact subject was, but I think it was about climate change and his slight apparent skepticism of it), saying that I wouldn't be at all surprised if over the next few years he started at some point making videos where he would be saying things along the lines of him having gained new appreciation for Christianity, and the Christian values and culture. Probably not that he is a full-on Christian now, but that he has become sympathetic and perhaps even supportive of Christians (and, perhaps implicitly, American conservative Christians in particular).

(Again, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, just that I am noticing a change in attitudes and principles among some anti-SJWs towards American conservatism.)

Perhaps the most worrisome aspect of this is that many anti-SJWs, way too many, seem to have become sympathetic towards the climate change conspiracy theories that American conservatives love so much.

The problem with counter-reacting to regressive leftist activism is that sometimes you go too far, and start opposing things that are actual real problems. Essentially, the regressive left ends up poisoning even real problems, and pushing non-SJWs to the opposite side, when they really shouldn't.

So, in summary, my prediction for the near future is that all these, and other archetypal American conservative ideas, will become more and more popular among anti-SJW skeptics, for good or bad, depending on the issue, even when these ideas go contrary to what these skeptics originally believed in.


  1. if you keep going east you end up in west. anything which goes to extreme ends up its opposite.


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