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Showing posts from February, 2022

The left can't help but constantly lie: Addendum

Continuing a bit from my previous blog post , two quite prominent examples where the far left, very much including the mainstream media, targeted two individual people with constant lies and distortions are the cases of Nicholas Sandmann and, especially, Kyle Rittenhouse. Nicholas Sandmann, a student of the Covington Catholic high school, was the main target of harassment by the American mainstream media when a short out-of-context video clip was circulated online where, apparently, he was bullying a native American, and being smug about it. Most far-left mainstream media publications, including the largest ones (ie. CNN and MSNBC) jumped to create a completely false narrative of this event. (In reality what actually happened was the exact opposite: It was the native American, alongside a bunch of black people from the Black Hebrew Israelites, a highly antisemitic extremist cult, were the ones who were harassing the highschoolers, who just stood there doing pretty much nothing. The ful

The left can't help but to constanly lie about their opponents

The list of "hate crime" hoaxes, especially in the United States, is surprisingly long. In other words, cases of apparent "hate crimes", usually in the form of something extremely (and often suspiciously stereotypically) racist writing against black people appearing somewhere (suspiciously often at a university campus), being actually committed by leftists, most often a black person. And I'm not here referring to alleged hoaxes (ie. the culprit is never found and someone merely claims it was just a hoax). I'm referring to confirmed hoaxes, with very strong evidence (such as direct video evidence, or the direct confession of the perpetrator). Good luck trying to find these lists in mainstream media, though. But you can find them if you dig enough. One would think that if there indeed was as much racism and racist incidents in the United States as they claim, they wouldn't need to create their own fake incidents, and they could just point at the real on

Female athletes are stupid

Once again a controversy has happened in professional sports when a man (yes, man, you cannot call him anything but a man, a male) has participated in several women's swimming competitions and not only won several events by a huge margin, but broken local and global records. This is but the latest instance of men robbing women of their prizes and titles, using their naturally stronger physique to easily outcompete even the strongest and fastest female athletes. The examples of this happening is ever-growing. Time after time outright mediocre male athletes are claiming to be "women", competing in women's sports events, and beating them easily. In many cases the difference between the first and second places is just ridiculously large. The women simply have no chance. It wasn't even so long ago that the far left would have been outraged about this. A man not only invading "women's spaces", but abusing his physique to easily beat women and rob them of

Do Covid-19 vaccines kill people?

For some reason strong aversion towards the Covid-19 vaccine in particular seems to be extremely common among American conservatives, and people around the world with similar conservative values. (For the record, I don't consider myself exactly a conservative, but I do share a lot of the same values, ie. most of the core values of Classical Liberalism. So in a sense that kind of makes me some kind of exception to the rule.) Among the myriads of (most often completely unsubstantiated) claims about the vaccine, people dying of it is among the most common. It seems like almost every American conservative knows someone who has died of the vaccine, or knows someone who knows someone, or knows someone who knows someone who knows someone, or... You get the gist. These claims are almost invariably hard to corroborate because they are just that: Claims. Very rarely do they present any actual proof of it (such as names, obituaries, etc.) But even if the claims are sometimes factual and true

Canada is becoming more and more totalitarian by the day

In free constitutional countries one important fundamental constitutional right is that a person cannot be punished for an action that was not illegal at the time when the action was made. This same human right is also included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 11). In other words, if a government makes a previously-legal action illegal, it cannot retroactively punish someone for having done that action when it was still legal. (There are, obviously, many reasons for this principle, one of the most significant ones being that it stops the government from persecuting an individual by inventing new laws and retroactively punishing that person for "breaking" those laws, even though those actions were not illegal at the time.) Apparently this human right is not in effect in Canada. The government of Canada has frozen the bank accounts of many people who donated small sums of money to the so-called Freedom Convoy. In the vast majority of cases said protest had

Inconvenient perpetrators of hate crimes, addendum 3

Suppose that a neonazi white supremacist in the United States were to enter the office of a Jewish Democrat mayoral candidate and shoot him with the intent to kill, and after the perpetrator was captured and jailed, he walked out of prison on bail within hours. Moreover, suppose that the bail was paid by some major known Republican conservative organization. The far left, including the mainstream media, would go absolutely bonkers. It would be wall-to-wall front-cover news coverage, with CNN and MSNBC news anchors crying on live TV about this uprising of racist antisemitic violence, how it's destroying the country and how the racist neonazis are a danger to everybody. There would be riots. Any offices of that Republican organization would be assaulted, vandalized and destroyed. The perpetrator himself, if he's found out, would probably be assaulted and even murdered. Well, what I described in that first paragraph actually happened... except that it was not a neonazi white supre

What happens when actual workers organize a massive protest?

For pretty much the entirety of the four years of a certain President of the United States, but especially in 2019, when we saw an absolutely massive escalation, and to a large part in 2020, there were widespread violent "protests" at many places in North America, especially the United States. At some places these "protests" saw a massive amount of arson, with many buildings being completely destroyed by intentionally started fires, looting, an absolute massive amount of destroyed property (especially windows), physical assaults, and even a couple dozen of homicides, some of them first-degree murders (done 100% for political purposes against random people who were in no way threatening). Estimates on the amount of property damage done during these "protests" is in the billions of US dollars (many estimates put it in the ballpark of 5 billion dollars.) Of course in addition to these major crimes there was plenty of relatively more minor offenses, such as bl

Difference between SJW vs. anti-SJW YouTube video comment sections

I have written about this very subject before , but I was reminded of this recently when I happened to stumble across a YouTube video that talked something about Donald Trump's IQ, or cognitive tests, or something like that, in a disparaging manner. The contrast between that kind of video, and the kind where some American conservative questions the IQ or cognitive abilities of Joe Biden, is really drastic. As you might guess, I have seen quite many videos of that latter type. In general, the comment section is relatively free of extreme toxicity, hatred and anger. Most comments tend to be humorous, sarcastic and overall lighthearted. Some may call Biden names, but these names are usually relatively tame (especially compared to those that the left uses to describe Trump). Perhaps a bit surprisingly, relatively few comments consist of political activism, such as asking people to vote for Republicans in next elections. Even the few that are usually avoid overt toxicity and an aggressi

What do "gender studies" graduates do for a living?

People often say that if you take primarily "gender studies" (and other similar far-leftist indoctrination) courses in university, you will not have a future, nor a career, and nobody will want to hire you because you have no degree nor experience on anything that's actually useful. In other words, taking gender studies courses in university is just a complete waste of valuable time and money. But this does raise an interesting question: Given the sheer amount of people, especially in the United States, who graduate essentially on "gender studies" alone, what exactly do they do for a living afterwards? What kind of jobs do they get? Do they all become "diversity officers" and grade school teachers indoctrinating children? Surely there can't be that many such positions for the sheer flood of indoctrinated brainwashed drones that universities are spewing by the thousands? Recently we got a glimpse of one answer to this question. Some time ago the C

China and Russia know that the West is crumbling

In 2013 a report was submitted to the director of the United States Department of Defense called " The strategic consequences of Chinese racism: A strategic asymmetry for the United States. " The report describes how China is not only deeply nationalistic and outright racist, but that in fact the government of the country pretty much effectively embraces the racism, promoting the idea of the Chinese people being superior to, especially, black African people. The report contrasts this with the "multiculturalism" of the West, especially the United States. The report surmises that the unity that state-encouraged ultra-nationalism and outright racism can potentially make China a dangerous force against the United States, which is weakening more and more, year after year, because of the racial conflicts, infighting and demoralization of people. The Chinese government wants their citizens to feel proud of their country and their race, so that the entire country is unifie

Leftist doublethink: Sexualization of women

If there's one characteristic of far-leftist "social justice" ideologues, it's that they will change opinions to the complete opposite at the drop of a hat, if the new opinion is currently trending among the SJW circles. You simply cannot expect consistency from them. Today the general narrative may say one thing, and (sometimes quite literally) tomorrow it may say the exact opposite, and the hordes of brainwashed drones will just accept it and start repeating it without question. In many cases this wishy-washy always-changing thinking can go so far as for them to quite literally engaging in Orwellian doublethink: Holding two contradictory positions at the same time. Freely expressing one opinion or the contrary opinion at the drop of a hat, at any moment, depending on the situation (or just at random). There are many examples, but let's talk about a particular one: Their attitude on the "sexualization of women". Or, more in general, the fact that the fa

How you know the far left is full of BS: "Kids in cages"

One of the favorite subjects of the far left in the United States during the last year or two of Trump's presidency was the "kids in cages" at the detention centers along the southern border of the country. They were sooooo worried about this inhuman treatment and crime against humanity. Many called them "concentration camps" and equated Trump's administration to the Nazi party. They just couldn't shut up about it. (Never mind that the detention centers existed for quite long before Trump became president and, quite ironically, many new detention centers were built during Obama's administration, and their role was greatly expanded. No such thing was done during Trump's presidency. His administration did pretty much nothing to change the situation "for the worse". Trump was still blamed for them, and the narrative was such that it gave the impression that the detention centers were created by Trump's administration.) Now that Trump i

The ADL's ever-changing definition of "racism" is racist

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is an international Jewish organization based in the United States that was founded in 1913 to fight against anti-semitism and the defamation of Jewish people. Like many other long-existing human rights organizations (like the ACLU ), their policies, opinions and activism were very agreeable, liberal, humanitarian, egalitarian and based on constitutional principles and ideals for many decades. However, like so many similar organizations (like the ACLU) in the last decade or two it has been overtaken by far-leftist social justice ideologues that have turned it into a fascistic racist anti-egalitarian anti-constitutional institution. (In the last ten or so years it seems almost like they have been in a competition with the ACLU to see which one can come up with the most totalitarian far-leftist positions and ideals.) One telling example of this is their official definition of the term and concept of "racism", which can be found on their website.

The complicated attitude of SJWs towards Jews

In the late 90's / early 2000's, some critics of far leftist multiculturalism coined the term "ethnopositive existence" to describe the Orwellian doublethink of the then-multiculturalist left (a form of doublethink which, in one form or another, has persisted to this day among the radical left). "Ethnopositive existence" means that, in the leftist rhetoric, the existence of "races" depends on the situation: If the existence of different races would somehow put non-white people in a negative light and/or white people in a positive light, or somehow disadvantages (in the eyes of the far left) non-white people, then "race" does not exist and is merely an invention and a fabrication. If, however, the existence of races somehow puts white people in a negative light and/or non-white people in a positive light, or somehow advantages non-white people (either in rhetoric or in actions), then "race" does exist and is a real thing. Over th

There are good reasons why vagrancy etc. are infractions (in most cities)

For quite a long time in most civilized countries, especially the wealthier ones, things like vagrancy, sleeping on the streets, public inebriation, using drugs in public, disturbing the peace, littering, and other such behavior quite typically causes the police to arrive and take such a person away. It's almost a stereotype that the town drunk makes a ruckus and the local police/sheriff arrives to take him to sleep the night at the county jail. Typically the drunkard might get off with a warning or a small fine if it's a repeat offense. These are not crimes per se, but are misdemeanors and/or, typically, against city ordinances. Such city ordinances forbid, for example, sleeping or camping on the streets, public parks, and so on. Likewise littering, throwing trash on the streets, making excessive amount of noise, or in general being a nuisance to people. How strictly public inebriation is allowed depends on the country and the city, but in general public drug use is usually n

Predictions for the near future, part 24

During the last year or so there has been an absolutely incredible push in the United States to start indoctrinating kindegarteners and primary school children into the fascistic racist "social justice" ideology. While this has been going on mostly behind the scenes for quite many years, in the last year or so it has become extremely open, extremely blatant, extremely widespread, and extremely confrontational (with schools openly announcing that they will be teaching these things completely regardless of what the parents or even the government want). One "problem" that these teachers and schools have is that there's actually a way out of it for parents who do not want their kids to be brainwashed and indoctrinated, if these parents can afford it: Homeschooling. Of course not all parents can afford homeschooling (mainly because they have to work and can't just stay home all day), but I predict that they will start doing so in increasing manners. There might e

Transgenderism is not science, it's neo-lysenkoism

In the last year or two the narrative of the far left has become littered with claims about how science is "learning", or "coming to the realization", that gender, or biological sex, or both, are not a "binary". Indeed, this notion has been pushed so hard, even by many scientists, even biologists, that it has become pretty much an indisputable fact, and anybody, especially a scientist, who claims otherwise is just categorically wrong, and has completely antiquated views and ideas, and has yet not "learned" these facts. You can see this narrative more and more often in social media, blogs and YouTube comments. Claims about how "science" this, and "science" that, and how both "science" and society has become aware of this fact. This especially so if such comments are in response to some scientist hinting otherwise. But this "statement of fact" goes beyond just stating it. The narrative is not limited to "