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Showing posts from August, 2019

Two fallacious tactics SJWs love to use to discredit people

If there's one thing that social justice warriors love to do is to attack and try to discredit notable people who are critical of their ideology, no matter how far they have to go to achieve that. If they have to lie and distort, they'll happily do that. There are two methods that they commonly use that are particularly fallacious. Firstly, the guilt-by-association tactic: If they can't point out any particular "crime" or reproachable thing that somebody has done, they will instead try to discredit that person by associating him or her with the "enemy" (the "alt-right", "right-wingers", "nazis", etc), no matter how tenuous and forced that connection may be. For example, if that person eg. follows dozens or even hundreds of people on social media, like Twitter, chances are that at least a few of them are notorious "right-wingers" and public enemies of the regressive left. Therefore the SJWs can point to those an

Some thoughts on sexual harassment at the workplace and the "me too" movement

The so-called "me too" movement is, essentially, a social movement that encourages women who have been sexually harassed in some way, especially at their workplace, to come forward and not be too afraid and intimidated into remain silent about it. Because this movement is seen as (and for large part outright is) part of the current social justice ideology movement, and because it has resulted in so many high-profile abuses and false accusations, and because the anti-SJW skeptics have been talking against it so much, it's very tempting to swing to the opposite extreme and put oneself into an extreme contrarian position where one thinks it's all just hogwash and just another ploy by the SJWs to gain power, and to dismiss all of it outright. However, the situation is more complicated and nuanced than that. It would be naive to think that sexual abuse of women at the workplace, by co-workers or bosses, is extraordinarily rare and almost never happens. It shouldn'

A social justice society would be completely untenable

I commented in my previous blog post about the outright eerie cult-like behavior of SJW socialists at the Democratic Socialists of America convention. As an addendum, I would like to note how absolutely and completely untenable the world they are trying to create would be, as a functioning society. I linked to a 20-minute summary video of the conference. It gives a glimpse to the kind of world that they want to create. If they were to gain absolute power and control, you can see the future of western society in that video. This future would be completely untenable. Society would collapse into its own impossibility. It would be nothing but people being constantly, and I mean constantly , both afraid to offend others, and complaining about others' behaviors, and inventing rule after rule and requirement after requirement. "Don't do this. Don't do that. Don't use these words. Don't make this kind of noise. Don't say this. Don't, don't, don't,

The Democratic Socialists of America are a cult

The Democratic Socialists of America is, essentially, a bona fide full-on Communist Party in the United States, seriously and strongly pushing for socialism and communism in that country (and with a rather scary amount of political power as of recent years, given that they have several members in congress). Recently anti-SJW skeptics noticed that their latest conference was posted on YouTube, and how utterly ridiculous and cringey it was. Many have made videos commenting on it. The original video is like over 2 hours long, so unless you are willing to sit through that insanity, I warmly recommend watching this 20-minute clip show that shows the juiciest (and cringiest) parts of the entire video. There are plenty of videos on YouTube commenting on how ridiculous it is (many of these videos are quite interesting), so I'm not going to repeat those points. I will, however, talk about something that those videos don't seem to: How this shows how much of a cult the Democratic S

How you know that SJWs don't really want equal representation

Whenever there's a majority male representation in something significant, like some leadership role, or some branch of the government or whatever, the SJWs will be constantly whining about "equal representation" and how there's some kind of imbalance that needs to be quickly fixed, and how that particular thing does not represent the population fairly because there's no 50% representation, even though 50% of the population is female. How do we know that's just a lie and an excuse? That they are not actually looking for an "equal representation" that reflects the gender distribution in the general population? Quite easily. Observe carefully what happens when sometimes, in some cases, women become the majority in such a group of people and become over-represented. Do the SJWs then start rallying for more men to be put into those positions, to once again reach the 50-50 representation? Of course not. Suddenly the SJWs fall strangely silent. Sud

I didn't really like Avengers: Endgame

Technically speaking this post contains a few spoilers, so be aware. Avengers: Endgame is the second and final part of the "Infinity War" two-parter, and a culmination of the so-called phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and in many ways of all the three phases so far). It's a rather impactful entry in the entire movie series in the sense that it has, perhaps, the most radical changes to the entire series (with, spoiler alert, actual permanent deaths of several major characters.) The movie broke a whole bunch of box office records, being not only the most successful MCU film of them all, but in fact becoming the most profitable movie of all time (at least if talking about nominal dollars of revenue, ie. not inflation-adjusted), besides breaking all kinds of other box office records (such as fastest to 1 billion dollars of revenue). Because of all these box office records, one would think that it's one of the greatest movies ever made. Yet... I didn

How John Oliver misrepresents medical studies

In a recent episode of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver the eponymous host presented the case that there's bias in medicine with regards to how doctors deal with people based on their sex and race. In particular, he claimed that there are many extensive studies that show such bias. One such paper showed the result that doctors are less likely to prescribe knee replacement surgery to women than men. Another paper showed that doctors are less likely to give opioid analgesics to women than to men. The presentation of these results was sandwiched between clips of people claiming that doctors regularly believe that women are just "faking it" and making stuff up for attention. Thus, the clear implication was that doctors are biased against women, and thus eg. prescribing less operations and less analgesics to them because they are prejudiced against them. As you might guess, John Oliver was very deceitful in this, as he was simply cherry-picking tiny tidbits from those s

In defense of stoicism

For some reason our society has, for quite long (and in fact for much longer than this current social justice ideology craziness went mainstream), had this idea that men should show more emotion than they do, that they should open up about their feelings, that it's ok for men to cry too, that it's bad to bottle up your emotions. Modern feminism did not invent this notion, it just appropriated it (and took it to an extreme, like always, to support their narrative.) Modern social justice feminism has also taken to the extreme the postmodernist notion, based on the so-called tabula rasa , or blank slate, theory, that all people are born completely equal, as complete blank slates, and that every single aspect of a person's personality is learned, and nothing is innate, and therefore men on average being more stoic is a learned trait, taught by the surrounding culture, rather than an innate one. While modern feminism has taken this concept to its extreme, it doesn't really

How "sextortion" scams work

A particular type of scam email spam has become quite prevalent in later years, colloquially called a "sextortion" scam. How it works is pretty simple: You receive an email that alleges to be from a hacker who has allegedly hacked your PC and installed a rootkit/backdoor that allows him total covert control of your PC. Invariably the email will claim that he has taken footage through your webcam of you "pleasuring yourself" to some pornographic videos or websites, and that he will post these videos to all your social media profiles and contacts unless you send an exorbitant sum of money (often in the thousands of dollars) to some bitcoin wallet. Sometimes that's it. However, in many cases the email will actually start by having one of your passwords to some online website (or at least allegedly so). I have so far received three different such emails containing a password, and quite curiously said password has never been one I have ever used anywhere. (I

The unintended consequences of social justice ideology on their critics

For many decades American conservatism and their extreme ideas were a bit of a joke pretty much everywhere else. Likewise Fox News was a complete joke, and widely considered laughably and ridiculously biased. Almost nobody outside of American conservative circles took either very seriously, often just dismissing them as silly at best, destroyers of the world at worst (mainly due to their anti-environmentalist ideology and "gun ho" attitudes). I have noticed that this has been slowly changing, and the main reason is the exponential escalation of the influence of the regressive leftist social justice ideology. The identity politics and totalitarian ideology of the regressive left has become louder and louder by the year, and affected more and more of the politics of almost all western countries, with more and more totalitarian measures being taken. Their rhetoric, which just a mere 10-20 years ago was just extremely fringe, has become mainstream, and big media platforms, co

Getting rid of nuclear energy is going to destroy the world

As I wrote previously , nuclear energy is in a very curious situation where it's pretty much the cleanest form of energy production that exists, and it's the most efficient way of reliably producing vast quantities of it (energy production is not depending on weather conditions, nor time of day or year), and it's one of the safest forms of energy production in existence, when we look at the total number of casualties of different forms of energy production. Nuclear plants themselves produce almost no CO2 emissions at all, and nuclear waste is handled so carefully that it literally causes zero environmental pollution. Nuclear fuel mining does cause pollution, but not any more than the production of any other form of energy production (in other words, there is no cleaner alternative overall, especially when be compare it to the amount of energy produced). Nuclear plant accidents are extraordinarily rare, and the death toll of nuclear energy, when taking into account the numbe

What the Ooblets devs should have done when announcing Epic exclusivity

As I described in my previous blog post , a small controversy in the gaming sphere arose when the small indie game developer team making the upcoming Ooblets game announced that they were going Epic exclusive, did so in a rather condescending and dismissive manner towards their supporters and potential customers, and moreover when the CEO of Epic Games stepped in and fully supported this announcement and its tone. The announcement didn't sit well with the people who have (often monetarily via crowdfunding) supported the development of the game, especially because of the condescending tone used in it. Not only did the supporters get the picture that the developers were selling out, but had become smug and condescending while doing so. It didn't exactly help that one of the developers made it ten times worse in their Discord server when responding to people's criticism and complaints, by doubling down and amping up the condescending and dismissive tone, by personally attac

Why Epic Games Store exclusivity will lower quality of games

Some time ago Epic Games (most famous for the development of the biggest and most popular video game engine that exists, ie. Unreal Engine) entered the market of PC digital distribution platforms, mainly to compete with Valve's Steam. In principle this is a good thing. Competition is good for the consumers, monopolies are bad for the consumers. The more healthy competition there is, the better. This induces the competitors to engage in pro-consumer behavior (while an absolute monopoly status tends to induce corporations to engage in anti-consumer behavior). Of course Steam is not the only digital distribution platform for PC, but it's by far the biggest and most ubiquitous and most expansive. Pretty much all the alternatives (such as the Microsoft Store, Uplay, Origin, and GOG) are extremely limited in what they offer, while Steam offers pretty much every single game that's made for PC (because it simply would make absolutely no sense for a PC game developer to not publ

What's the deal with excessive carbs and obesity?

For quite a long time humanity at large had the concept that eating fat makes you fat, and thus if you eat less fat you won't get fat, and may in fact lose weight. This is quite logical thinking. After all, obesity is the accumulation of fat in the body tissues dedicated to storing said substance. Therefore it only makes sense that if you eat fat it will get stored, and if you don't eat fat, it won't and thus you will not gain weight. Unfortunately, while logical, it's too simplistic, naive, and to a large extent incorrect. While nutritional science has for many decades understood the role of carbohydrates in human metabolism, and its role in weight gain and obesity (as well as a myriad of other things), and while cursory knowledge of this is quite widespread and well known, the vast majority of people still largely ignore it and don't pay much attention to it, and instead they still live in this belief that avoiding dietary fat is the way to salvation, while

Why mass shootings are only going to escalate

Unless you are living under a rock, you have probably heard of the two mass shootings that have, once again, happened in the United States. While mass shootings are a regular thing there, what makes these two stand out from the rest is the seeming motivation of the shooters. At least one of them is apparently a "white nationalist" and was inspired by and had the same motivation as the New Zealand Christchurch shooter (in other words, deliberately escalate the culture war into an actual physical civil war by giving the regressive left exactly what they want in droves and motivating them to enact totalitarian measures.) This is what happens to young men who feel like they have no future, they see no way out, and have been mentally destroyed by the surrounding society and culture. While the vast majority of them just try to cope with it and deal with it the best they can, and some of them go into deep depression and sometimes even suicide, a few of them just say "fuck thi

Why is nuclear energy so maligned?

Nuclear energy is the bogeyman of energy production. Everybody fears it, and country after country is taking steps to get rid of it completely, because it's allegedly so incredibly dangerous and detrimental to the environment. For example Germany has taken as their mission to get completely rid of nuclear energy by 2022, and have already decommissioned dozens of nuclear plants. Currently only about 6% of the energy produced by Germany comes from its remaining nuclear plants. How great! They are on the forefront of saving the planet! How exemplary! Or are they? On the other end of the spectrum we have a very similar country, France. They have 58 active reactors, and more than 80% of their energy consumption comes from nuclear energy. According to World Bank statistics, Germany produces 8.9 metric tonnes of CO2 per capita, while France produces 4.6 metric tonnes of CO2 per capita. One extraordinary thing about nuclear power is that it produces almost no CO2 emissions at al

How Disney got away with blatant plagiarism (The Lion King)

UPDATE: All of the information given below is FALSE. I was misled by a conspiracy theory. I'm only retaining this content because I'm not in the habit of trying to hide my mistakes. See here for more details. Original post: When Disney released their feature-length animated movie The Lion King in 1994, they kept repeating the claim that it was a completely original and unique story by Disney, not based on any previous story (as had been the case with almost all previous Disney animated feature-length movies). Disney still officially keeps making this claim to this day, and the vast majority of people have no reason to believe otherwise, and are completely oblivious. Some people, however, noticed that the movie actually had a striking resemblance to a Japanese animated series, which was originally broadcasted starting from 1965 in Japan, and a year later in the United States. Namely, Kimba the White Lion. In fact, when The Lion King premiered in Japan, many people there imme