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Is the damage done by the regressive left reversible?

Some people have made the comment on the current political climate and the ever-growing raise in power of the regressive left that this is most probably just another passing phase, not dissimilar to similar political movements and raises in power in the past. The history of most countries, including western countries, are littered with attempted revolutions and raises to power, small and large, some with more success and others with less. However, pretty much always after the turmoil has passed things eventually returned to the normal free democratic constitutional forms of government and society. In the worst cases it required perhaps years of reconstruction and economic rebuilding (such as the big wars), and in others the revolutionary movement just faded into obscurity because people stopped being interested and paying attention (such as the hippie movement of the 60's and 70's). But eventually everything returned to normal.

Thus, they say, this sociopolitical revolution that's attempting a de facto coup d'etat of the western world, will probably just pass in the next few decades and everything will eventually just return to normal. It might take some time, but that's probably what will happen. People will eventually get sick of the tyranny and totalitarianism, and outright vote the tyrants out of all positions of power.

I'm not so hopeful, though. That's because there's one quite big difference between this sociopolitical revolution and all the ones in the past. A difference that's almost unique in the history of humanity, I would say. (I'm no historian, so I could well be wrong, but believe this to be the case.)

Namely: None of those past revolutions and attempts at grab of power brought millions and millions of immigrants from completely different and incompatible cultures and ideologies to the affected countries.

The situation nowadays is unique in that the current world has the resources, capacity and willingness to move millions and millions, tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people to the other side of the world. This has never been the case during the past history of humanity. This is the crucial difference between this sociopolitical revolution and all the past ones. And it's not something that can be easily undone.

The major problem with the current regressive leftist revolution is that one big part of their agenda and goal is population replacement. And the problem with this is that they actually have the resources to do that, and the willingness of the people in power, the topmost echelons, to do so. Government after government, very much and especially including the European Union, are fully on board with this.

This is not just a neonazi white supremacist conspiracy theory (as it has often been argued to be). This is what high-ranking officials, politicians and members of parliament are saying, quite directly and publicly. Not even in secret behind the scenes, but openly in their speeches and press releases. They are completely open about their agenda of "dehomogenization" (meaning the goal of making the population less uniformly white), and they outright celebrate and gloat about the prospect of white people becoming the minority in major cities, how it's a good thing.

The white supremacist neonazis talk about an agenda of "white genocide". For many years that was quite a conspiracy theory, yet more and more politicians, academics and influencers are giving more and more credibility to those claims, by openly stating that they indeed want the native population of their own countries to be replaced by foreign nationals and foreign cultures from the other side of the world, and that will be a good thing.

The problem is not that of race, of course. Race is inconsequential. This is not a racial problem. The problem is that those people they are bringing into the west by the millions have ideologies and cultures that are completely incompatible and go against the principles of a free constitutional free and equal society. Islamic culture, in particular, is completely incompatible with these ideals, and is deliberately so, and completely unwilling to change and adapt. And what's worse, these politicians and academics who want to bring all those people to the western countries don't actually want them to change. They want them to retain their incompatible ideologies and culture.

Past anti-liberal totalitarian sociopolitical revolutions usually failed to cause permanent damage to the societies and countries they tried to take over. Even if they did succeed in doing some harm, it was eventually reversed and fixed, often in mere decades.

This time it's different. It's difficult to undo the sociopolitical and cultural damage that bringing millions and millions of people into the country brings. Sweden and the UK are already suffering from this damage. Violence, terrorism, sexual assault, grooming gangs... they are almost a daily ocurrence in both countries, and there's no sign of it ever stopping.

How do you undo that without creating a totalitarian anti-constitutional regime of your own? (And even if such a totalitarian regime would be formed, how do you then get them out of power after they have "fixed" the current problems? People in power are seldom willing to relinquish it voluntarily.)
