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Showing posts from March, 2022

The "original sin" of the far left

Suppose that you are told by pretty much everybody, the mainstream society, the mainstream media, academics, professors, teachers and so on, that you are an inferior and bad person because of your race. Only and solely because of your race. It doesn't matter who you are, what you have done during your life, what your achievements are, what you think, what are your opinions, what kind of principles you have, what kind of personality you have. It doesn't even matter what kind of community you live in, or where you live, or in which conditions (eg. extreme poverty, for instance). Completely regardless and independently of any of that, you are a bad person because of your race. Automatically and without question. Your race is something you were born as, something you didn't choose, an immutable natural biological characteristic. Moreover, it's a natural characteristic that has little to no effect on your thinking, who you are, what your personality is, and what your opinion

Hilariously inadvertent racism from leftist activist (about Will Smith's assault)

When a black man physically assaults another black man in front of millions of viewers , the far leftist ideologues are in a bit of a pickle. If one of them had been a white man then the narrative would be crystal-clear immediately (regardless of who was doing the assault and who was being assaulted). However, when both of them are of a highly protected class, the narrative is much more difficult. What to say? Whose side to take? Should we be taking sides? How can we somehow pin this on white people, or in any other way use this to attack and deride white people? Well, I suppose that since it was a black man "defending the honor" of a black woman from a "highly insensitive and offensive" joke, the choice of who to defend is made a bit easier. And thus, the far left chose to defend Will Smith, ie. the man who committed the physical assault. It certainly helps that physical violence has been completely normalized among the far left, so they do not consider it a despic

Will Smith seems to have some kind of mental problem

During the 2022 Academy Awards (ie. "Oscars") ceremony, at one point the host of the show, Chris Rock, made a joke about the wife of Will Smith, Jada Smith, both of whom were in the audience, telling her that he's waiting for her role in "G.I. Jane 2" (not an actual upcoming movie). This was a reference to the movie G.I. Jane whose protagonist (acted by Demi Moore) had an almost clean shaved head (as an integral part of character development), which was a reference to Jada also having an almost clean shaved head. The camera footage quite clearly shows Will Smith laughing at the joke immediately after Chris makes it. However, Jada clearly looks upset, and is not laughing. No doubt because her hair style is not by choice, as she suffers from a medical condition that causes hair loss. The broadcast then cuts back to Chris Rock on stage, so we don't see what exactly happens, but a few seconds later he reacts to Will Smith standing up and starting to walk towards

The majority of leftist protesters don't know what they are protesting

There are numerous YouTube videos out there where someone goes to one of the millions far-leftist protests and asks people who are there what exactly they are protesting and why, and surprisingly (well, not that surprisingly) few can give a clear-cut coherent answer. They might give some kind of generic "ripped from the headlines" answer, but that's about it. Whenever asked for any details (for example what exactly the person they are protesting has said that they object to) they are very rarely able to give an answer. The fact is that at least 99% of people in far-leftist protests are what could be called "recruited" or "hired" protesters. They aren't there because they found out about that particular thing, thought about it, and thought that it was something they wanted to protest, and then found on their own that a protest was being organized and decided on their own to participate. Instead, the vast, vast majority of people in these protests a

The west has forgotten what "refugee" means

In 2015 started a historically unprecedented emigration of tens of millions of people from, mostly, the Middle East, Africa and South Asia to Europe using the war in Syria as an excuse. Suddenly, because of a war in Syria, literally tens of millions of people from all over the place, sometimes from almost the other side of the globe, started flooding into Europe as "refugees". In just a few months since the start of the war by some estimates at least 90% of the people entering Europe as "refugees" were not from Syria at all. Some countries, like Germany, took these "refugees" literally by the millions . No exaggeration. Now the war in Ukraine has caused a second flood of refugees into Europe. Since the war has only been going on for a month or two the majority of the refugees are actually from Ukraine, but current estimates are that about a third of the "refugees" are not from Ukraine at all, many of them being from as far as Somalia. The sheer a

Analysis of a "sextortion" scam email

In a previous blog post I described in detail what the so-called "sextortion" scam emails are, and how they work (and in the cases where the email contains an actual password that the owner of the email address is using somewhere, how did that password end there.) I also describe how these scam emails always use extremely generic and vague language, without ever going to details (even though the sender claims to have all possible details), because the scammer doesn't actually have any details to give, and the email is just automated and sent to hundreds of millions of people. Lately I have received the exact same scam email several times, so I wanted to show an actual example: Hello! I'm the Chinese software engineer who hacked into your device OS. I've been watching you for month now. The thing is, you've been infected with malware through the adult website you visited... I have downloaded all confidential information from your system and I got some more ev

Internalized racism of the far left

"Internalized misogyny" is a term coined by the feminist far left (a term that has fallen almost completely out of use in more recent years, for some reason) that alleges that women who do not accept the modern far-leftist concept of "feminism", and/or oppose it and criticize it, are simply deluded and fooled into accepting the "misogyny" inherent in the "patriarchal" western society. In other words, they have "internalized" their (alleged) lower status in society, the oppression and discrimination against them, to the point that they fail to see the problem and thus have been deluded into defending it, and opposing the "feminist" movement that seeks to change it. Regardless of whether that concept has any validity to it, I would like to borrow the idea and coin the term "internalized racism" to describe what far-leftist activists, especially white ones, believe and support. The far left is deeply, deeply racist. It&

The far left really likes d**k sucking

Even without seeing a youtube video, or even its title, thumbnail or author, if you just look at the comment section and over half of the comments are nothing but saying "thank you for making this video" (or any very close variants), usually saying very little else, if anything, there's a 99.9% chance that the subject of the video is either a creationist and/or flatearther video, or a video by a far-leftist social justice warrior. And much more likely the latter than the former (because the latter are much more common). (There's also a third type of video where such comments are quite common, and those are the kind of videos where the author is trying to help viewers with personal problems like depression. However, in my experience this type of video is even less common than those other two, and quite often the commenter says something meaningful in addition to thanking the author for making the video.) I have seen this time and again. When comment after comment after

Women are women when it suits the narrative

" Ethnopositive existence " is the name given be some to this phenomenon in the far-leftist narrative that "races" exist or don't exist depending on which is more beneficial to the situation in question and their narrative: If races existing somehow puts non-white people in a good light, or somehow advantages them, or somehow disadvantages white people, then races do definitely exist. However, if races existing puts non-white people in a negative light, disadvantages them, or advantages white people, then races definitely do not exist. A similar concept can be applied to the concept of "woman" in the far-leftist narrative: The concept is very clearly defined (an adult human female) when it suits their narrative, else it's vacuous and undefinable. For quite many years now the far left has muddled and confused the terms (among many others) "man" and "woman" to the point that even they themselves are unable to define them. It's

The political *right* killing my braincells

For way too many years I have been writing way too many posts about the absolute insanity that is the modern far left, and how far-leftist activist blogs and comments is so full of utter stupidity that it almost literally hurts my brain every time I make the mistake of reading one. It's an absolute clown world. That doesn't make me a far-right conservative, though. To balance the scales just a slight bit, and to be fair, you can find plenty of utter brain-cell-killing stupidity on the right-wing/conservative side as well. It's sometimes hard to tell which side exhibits the worst stupidity. I recently saw a short YouTube video about one particular Covid-19 vaccine causing false HIV positive results. In other words, some people who got this particular vaccine were getting positive HIV tests afterwards, which turned out to be false, and caused precisely because of the vaccine. (I can only imagine how scary of a thing that was for those people, and how immense the relief after

Socialist lies: Companies and workers

Some kind of "neo-socialism" of sorts has gained a significant amount of traction in many western countries in recent years (no doubt thanks to the thousands and thousands of people indoctrinated into it in universities). Where a mere 10 to 20 years ago it was just a fringe ideology without much voice nor influence, nowadays you can't go a day without some kind of celebrity or influencer going on a tirade about it on social media, YouTube, publications and even TV. One of the key points that they love regurgitating, no doubt without any understanding of what it would actually mean or whether it makes sense in a given situation, is the concept of workers themselves owning the company in which they work, equally. They rant endlessly about how capitalism "exploits" workers, how bosses and CEOs get rich at the expense of workers who get pitiable salaries, even though it's the workers themselves who are bringing the money into the company and thus into the pocket

Western countries are forgetting what the military is for

It has been less than 80 years since the largest and most devastating war in human history ended, at an incredible cost, almost ruining the civilized world... and many western countries are already forgetting what their military exists for. There's no need to sugar-coat it: The military exists to protect the country from foreign threats (and, sometimes, from internal threats if they are too big for the police forces to handle). This means killing foreign soldiers if need be. It would be nice if that never had to be done, but sometimes there just is no alternative: It's either them or us. All countries have military forces, and it's pretty much literally an arms race on whose army is more powerful and efficient at killing and destroying than the others. Optimally military forces act as a deterrent: When a country has a very strong military, it deters malicious actors from trying to invade or attack the country, for the fear of retaliation and heavy casualties. But apparently

Do masks actually work to slow down an epidemic?

When the Covid-19 pandemic started, the medical community at large was of the opinion that using masks is over-reaction and unnecessary, and that, on the contrary, people should avoid hoarding masks because they are needed by medical staff. Then a flood of masks appeared on the market somehow, and suddenly the opinion of the worldwide medical community reversed, and they started strongly recommending the use of masks to slow down the spread of the disease. Regardless of whether you think that masks do work and are very important, or they don't work and are completely useless, one has to wonder: Are there actual scientific studies about the efficacy of surgical masks in slowing down the spread of a highly contagious pathogen like the coronavirus? One would think that these past two years would have been the absolutely optimal time to make such studies. Sample sizes could be absolutely humongous. This would be the golden opportunity to actually test if masks work, in a real-life situ

Wikipedia bias: Trump vs. Biden opinion polls

When it comes to politics, Wikipedia is so extremely biased that it could just as well be considered a left-wing propaganda machine. Because that's what it effectively is. Wikipedia editors and administrators claim that Wikipedia is neutral, and any perceived bias is just a bias in the mainstream media and reliable sources (which according to Wikipedia official policy can be biased, yet can still be used as "reliable sources" by Wikipedia editors). That Wikipedia simply summarizes what external sources, such as mainstream media, are writing about. If the vast majority of reputable sources are against a particular thing or person, then Wikipedia simply reflects and records those arguments and opinions in a neutral manner. The excuse of "we are not biased, we merely record and summarize what reliable sources are saying" doesn't really hold water because Wikipedia quite blatantly and intentionally engages in two forms of bias, which shape its articles: Selectio