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Showing posts from May, 2024

I'm a "monoculturalist", and here's why

Since at least the 1980's and becoming stronger and stronger during the 90's and beyond, a very far-leftist doctrine of "multiculturalism" has been extremely aggressively pushed onto most European and many other western countries via an absolutely massive decades-long social engineering campaign, using the mainstream media and all possible venues. The primary main goal of this doctrine of "multiculturalism" is, for some reason that I honestly cannot fully comprehend, to bring as many foreign people from non-European countries into Europe. Millions and millions of them. As many as possible. And not just any random non-European, but people that look as different from Europeans as possible, and who come from cultures that are as different and incompatible as possible. The more different, the better. Having witnessed this importing of foreign cultures into western countries for several decades now, and the effects that it has, I have myself become more and more

One of the worst aspects of the Internet Era

The internet and all the technology surrounding it (such as smartphones) has brought a lot of innovations and good things, and arguably accelerated progress in technological, scientific and medical fields, as well as many others, in addition to allowing people to get information and education millions of times more easily than just a mere 40 years ago. However, there's also of course the dark side of the internet, which may have a devastating effect on the human population, especially where the internet is readily available. And I'm not here referring to all the illegal stuff (while that, obviously, is very bad, it's not really the harbinger of death of modern society.) One of the absolute main problems with the internet is how easily and readily accessible hard-core pornography is. And I'm not being a puritan here. The problem is that it's about as easily available to young children as it is to anybody else, and there's very little that can be done about it. Th

Cargo container pod houses are an absolute joke

Perhaps not so much anymore to this day, but especially some years ago there was this minor craze of taking old discarded ship cargo containers (ie. those enormous metallic elongated-box-shaped containers used by cargo ships to transport stuff) and building small "pod-type" domiciles out of them. The notion was one of recycling, of course: Rather than just throw these old unused cargo containers away to rust and rot, why not reuse them for something useful, like building an inhabitable small cabin out of one? Not only does this recycling give a sense of being ecological, but the idea of living in a small comfy, somewhat rustic domicile, while at the same time saving the environment, can feel appealing. There are many problems with this, though. For starters, cargo containers are made out of steel, and steel is not a very polluting substance. It's not toxic, it does not release toxins when in nature, and it has only very minimal if any impact on the environment. Sure, it m

Trump's presidential candidacy: History repeats itself

When Donald Trump announced that he was running for President of the United States some time in 2015, the political zeitgeist of the country appeared to be just right for the far left in the country, including the Democratic Party, to go absolutely bonkers and choose him as the "designated Hitler" of the time. When you think about it, on the face of it there was absolutely no reason for that. Trump was just a random conservative businessman with no particular history of anything that would have justified the absolutely massive smearing campaign that he quickly became the target of. He had not committed any notorious crimes, or engaged in any notorious objectionable practices, nor was he in any way notorious for being a "racist" or anything like that. He was just a relatively unremarkable multi-billionaire conservative business man turned politician, not dissimilar to the hundreds and hundreds of other billionaires the world. He did not have any kind of notorious his

Veganism is not only delusional, but outright dangerous

I find it seriously worrying when even some medical doctors don't seem to have any problem with veganism, and seem to think and talk about it as if it were equally healthy (if not even healthier) as any other diet. There are tons of misconceptions and outright lies that people have about veganism, which devout vegans are happy to to parrot. For example, there's this conception that a vegan diet is somehow "natural" and healthy for us, and the way that nature "intended" us to eat. There may also be an implication (and some vegans might even make the claim outright) that many cultures in the past survived purely on a vegan diet. This is absolutely untrue. Not a single civilization in the entire history of humanity has engaged in and survived on a purely vegan diet. Veganism is, in fact, a very modern invention. (In contrast, and somewhat ironically, there are many civilizations, especially indigenous ones, that have survived for centuries with an almost 100% c

No, American conservatives are not Fascists

The modern far left, especially in the United States, is both a cult of victimhood, and a cult of fear (both of which, obviously, go hand-in-hand, and are closely related.) One prominent way in which the latter can be seen is that their major political tactic is demonizing their opposition (which in the United States means the conservatives and the Republican Party, of course) and making their own side as scared and fearful of them as possible, using all the scaremongering tactics in the book. One tactic that they love to use is petty name-calling. They will take a word with a very negative connotation, and just keep throwing it at the people that they hate, over and over, day after day, year after year, trying to make it true via sheer repetition. They literally do not care what those words mean, they only care about the negative connotation that they have, and how much it scares their own side. Currently, and for the past several years, their pet insults are "Nazi" and even

How you know that "preferred pronouns" are not about respect

When questioned why it's so important to use people's "preferred pronouns", the far leftists will argue that it's about "respect". You see, it's very offensive and hurtful to use the "wrong" pronouns when referring to someone. We should be respectful and think about their feelings. It can cause a huge crippling trauma if you don't use the correct pronouns, you see. How do we know that all this "respect" argument is complete bullshit, it's just an excuse, and enforcing "preferred pronouns" has absolutely nothing to do with "respect"? By the fact that whenever a convicted rapist claims that he's actually a "woman" (in order to get to women's prisons, where they will have an easier time and less likely to be beaten up by other prisoners), the far-leftists will still be adamant about respecting his "preferred pronouns", and will cancel and assault you if you use the wrong ones. W

Is The Last Of Us Part II an SJW game?

When the sequel to the highly acclaimed PlayStation 3 game The Last of Us was in development, controversy arose because of the comments made by a disgruntled employee of the company, claiming that, among other things, the script of the game was heavily SJW-influenced. Trailers of the game also made people suspicious because of, among other things, a character who appeared to be a transsexual, at least in how she looks and behaves in the trailers (and in the game proper). The developer company, Naughty Dog, denied that the character was transsexual (and, to be fair, there really isn't anything in the game that would indicate her to be), but as far as I remember didn't make many comments about how much "progressive" "inclusive" far-leftist politics had been shoved into the game. Was this all a huge exaggeration and misinterpretation, and is the developer company innocent of trying to shove leftist politics into the game and thus down the throat of the players