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Showing posts from September, 2023

Hogwarts Legacy (slightly) marred by forced diversity

Hogwarts Legacy is (as of writing this) the latest video game based on the Harry Potter universe. Officially it's not intended to be a direct part of the official canon stories, ie. an official prequel, instead being a kind of alternative story within the same universe, but it's still very faithful to the official lore and does not contradict almost any of it, and while it has no direct references to almost any of the characters in the books, many of the historic characters from the books are heavily referenced. Set in 1890, it effectively acts as a prequel to all the other official Harry Potter stories. As a game it's mostly innocent and charming (although enemies do literally die, they aren't eg. just rendered unconscious or transported to a prison or another dimension; they are literally killed by the playable character and others; but their corpses do not stay around, and instead vanish.) The British accents and polite British demeanor of both the playable characte

Racism against white people in America is 100% real

Claims that in the modern western world, especially the United States, there's egregious, blatant, widespread racist discrimination against white people are most often just dismissed, laughed at and mocked. Nothing but silly and stupid racist white supremacist conspiracy theories with zero basis in reality. Well, turns out that it's actually 100% real. The racist discrimination is extremely widespread, and extremely blatant. According to an article by Bloomberg , the top 100 biggest companies in the United States hired about 300 thousand people in 2021. From those, only 6% were white. Not 60%. Not 16%. Only 6% were white. This even though 75% of the population is white. "That's just one article by one publication. How do we know it's real?" Well, consider that Bloomberg is a notoriously far-leftist publication, and the article considers that number a good thing. This is not some kind of niche far-right publication claiming that white people are being discrim

American police officers are cowards, part 9

There would probably be literally hundreds and hundreds of examples of this, but this one caught my attention because of how unusual it was. The police in Los Angeles are, once again, chasing a stolen car. While the car is driving recklessly (eg. at one point driving on a sidewalk) it's not driving at extraordinarily high speeds, and even stops many times. The cops, the cowards they are, do absolutely nothing to try to stop the car, they just meekly follow it from a distance. Because these 50-IQ morons can't do their jobs, regular citizens need to step in and do their job for them, boxing the car in: It's just amazing how much more courageous regular citizens are. The cops are too afraid that the driver of the stolen car will shoot at them or something, so they always keep a distance, while regular citizens need to step in and be the courageous ones, and do their job for them. Then the driver tries to exit the car through the window, and his pants get stuck, so he struggles

The real goal of "defund the police" in the US is revealing itself

For many years now, in many of the most far-leftist cities of the United States, there has been going on a social engineering campaign that on the surface seems to be completely insane. The two most prominent and significant measures of this campaign are to significantly defund the police forces, and to essentially decriminalize shoplifting. Only a complete and absolute moron with an IQ lower than a plant wouldn't realize what it means if there is no law enforcement. It's not like there aren't past examples of this exact thing , so we know pretty well what happens to a society when there is no law enforcement. If, on top of that, the city prosecutor openly and deliberately stops prosecuting shoplifting and theft, it's not hard to guess what's going to happen very quickly. One prominent example of this is the city of Chicago, which has implemented both of these things in the past few years. Unsurprisingly, crime rates have skyrocketed there. Murders and gun violence

American police REALLY needs to stop with their ID fetish, part 2

I wrote earlier a blog post about a rather egregious case of a police officer just stopping a random person on the street (because the officer mistook her for 10-year-old child from behind, but turned out that she was just a small adult woman), and demanding her ID for absolutely no reason whatsoever, even though there was literally no suspicion of anything at all , and when she refused the officer proceeded to just handcuff her. Again, even though absolutely nothing suspicious was going on. Nothing. The officer couldn't even name what the suspicious thing was, yet still demanded ID and got butthurt when she was denied her ID fetish. This isn't a unique case either. Here's a more famous case (that even got news coverage and a lawsuit). In this case there at least was some suspicion of a possible infraction, but other than that, the situation was extremely similar to the one above. A legally blind veteran (not completely blind, but having vision impaired to such extent t

Why women's "body count" actually matters

Recently the famous American conservative commentator and activist Matt Walsh uploaded a video named " Why Men Care About A Woman's Body Count (And Should) " where he gives his opinion on why most men care about a woman's "body count" (ie. how many men that woman has had sex with), and why they should, in fact, care about it. After all, the modern "progressive" mainly-leftist narrative is that this should have no bearing on anything, and it's nobody's business, not even of future boyfriends or husbands, and that this is completely inconsequential and people shouldn't care about it nor even ask for it nor in any way be concerned about it. It's her business and it has no effect on anything, and even questioning this is derogatory, patronizing, patriarchal, misogynist and ultraconservative. Women should be free to have sex with whoever they want, with as many people as they want, and this should have no effect on anything. Matt Walsh g

Why do people have such a big problem with people who hold a camera?

Check this video of a guy standing on a public sidewalk holding a camera in his hands filming the surroundings. A dozen or so people ask him what he's doing. Some of them berate him for filming people without permission. Even a Starbucks employee comes out of the establishment to tell him that he can't film without permission. This behavior really baffles me, seriously. The reason for this is that those exact same people don't have any problems with cameras... as long as they are affixed to walls, poles... or even cars. There are probably security cameras inside and outside that Starbucks. There's a gas station at the other side of the street, and it's very probable there's at least one camera, probably more, oriented so that the Starbucks is clearly visible. It's very likely that there are even more cameras affixed to walls nearby. Also, dash cameras are very common (especially in the United States), and are often visible behind the windshield and rear win

American police officers are cowards and criminals, part 8

This case would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic and infuriating. The police arrive at a parked car that's reportedly stolen, and there's some teen sleeping in the driver's seat. They try to silently open the driver's side door, but it's locked. In any normal world they would have knocked on the car window to wake him up and tell him to get out of car. But these are not normal police officers. These are cowards. So these 50-IQ former school bully cowards retreat and brainstorm among themselves how they could get the guy out of the car without him driving off. Of course the idea of boxing the car in with police cars doesn't occur to them, because why would it. (This even though there's plenty of space in front of the car, and there's another car parked right behind it.) So this one cop has the brilliant idea of tiptoeing towards the car from behind like a cartoon villain, trying to open the back door of the car to get inside. This would be hilario

People OUTRAGED that the Covid-19 vaccines might cause myocarditis

There has been a recent surge of outrage online, especially on YouTube, about the fact that some of the Covid-19 vaccines have a small chance of causing myocarditis, and that the people pushing people to take these vaccines (eg. Fauci) are irresponsible criminals who should be tried for crimes against humanity. Seriously, I don't know if I should laugh at this, or cry. For starters, these people don't even know what "myocarditis" means. Most of them seem to believe it's some kind of lethal disease and that millions of people are dying from it, and thus are calling Fauci and the other doctors and vaccine manufacturers mass murderers. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the muscles of the heart. While, rather obviously, no disease of the heart should ever be taken lightly, myocarditis is one of the most benign and least dangerous such diseases and in most cases it's easily treatable. On top of that, the vast, vast majority of reported cases of myocarditis caused b

School bullies become cops in the United States?

Check this video showcasing extremely egregious behavior by two police officers. Brief summary: Two police officers in the United States stop a car for dubious reasons (claiming that the car was "swerving" erratically, even though that's quite clearly not the case). After they have identified the driver it turns out that he has some bullshit warrant for his arrest for some extremely minor incident five months earlier where a cop alleged he had slightly damaged a sign with his vehicle (even though the damage in the sign was too low to have possibly come from his car), so they go and arrest him. Funny thing is that he man had no idea about the warrant because he was never served it, and had absolutely no idea what it was about. Anyway, that in itself is not the egregious part. The egregious part happens after that, because one of the cops doesn't like the attitude of the man's wife who gets out of the car to film the event. The footage from the police car camera sh

One thing I think First Amendment auditors shouldn't do

So-called "First Amendment auditing" is the practice that some people, especially in the United States, do where they go to public places and the publicly accessible areas of government buildings with cameras to see if their constitutional right to film in public is respected by government officials and employees (and the occasional private security guard). The best and most experienced auditors know all the relevant laws and know what they can and can't do, and where they can and can't go, and will obey lawful orders by police officers. (Whether they obey clearly unlawful orders tends to depend on the auditor and the situation.) There is one type of governmental building with public access that I think is a bit dubious for First Amendment auditors to go with their cameras, even though a few of them like to do so. And those places are court houses. Some auditors believe that the right to photograph in public also covers the publicly accessible areas of court houses, a

John F. Kennedy's insight about democracy and walls

John F. Kennedy said this in a speech he gave in 1963 : Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in, to prevent them from leaving us. This is extraordinarily insightful! Indeed, consider that all countries have borders, walls (figurative, sometimes even literal walls and fences). During the recent history of humanity in some countries those walls have existed to keep people from entering illegally. In other countries those walls have existed primarily to stop people from leaving illegally. Consider which kind of countries have walls to keep people out, and which kind of countries have walls to keep people in, to stop them from escaping. Now consider that the far left is precisely advocating for the latter type of governments, to replace the former type. They want a government that has historically (and even to this day) built walls precisely to keep people from leaving.

Another example of failure to fight the left: Men's Rights

I have written several times in the past, such as here , about the fact that the far left keeps on gaining more and more power year after year, and fighting against them is just a lost cause, and one of the main reasons why the left keeps winning and their opposition losing is that when the left is set on achieving something, they do not give up. Even if it takes decades, they will just keep hammering on it, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, until they succeed. In contrast, when their opposition tries to achieve something, they give up way too easily. If something doesn't immediately succeed, they just give up, forget about it, and move to something else. In that post I linked above I gave the perfect example: Many years ago Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin tried to launch a campaign to end gender studies courses and departments in universities. He talked about it in a few of his videos, but when it didn't seem to go nowhere, he