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Showing posts from February, 2024

American police officers are cowards, part 10

I have written quite many blog posts about how the average American cop is an absolute coward and a 50-IQ bumbling moron who is scared of his own shadow. Sometimes this results in absolutely hilarious events that just show that they are complete clowns. This is when, luckily, nobody gets murdered by them. Othertimes these cases would be hilarious if they weren't so absolutely tragic because they end up murdering someone. This example is, luckily, one of the former kind. However, it was really, really close to become the tragic kind, where the coward 50-IQ clown almost murdered someone because of his own cowardice. It was likely up to mere inches. So this cop pair go to someone's home to arrest him, and the male cop puts the suspect in handcuffs and takes him to their police cruiser and locks him in there, in handcuffs. The police cruiser is parked under an oak tree. An acorn from that oak happens to fall at that moment onto the roof of the car. Because of the sound that it m

Why you should oppose "equity"

If there is one thing that the modern far left loves, it's wordplay. They love to take existing words, change their meaning, and then confuse people by conveniently leaving it unclear which meaning they are using, letting people believe that the word is being used with the old meaning (and thus the old connotations and implications) even though they are using their own replacement meaning in order to advocate for their own political agenda. Sometimes they are more subtle, though. The perfect example is one of their most favorite pet words: "Equity." Organization after organization, company after company, institution after institution, activist after activist, is loudly proclaiming how they support and engage in "equity" (and other beloved buzzwords, like "inclusion", "diversity" and yada yada.) This is especially devious because the average person has never before heard that word, "equity", and easily gets fooled into believing that

An ACTUAL solution to reducing emissions that almost nobody is considering

I have zero problems with climate science and the research, studies and measurements made by climate scientists, as well as their conclusion that we are in an almost catastrophic man-made climate crisis that's soon approaching (probably in the next 50 or so years). However, I do have a problem with many of the measures (and non-measures) taken especially by several western countries in order to combat this crisis and reduce human-produced harmful emissions. This is because many of these measures consist of severely hindering local production of food and goods, by putting sometimes extreme restrictions on them, making the price of locally produced food skyrocket and putting many local farmers and local businesses out of business. That, all in itself, would be bad enough. However, the worst part about it is that hindering so severely local work only causes the demand for cheap products from abroad to likewise skyrocket. And the problem is that most of these other countries that prod