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A new Half-Life game is coming!!! ... Yay!

I wrote in an earlier blog post how I'm highly skeptical of the upcoming Half-Life: Alyx "interquel" game by Valve because it's a VR game, and Valve has been notoriously idiotic about their design approach to the (few) VR games they have made: "Room-scale" only, "teleportation" movement only... and probably will be like 2-3 hours long. Probably more like a demo than an actual game.

However, as more details have surfaced, my skepticism has turned into cautious optimism.

It seems that the game will actually support three modes of movement, including free movement.

It will also be playable sitting down, without requirement of room-scale. Also, apparently it will be a full-length game, rather than some 2-hour demo (although I have no idea how long, in hours, it will be), set fully in the Half-Life 2 canon continuity.

Maybe it will be good after all... I'm cautiously optimistic.
