I have commented several times how the fight against the far left seems to be a completely lost cause because the opposition just can't seem to be able to organize properly to stop them. The far left is gaining ground every single day, and our society is becoming more and more oppressive and totalitarian by the day. It may well be too late to stop it.
Except for one thing, which might actually make it so that the far left never actually gains absolute power.
What is this thing, you might ask? Perhaps to your surprise, the thing that may stop the far left from gaining absolute power is giant megacorporations.
Have I gone completely bonkers? The giant megacorporations are absolutely invaded by far-leftists and are enacting far-leftist policies, censoring people who oppose the far left, and engaging in massive propaganda. They are one of the biggest driving forces of far-leftist politics! Isn't it absolutely stupid of me to think that it will be these exact megacorporations that might actually stop the far left from gaining complete power?
The thing is, the megacorporations might not be supporting, at least superficially, the far left ideology because they want it to take over. They support it as a diversionary tactic.
I have commented in an earlier blog post about how 10 years ago the far left protested the power and corruption of giant megacorporations, and their corrupt deals with the government, but since many years ago the fight of the SJWs has completely turned away from corporations and against individual people. The "far right", the "racists", the "nazis", the "white supremacists", the "Trump supporters".
In a completely twisted and unforeseen turn of events, perhaps as a consequence of "4D chess" maneuvering from megacorporations, the far-leftist social justice activists have not only forgotten their grievances against the corporations, but in many cases actually defend the corporations from the "racists" and "nazis". Suddenly the corporations are not under attack by the greatest ideological force in modern western society. They are pretty much safe, even protected.
Likewise, as I commented in another blog post, it may actually be beneficial for corporations, especially American corporations, to keep their employees and branches as "diverse" as possible. For example Amazon, in their internal documents, have noticed how their employees are much less likely to unionize (and thus start making demands from the corporation) when they are more "diverse". As long as there's ideological and socio-cultural division among the employees, they are much less likely to start cooperating and unionizing and making demands. (Likely they will be too busy bickering and suspecting each other to start cooperating.)
So it may well be economically beneficial, from an outright survival point of view, to superficially support the far-leftist narrative and policies.
However, if that's the case, if they are simply doing it for their own benefit rather than actually believing it, there will inevitably be a limit to it. The megacorporations will only go so far before they stop going any farther. Once the far left gains too much power for comfort, when the far-leftist ideology starts actually threatening the existence of these corporations, that's when the tide will turn, and suddenly the support may stop, and the narrative may change. Suddenly the extreme left might find themselves out of support and backstabbed by the very corporations that seemed so friendly and complacent for so long.
Perhaps, in the end, capitalism will stop the far left from taking over. The far left may be a useful tool for the megacorporations right now, but once they gain too much power that may well change.
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