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"Transsexuals" who regret it are mostly ignored

If there's one thing that the social justice ideology, and thus alongside them the mainstream media and a bunch of other indoctrinated entities, currently celebrates the most, is when a person becomes a "transsexual". For some reason they are so enamored with the concept that they not only celebrate and rejoice with every single case, but moreover, and most horribly, they outright encourage people, often very young and impressionable people, to become "transsexuals".

Conversely, one of the things they most hate is people who have become "transsexual" but later regretted it and reverted back. To the social justice warriors, and many devout "transsexuals", those people feel like traitors. It's like a betrayal, one of the most heinous crimes against the ideology.

Rather obviously, those people aren't talked about almost at all. The social justice warriors and the mainstream media don't bring them forth, don't talk about them, don't recount their stories or why they regretted it. They are, effectively soft-unpersoned, relegated to obscurity by never talking about them.

You only need to make a youtube search for things like "former transsexual" or "why I'm no longer a transsexual" or similar, and you'll find tons and tons of results. While the media and the social media influencers don't talk about them, they still can't stop them from telling their stories. At least not yet (that may well change in the near future).

While there are as many stories and reasons as there are people, there nevertheless is a quite common pattern that holds true for a significant portion of these people.

Namely, quite often they were teenagers with an identity crisis. They were confused by their own feelings, their own personality, their own sexuality. Quite often they felt strong anxiety because they felt so different from others. In one example video that I have watched the girl tells how she felt so odd and anxious because she just didn't care about sex, and didn't really want to have sex with boys, and how that made her feel somehow different and inadequate compared to everybody else. She was very confused about her own being, her own nature, as if she wasn't a girl at all, because she wasn't really all that interested in sex, and boys didn't interest her in that manner.

Thus, she tells (and which is common in quite many of these videos), when she started hearing tons and tons of things about "transsexuality" she started thinking that "that's it!" She started thinking that she had these inadequate feelings and this lack of interest in boys because she must be a transsexual herself, that she actually is a man, not a woman. She was, essentially, indoctrinated into it.

So she started with the male hormones (which in most places in the United States are now scarily easy to obtain, completely legally, pretty much no questions asked). However, after she became more and more masculine-looking and her voice became more and more masculine, so much so that she actually could pretty much fully pass for a young man, about a year passed she realized that this actually wasn't it. She didn't still feel like fulfillment. This still wasn't her. This didn't solve anything.

And thus, she decided to stop it, and just accept that she's a woman, not a man. That her identity crisis and anxiety issues are not about her gender, and that the whole "transitioning" thing was one big mistake, to which she was fooled into.

As mentioned that's not a unique story. I have watched quite some of these videos, and quite similar stories repeat over and over. Confused teenager with an identity crisis gets essentially duped into believing that becoming a "transsexual" is the correct solution to her psychological issues, because of all the pressure and indoctrination around her about it, and after trying it she finds out that it actually isn't the solution at all, and that she doesn't really feel like the opposite sex at all, even if she may be a bit confused about her own identity.

I believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised that the vast majority of young people who were duped like this are too shy, even scared, to tell their story, or may even try keep at it regardless of how wrong they know it is for them, and how it's not really good for them nor their mental state.

The saddest cases are, of course, those who actually went through the surgeries, and later came to realize that it was all a huge mistake. Once you go under the knife, you'll be irreversibly physically damaged. There is no going back to what it was before, ever again. You have been mutilated for life, and you have lost one of the most important parts of the human body, not just physically but mentally, and you will carry that defect for the rest of your life, and there's no fixing it.

I wouldn't be surprised if, sadly, some people have committed suicide because of it.

And the worst part of this is that the social justice establishment absolutely loathes and hates these people, who became victims of their indoctrination and then realized what a mistake it was.

This, among many other reasons, is why I consider this entire "transsexual" indoctrination social engineering movement to be one of the biggest and cruelest crimes against humanity. It's extraordinarily cruel and criminal in that it affects mostly young impressionable and very vulnerable people who still don't know better, and who get fooled into making mistakes, and if they go far enough in the mistake, they'll irreversibly damage themselves for life.

Medical doctors who allow this to happen, and go along with it, should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, and jailed for life. I don't often hate anybody, but these doctors absolutely disgust me to the core. They aren't better than Josef Mengele, and they should all rot in jail.


  1. And, honestly, I have absolutely no idea what could be done about it. Other than hope that, as soon as possible, people wake up and vote for a better government that will stop the madness.

    I am quite strongly a libertarian constitutionalist and I think constitutional representative democracy is the best possible form of government that has ever existed. But sometimes it's a curse, because as they say, "democracy is the dictatorship of the majority". As long as the majority of the voters have been deluded into voting for the same political parties every time, and scared from voting for the opposition, the situation will just continue and become worse and worse, and there isn't really anything that can be done. Perhaps the only way that things can change is if society experiences a catastrophic economic crisis that forces a complete renewal of the government and, hopefully, the higher learning institutions.


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