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What happened to Carl "Sargon of Akkad" Benjamin?

Carl Benjamin, who goes by the famous nickname handle "Sargon of Akkad", was one of the first enormously popular big anti-SJW youtubers, who has been making videos for something like 10 years.

His videos were generally really well presented and argued, and he was really eloquent and presented his views quite clearly and in an easy to understand manner. From quite early in his youtube career he started making one of his most popular "series": The "this week in stupid" series, where he would go through the most egregious and ridiculous things that the far-left had done or said that particular week (and given the amount and widespread of the far-leftist ideology, there was plenty of material for that every single week. "Slow" weeks were really rare, if not completely non-existent.) At the end of the year he would usually make a "this year in stupid" video where he would recap the most notorious examples that he had gone through during that year.

Especially those videos were immensely popular (and the format has been copied by many others), but overall his channel was hugely successful. In fact, with 922 thousand subscribers he was not only one of the biggest anti-SJW channels on youtube, but one of the biggest channels on youtube overall. In his heyday he didn't have much trouble in getting over half a million views per video on average.

Quite naturally he became one of the top enemies of the far-left. Which means becoming an enemy of Google and the YouTube team.

Then, at some point, he kind of seemed to get a bit tired of it. At one point a couple of years ago he suddenly just decided to stop making his "this week in stupid" series, even though it was arguably by far his most popular series of videos. I don't know why he decided to stop it, but he just did. Maybe he got tired of the formula.

Then, something like a year or so ago, the YouTube and Google search algorithm discrimination against his channel just got to him, and he stopped uploading videos to his main YouTube channel, the one with 922 thousand subscribers. A bit over a year ago he stopped uploading videos almost completely, and then about 9 months ago he uploaded the last video and hasn't uploaded anything since.

He moved to his secondary channel, "The Thinkery", which he previously had only used for some more random stuff, like video game footage, in order to try to evade the algorithm. He succeeded in drawing part of his viewerbase to that channel, getting it up to 408 thousand subscribers.

Then, obviously, that channel got deranked by the algorithm too, so he moved to a third channel, "Akkad Daily", and again got only part of his subscribers there. The channel is at this moment standing at 373 thousand subscribers.

For a while the "Akkad Daily" kind of served as his new "Sargon of Akkad" channel, but in the last several months he has been suffering from a telltale sign that a big youtuber is falling from grace. In other words, he uploads videos more infrequently and the vast majority of the videos are nothing but hours-long unscripted podcasts or clips of them. It seems that he has almost completely stopped making scripted and well-edited videos.

He has been talking quite many times over the past months about moving to other platforms, and he has made many guest appearances in other channels, but those are hard to find. (After all, if his major reason to repeatedly change channels is that Google is discriminating against him in search results, that's not exactly going to change by moving to other platforms, or making guest videos for other channels.)

Maybe what has been happening is that the Google/YouTube discrimination has just kind of gotten to him over the years, and he has got tired. He clearly still wants to be a political activist, commentator and influencer, but he kind of has stopped putting the effort into it. He doesn't script his videos anymore, he doesn't edit them, he doesn't really plan them, and where he's trying to move this particular week seems to be vacuous and hard to find.

I wouldn't blame him, of course. Years of being viciously attacked by far-leftist zealots and fighting against the soft discrimination of megacorporations can certainly be tiresome, when it continues for years and years, and at some point you just lose the passion and the incentive to work hard. It's understandable. But it's also a shame.


  1. He has started his own media company -

    He does a video podcast every day at 1 pm, UK time, & the website has some excellent articles & news analysis. It's been up & running for about 3 months now. The podcasts are more structured than the unscripted Akkad Daily streams he occasionally still does.

    1. The site seems nice. Too bad it has so little visibility. Those podcasts there seem to be getting less than 20k views each.

      Quite coincidentally a few days after I wrote this blog post Sargon uploaded a podcast to his main "Sargon of Akkad" channel, after a hiatus of 10 months. That podcast has now 230k views. An order of magnitude more than what those videos are getting.

      (Such a pity that he only seems to do podcasts anymore. I really can't be bothered to watch an almost 2-hours-long podcast.)

  2. YouTube gave them a couple of strikes for something they'd said about Covid that Fauci/WHO hadn't approved, so they stopped streaming on there. Their traffic must have taken a hit, but at least they're not beholden to YouTube & Fauci's opinion of the day.

    I had to stop watching Joe Rogan for that reason. I get too easily distracted, miss half of what was said & not know what the fuck is going on.

    They do still have a YouTube channel; they post edited clips from the longer podcast. It's called The Podcast of The Lotus Eaters, if you want to check it out.

    Sargon was never in his old videos, but the production was good on them, wasn't it? Entertaining. YouTube had demonetised his channel, Patreon & PayPal had closed his accounts, so I think the move was financially driven.

    Paul Joseph Watson makes similar videos to Sargon's older ones, but I've not come across anyone else.

    Excellent blog, btw. Really enjoy reading it.

    Kim x


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