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The irony of transgender ideology: It puts people into exactly two boxes

There's an astonishingly great irony in that the modern social justice regressive leftist "intersectional" transgender ideology teaches and promotes two polar opposites when it comes to "transgenderism", in a very Orwellian double-think way.

You see, on one hand they are pushing really, really hard into society this notion that "gender is a spectrum", that there are literally millions of different "genders", "gender identities", "gender expressions" and the myriads of other made-up terms they are coming up with, that there are not just two categories, two boxes into which people can be put, and that you are what you think you are, and there's nothing anybody else has to say about it. However, you decide to "express your gender", that's your inalienable right and everybody else must respect (at gunpoint) it, and nobody has anything to say about it, and nobody has any business in interfering with it, and you should be allowed to "be yourself" without being confined nor bound by societal norms.

Yet, the exact same ideology is doing pretty much the exact opposite with, of all other people, children.

In the indoctrinated far left children are not allowed to be normal children anymore. You can find tons and tons of examples of "progressive" parents doing this, you can find tons and tons of "progressive" TV shows, PSAs and even advertisements (for products that have absolutely nothing to do with any of this) about it, you can see tons and tons of "progressive" leftists promoting this idea.

What exactly?

The fact that among the indoctrinated left, children are not allowed to be themselves anymore, to just be who they are, and be left alone. Instead, parents and guardians start immediately meddling with the child's life if he or she shows any sign of non-tradititional gender-role behavior.

A girl who like to wear pants and shorts, and play football and other rough games is not allowed to be simply that: A girl who likes to play archetypically boyish games (ie. a tomboy) while still just being a girl. A boy is not allowed to do any experimentation, just out of childish curiosity, about eg. girl clothes or eg. makeup, and just be that: A young growing boy with a curious mind and passing curiosity.

No, the second that a child exhibits any curiosity about archetypal traditional gender role behavior of the opposite sex, he or she is immediately declared of the opposite gender, the child's parents immediately start buying clothes of the opposite sex, and discussions are immediately started about future hormone blockers and sex hormone therapy.

In other words, if a child does not conform 100% to his or her traditional archetypal gender role behavior 100% of the time, in every single detail, he or she is immediately force-shoved to the other gender box by the parents or guardians. There are only two choices. You are either 100% the gender you were born with, or if you show even 1% temporary curiosity about behavior of the opposite gender, you immediately belong to that other gender. There is no "spectrum". There are no gradations. There is no "fluidity". There can be no temporary experimentation with new things.

What's most horrendous is that many of these indoctrinated parents and guardians want their child to be like this because it allows them to parade him or her around like a trophy. The parents are essentially psychologically abusing their child in order to gain social justice status.

Children tend to go along with it because they are impressionable and they want attention and to get praise and adulation from their parents. They are too young to understand what's happening, and they are too easily indoctrinated.

The psychological scars that this may cause may well last for decades to come. If drugs come into play, the negative health effects may last for decades or even be permanent. And if the surgical knife ever becomes involved, it's just one of the most horrendous crimes against humanity, and any doctors involved in it should be prosecuted and jailed for life.

I can only hope that the day will come, as soon as possible, when society will look back to these times in horror, exactly like how we today look back at the times when some doctors promoted lobotomy and trepanation as cures for all diseases. Like now, also those were performed on children, crippling them for life, with no possibility of recovery. I can think of no bigger cruelty than that. It just disgusts me to no end.
