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The American Democrat agenda of voter IDs is utterly stupid and transparent

The United States might be the only, or at least one of the very few countries in the world where most places do not require an ID to vote for the President of the country.

In my country you need an ID to vote as a matter of course, no matter if it's for the representatives of your city council, the Parliament, or the President. Rather obviously this deters voter fraud, where one person issues more than one vote, or non-citizens meddle with the elections by casting votes they don't have the right to cast.

In the United States, however, the far left, and the Democratic Party nowadays, argues that requiring ID for voting is "racist". You know, because according to them black people can't be expected to own an ID.

Never mind that in the United States you can't drive a car without an ID, you can't rent an apartment without an ID, you can't get a bank account without an ID, and you can't get a job without an ID (because employers are required to keep an official list of employees, with their ID data, for taxing and other purposes). In other words, you pretty much cannot live in the United States if you don't have an ID.

But apparently you can vote for the President of the country without one.

Do you know what kind of people don't have an ID? Illegal immigrants, who do not have a legal permit to stay in the country, and who work in illegal businesses and don't pay taxes.

It couldn't be clearer whose vote the Democrats are seeking with their demand that ID not be required for voting. It's not black people, like they claim. It's the illegal immigrants.

It also helps them the fact that most of the states that don't require ID from voters happen to usually be majority-Democrat states. What a coincidence.
