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Zoe Quinn is a leech and a parasite of society

In my previous blog post I commented how Zoe Quinn, the wannabe queen of professional victimhood (who is permanently outclassed on that front by Anita Sarkeesian) recently caused a man to commit suicide by publicly making sexual harassment allegations against him, knowing perfectly well that he would be fired from his job, it would end his career forever, and would be the subject of a massive online harassment campaign. In this case the man in question was mentally so fragile that he ended up killing himself, as he saw no future for himself (as testified by his sister). Zoe Quinn is directly responsible for this, and whether her allegations against him are true or not has no bearing on her responsibility. (Even if the allegations were true, her approach to it was completely wrong and despicable, especially since it's relatively clear that she did it for personal gain and fame, and/or petty vindictiveness. Even assuming that her allegations were completely true, which I doubt, she is not any less responsible for that man's death.)

For many years Zoe Quinn has had a Patreon account from which she has received about $1300 every month from about 500 backers. But what are these patrons paying her for, exactly?

Zoe Quinn doesn't actually do anything. The Patreon account is supposedly for the development of some video game, yet the last time she posted any sort of update was two years ago. Absolutely nothing since then. The only other interaction she has ever made there is to log in to switch off the public showing of her number of backers and amount of revenue (which, suspiciously, happened after that man committed suicide and it became a huge controversy).

The fact is that Zoe Quinn does absolutely nothing in return for that decent income of about $1300 per month. She is quite clearly not developing the game that the Patreon account is supposed to be for, nor is she really doing anything else of any value. In contrast, Anita Sarkeesian at least does something visible sometimes. Not even nearly enough to justify the hundreds of thousands of dollars she gets every year, but at least something. But what does Zoe Quinn produce for her backers? Absolutely nothing. She works on nothing, she produces nothing, and she doesn't even update her Patreon account to tell her backers what she's doing.

There are other things she's doing with that money, which becomes evident from her other social media accounts, such as going on expensive holiday trips to Japan.

The only thing that Zoe does is Twitter activism, going to sometimes speak to some event, and that's about it. Apparently she's also been hired by Marvel Comics to write for some obscure comic that almost nobody is reading (quite literally). And even though she has no experience in the comic books industry, or even in writing. For some reason Marvel Comics still keeps her hired, for reasons known only to them. One has to wonder what exactly she's doing there.

Basically her only claim to fame, and why she became the second-most-famous professional victim in current society, is that she kickstarted gamergate, and became its most prominent self-alleged "victim" (until Anita surpassed her a bit later). Pretty much the only thing she has ever made is some crappy text-based game (which was, in fact, related to the whole kickstarting gamergate thing). She has done pretty much nothing since that.

Zoe Quinn is nothing but a leech and a parasite of society. She's living on donation money, while doing pretty much nothing in return for it. She's an e-begger of the worst kind. And now she's directly responsible for the death of another person. And currently she's pretty much in hiding because of it.

The frustrating thing is that she may well get away with it. Unless the family of the man sue her, I don't think anything will legally happen otherwise. She will continue leeching on gullible people, doing nothing in return, and enjoying her professional victim status.
