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Taking "listen&believe" ideology too far

One thing about people who have been radicalized into a dogmatic ideology, in all kinds of cults in general, and in the social justice cult in particular, is that these people tend to only think in absolute extremes, and can't accept anything else.

The "listen&believe" mentality is one of these things. Many social justice warriors have taken this notion to its absolute and ridiculous extreme.

When a woman, especially one who is herself a social justice warrior, or otherwise sympathetic or likeable from a social justice perspective, makes a rape accusation, that accusation becomes gospel. It becomes the absolute irrefutable truth. It's divine revelation, and there's absolutely nothing that would convince these people otherwise. Absolutely nothing.

They can be given irrefutable proof that the abuse never happened and that she made it all up, and they will not believe it. The alleged victim herself could come out and directly tell them in their faces that it didn't actually happen, that she lied and made it all up, and they will not believe it (they will most often rationalize that she's being pressured by the authorities and the "patriarchy" to recant her story).

There's literally nothing you can do to convince them otherwise. Whn she claimed that she was raped, that becomes the absolute truth, and that will never change, no matter what. Even if you show that the accused perpetrator was actually dead when the alleged event happened, they would still not doubt (they will either rationalize that she's simply misremembering when it happened, or perhaps misremembering who the perpetrator was. The truth still remains that she was raped, and that's absolute irrefutable gospel.)

One of the major reasons why they cling so vehemently to this is that they have been indoctrinated into always believing the "victim" and never doubt because if they start doubting that will hurt all victims. They fear that if one case of a false accusation is acknowledged, that will cast doubt on all accusations.

One thing they don't understand, nor accept, is that they can be very easily manipulated in this way. They are giving attention, support, fame and even money to fraudsters because of this cult mentality.
