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Why some SJWs may falsely accuse people of sexual abuse

I don't know how often women, who have been fully indoctrinated into the social justice ideology, falsely accuse someone of having sexually molested or even raped them, but all evidence points to the fact that it does happen. As said, I have no idea how much it happens, but it's quite clear that it does happen. And it's not just like one or two cases in the entire world. It happens in significant numbers (but, once again, I have no idea how many cases there are in total; could be in the hundreds, could be in the tens of thousands, I have no idea.)

From the clear cases I have seen, the pattern is almost always the same: The woman did have some kind of sexual relationship with the man she's accusing (in other words, quite rarely does a woman accuse some stranger, or some man she has never had sex with, although that might happen as well sometimes). Likewise in almost all these cases of (clearly proven) false accusations, the accusation is done at the very least weeks, often months and sometimes even years after the fact. It appears that quite rarely does the false accusation happen right after the event, eg. the next day, or within few days.

But why would these women falsely accuse men? One could hastily think that it's because they are just assholes and evil, and want to hurt men because of their feminist indoctrination, and are on a crusade to hurt as many men as possible. Or simply because they are sadistic. Or because they got into an argument with the man in question, and are now getting revenge in this manner.

While that might happen, my guess is, however, that it's only a very small minority of cases. My guess is that in the majority of cases it's a bit more complicated. It may even be that in the majority of cases these women actually believe, at some level, that they were indeed abused, and are being at least semi-honest, albeit deluded.

What I think is happening in many cases is that these women, who are being constantly bombarded with feminist social justice rhetoric due to the circles in which they socialize, are being directly or, most often, indirectly "gaslighted" into believing that they were abused. They are, deliberately or accidentally, being implanted with false memories, false perceptions of what happened.

Everybody knows the phenomenon that if a layman starts reading a medical textbook that describes symptoms of all kinds of nasty diseases, he starts becoming really paranoid because he starts thinking that he himself has those symptoms, and starts worrying about whether he has the described disease or not. It may even cause some kind of placebo effect, where the person starts feeling the things described in the book, even though there's nothing wrong with him.

A similar phenomenon may well be happening with women indoctrinated into the social justice cult: They are constantly being bombarded with doctrine, with messages about "this is sexual abuse, that is sexual abuse, this other thing is sexual abuse", and "if you experience this, you should not remain quiet, you should speak up!" Thus these women start reminiscing about their past experiences with men and, just like with the medical textbook, start imagining those described things having happened to them, even if they didn't really happen. They may in fact form false memories of what actually happened. It may be an exaggeration or distortion of something that did happen, or it may be something that their imagination just completely fabricates out of thin air.

These false memories may then be reinforced by their peers, if they start talking about it. They might start "opening up" to likeminded friends, who will reinforce and encourage these false memories, and encourage her to accuse the man of sexual abuse.

In other cases it might not even be a completely false memory per se, where the woman honestly and fully misremembers what actually happened and would pass any lie detector. In some cases it may well be that the woman, at some level, does actually remember what actually happened and does know that it was not abuse, but she deliberately convinces herself that it was abuse, because she wants to "belong", and fight for the cause. She might convince herself that "it might just as well have been sexual abuse" so strongly that she sees nothing wrong in accusing the man, and she might even semi-consciously deliberately silence that nagging doubt in her head that this is something she shouldn't be doing because it didn't really happen that way. You wouldn't believe the length to which people go when they are indoctrinated enough to fight for a cause.

Of course there may also be the cases where such a woman just outright lies about such a thing simply to gain victim points and be on the receiving end of love-bombing by their peers and the social justice community at large. She might despise men, especially non-feminist men, so much that she doesn't care. He's just a perfect sacrificial lamb for her own status among her ideology.
