Let me start commenting on this recent controversy about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau by talking about something else first.
This is Malcolm Ray, an actor who is, among other things, working for Channel Awesome:
This is Malcolm Ray wearing what one could call "whiteface", from the Nostalgia Critic episode about the Stephen King's The Shining TV miniseries:
He is not simply acting the role of some famous white person or fictional character. He is participating in a light-hearted parody of a "stereotypical" white person (this is made quite explicitly clear in the video.) One could even say that he is, in a way, making fun of "stereotypically" white people. Not in a mean-spirited or antagonizing way, but nevertheless.
Does anybody find this offensive? No. Do I find this offensive? No. It's just funny. It's comedy. It's a parody. Is it culturally insensitive? Not really. Nobody is outraged by this.
This is Justin Trudeau, current Prime Minister of Canada:
This is Justin Trudeau in what has been called "blackface", with makeup that makes him look like a black person:
What is the difference here, other than the skin color happening to go to the opposite direction? Mind you, he isn't even parodying or making fun of black people here, light-hearted or mean-spirited. He's just dressed up in a costume in all three instances.
The difference is that it's "culturally insensitive". Which is a huge bunch of bullshit. At least in this case.
I think there is a place for cultural sensitivity in this world, out of mere respect and good manners. For example, one should not be egregiously irreverent towards people's religious customs, practices, rituals and paraphernalia that they consider sacred and valuable, for instance (especially if these customs and practices are benign and do not harm anybody). We shouldn't be deliberately insulting people for their culture, or who they are.
However, that's not what's happening here. Trudeau did not dress up as a black person to mock, insult, deride, belittle or attack someone's culture. It was just a costume. It doesn't matter if part of the costume is makeup that changes one's skin color. And it most certainly doesn't matter what direction this skin color change goes towards.
Also, everybody should be treated equally: If Malcolm Ray is not castigated for wearing makeup that makes him look white (even when he's doing it as a form of parodying white people), then Justin Trudeau shouldn't be castigated for wearing makeup that makes him look black. Skin color is skin color. Who cares? This whole "cultural sensitivity" thing in this situation is pure bullshit.
I can't believe I have to defend a clown like Justin Trudeau.
However, if I'm being completely honest, I hope he gets eaten by his own side because of this. They have created this outrage culture, and he has been supporting it all the way. He made his bed, now he should lie in it. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Karmic justice.
This is Malcolm Ray, an actor who is, among other things, working for Channel Awesome:
This is Malcolm Ray wearing what one could call "whiteface", from the Nostalgia Critic episode about the Stephen King's The Shining TV miniseries:
He is not simply acting the role of some famous white person or fictional character. He is participating in a light-hearted parody of a "stereotypical" white person (this is made quite explicitly clear in the video.) One could even say that he is, in a way, making fun of "stereotypically" white people. Not in a mean-spirited or antagonizing way, but nevertheless.
Does anybody find this offensive? No. Do I find this offensive? No. It's just funny. It's comedy. It's a parody. Is it culturally insensitive? Not really. Nobody is outraged by this.
This is Justin Trudeau, current Prime Minister of Canada:
This is Justin Trudeau in what has been called "blackface", with makeup that makes him look like a black person:
What is the difference here, other than the skin color happening to go to the opposite direction? Mind you, he isn't even parodying or making fun of black people here, light-hearted or mean-spirited. He's just dressed up in a costume in all three instances.
The difference is that it's "culturally insensitive". Which is a huge bunch of bullshit. At least in this case.
I think there is a place for cultural sensitivity in this world, out of mere respect and good manners. For example, one should not be egregiously irreverent towards people's religious customs, practices, rituals and paraphernalia that they consider sacred and valuable, for instance (especially if these customs and practices are benign and do not harm anybody). We shouldn't be deliberately insulting people for their culture, or who they are.
However, that's not what's happening here. Trudeau did not dress up as a black person to mock, insult, deride, belittle or attack someone's culture. It was just a costume. It doesn't matter if part of the costume is makeup that changes one's skin color. And it most certainly doesn't matter what direction this skin color change goes towards.
Also, everybody should be treated equally: If Malcolm Ray is not castigated for wearing makeup that makes him look white (even when he's doing it as a form of parodying white people), then Justin Trudeau shouldn't be castigated for wearing makeup that makes him look black. Skin color is skin color. Who cares? This whole "cultural sensitivity" thing in this situation is pure bullshit.
I can't believe I have to defend a clown like Justin Trudeau.
However, if I'm being completely honest, I hope he gets eaten by his own side because of this. They have created this outrage culture, and he has been supporting it all the way. He made his bed, now he should lie in it. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Karmic justice.
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