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Difference in behavior between American Republicans and Democrats

I have written before about the clear difference in tone, content and toxicity of youtube comment sections of pro-SJW and anti-SJW videos. The difference is drastic and pretty much universal: A video made by a leftist criticizing, making fun of or, sometimes, presenting some kind of claim or conspiracy theory about a right-wing or Republican celebrity will have a comment section that's extremely toxic and vile, with people writing like they are complete lunatics foaming at the mouth engaging in an Orwellian "Two Minutes Hate" session. Only very rarely will a comment (that's supportive of what the video is presenting) be reasonable, or lighthearted.

In contrast, when it comes to videos made by some American conservative / Republican presenting some kind of claim or conspiracy theory about a left-wing or Democrat celebrity, the comment section tends to be significantly less toxic and vile, with the vast, vast majority of the comments being more light-hearted, being just pure mockery at worst, in some cases, but even then not even nearly as toxic as their leftist counterparts. Usually the comments tend to poke fun at and laugh at the subject of the video or, in many cases, even present a more serious view or opinion about it. Rarely is there extreme toxicity and outright mental illness on display, and surprisingly rarely is there any political activism (which can be quite a surprise).

One huge difference between these comment sections is that when it comes to the leftist videos, a very significant portion of the comments will in one way or another express genocidal sentiments towards the conservatives / Republicans (sometimes implied, sometimes quite explicitly), while in the case of the conservative videos you very rarely see this kind of rhetoric. In fact, from the thousands and thousands of comments I have seen (and I have seen quite many) I don't remember a single one calling for the outright physical extermination of the leftists / Democrats / liberals. Browsing any such video from a leftist will give you plenty of examples in the other direction.

Thinking about it, this kind of difference in behavior doesn't happen only in YouTube comment sections and online social media. In fact, it can largely be seen in real life as well.

The far-leftists screeching on the streets like complete lunatics (no exaggeration) has become a common sight, especially in the United States, during the last 10-15 years.

Have you ever seen that from right-wing / conservative activists? Screaming and behaving like complete insane asylum lunatics, faces distorted in absolute hatred and anger, almost literally drooling and foaming at the mouth? There may be some individual examples out there, but I can't remember seeing even a single one. When it comes to leftists, the examples are plentiful (and are widely ridiculed).

Have you ever seen any video of a conservative / right-wing activist calling for the complete eradication of their opposition? There may well be examples out there, but once again, I have never seen one. Yet, once again, the left-wing activists do this constantly.

One doesn't even have to agree with American conservatives to at least see that, at least at this point in history, they are acting much more rationally than their opposition. They aren't acting like complete lunatics.
