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The left attacking their own: April Powers

April Powers is a black woman who is Jewish, and at the time of the incident was the "diversity chief" at a world's leading children's book writer group. That description should indicate how many leftist tickboxes she can check, and what ideology she supports.

Earlier this year she made a post condemning antisemitism. Soon aftewards she received a flurry of online harassment, antisemitic slurs and even death threats. The harassment campaign was so massive and so long-lasting that she quit her position.

Had right-wing extremist neo-nazis put their sights on her for some reason and organized a coordinated harassment campaign against her? Was it a group of anti-SJW Trump-loving conservatives? Was it members of the KKK?

As you might guess from the title of this post the answer is no: The harassment, including the antisemitic slurs and death threats, were coming from her own side, the far leftists.

But why? Did she say something offensive in that post (no matter how inadvertently or accidentally)? Did she use a word that happened to be forbidden that particular week? Did she disparage someone she shouldn't have disparaged? Did she show support or acceptance of the wrong people (such as conservatives)? Did she mention the name of an enemy of the far left?

Nope. None of that.

So what was the reason that she got harassed, insulted and sent death threats by her own side (even though, as mentioned, she's a black Jewish female "diversity chief")?

The reason was because of something she did not say in her post, rather than something she did say. More particularly, some random dude asked her why she didn't condemn "islamophobia" in her post. This had a cascading effect that ultimately caused a massive harassment campaign from her own side.

And, of course, like a good leftist, she apologized to the very mob that sent her death threats, antisemitic slurs and vitriol so strong that she ended up quitting her position. Because of course she did.

But it just goes to once again show that far-leftists do not understand the ideology they are supporting and promoting: They think they will be safe because they are "on the right side of history". Yet, time and again we get examples that show that no matter how much you support the ideology and how many minority tickboxes you can check, you are not safe from your own side, your own ideology.

Even if the far left were to succeed in destroying all of their "enemies", they will start finding new enemies among their own ranks. They are doing it already, so imagine how much worse it would become if they were to succeed in eradicating their opposition.
