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Modern "communists" do not actually know what Communism is

In recent years more and more young people have been indoctrinated, groomed and brainwashed into not only embracing far-leftism, but outright "communism" in particular. It is being more and more widely becoming accepted and desirable, even though the vast, vast majority of people (especially young people) have absolutely no idea what it actually means.

Recently some leftist activist with thousands of followers asked on Twitter what people would do after communism is achieved. The vast majority of answers given by other far-leftist activists are quite telling of the utterly naive and deluded concept they have of "communism".

Most of them appear to have this illusion that "communism" is pretty much in essence the mythical Arcadia of ancient Greek folklore: Peaceful pastoral country landscapes where people live in peace, happiness and harmony with nature and each other, where everybody knows everybody else, and everybody is extremely nice, amicable, peaceful and happy, sitting in the middle of beautiful sunny meadows surrounded by flower fields, reading a book or having a nice little picnic with friends, while birds sing and deers bounce around.

And where, apparently, wealth and wellbeing just sprouts from thin air, as apparently everybody can just live happily doing whatever they want, without seeing a single day of hard labor.

Or at least that's the picture you get from the vast majority of responses (by leftist activists) to that Twitter thread. Most of them envisioned themselves engaging in some kind of artistic endeavours, thinking, innovating, bookwriting, painting... (And not as in "after work". All day long.)

The somewhat common answer that came even slightly close to some kind of work was by some who envisioned themselves "teaching" others (usually immigrants) about leftist ideals. Even these didn't mention teaching something useful, something productive. Instead, they pretty much directly said that they want to become preachers for the ideology who will indoctrinate others into it.

(Teaching is, of course, a very important and crucial job. However, it can't be the only type of job in a working society. Teaching all in itself doesn't produce wealth and goods to sustain a population. Especially if the only thing being taught is ideology.)

Many of them honestly seem to think that once the Communist Utopia has been achieved, they can just sit on their laurels lazying off all day long, doing absolutely nothing productive, engaging in whatever personal hobbies and projects they want, without doing a single day of hard or productive labor. They honestly seem to think of wealth as a resource that just emanates from thin air, and if it just gets distributed evenly among all people, nobody would have to do a single day of work.

Or, in some cases, many of these people (perhaps somewhat inadvertently) honestly think that they can just live off at the expense of others who will do the actual work to maintain society and produce wealth, while they do nothing all day long and just live off of the work of others.

Ironically, the vast majority of the responses contained things that these people could do right now, even (and especially) in this Evil Capitalistic society, if they wanted. It's not like everybody has to work 16 hours a day.

Even more ironically, if Communism were to be implemented, they would have even less time for their own hobbies than they do now.

As pointed out by many critics in that same Twitter thread, they wouldn't be reading books and painting in the middle of flowery meadows. They would be working in factories and coal mines. Forcefully.

That's not even an exaggeration. (It's pretty much exactly what life was in the USSR.)

They simply cannot understand that a communist regime cannot exist unless it forces people into submission and restricts and mandates what they can and cannot do. A communist regime is by necessity oppressive and totalitarian. And life in a communist regime will not be very happy for the vast, vast majority of people living in it (even including these far-leftist activists). They would be living in poverty, forced labor and poor living conditions, in a crumbling industrial environment.
