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The absolutist mentality of the far left

One of the defining characteristics of the modern far left is its absolute extremist attitude on pretty much everything. Ideas that started as having even a semblance of reason and rationality behind them (even if they weren't completely right, at least they had some logic behind them) were eventually taken to their most absolute extreme, well beyond what's logical and reasonable.

Sometimes this can be seen as a (relatively) slow progression from completely agreeable to anti-scientific (and completely idiotic) absolute extremes. Sometimes the jump from somewhat-reasonable to absolute extreme is more sudden.

For example, the original anti-bullying sentiment that fat kids (and fat people in general) shouldn't be bullied, made fun of, nor discriminated against was quite agreeable. I think pretty much any sane person would agree that you shouldn't bully or make fun of someone just because he's overweight.

However, over time this transmogrified into the idea that suggesting fat people how to lose weight is bullying, which then just went downhill from there, to the idea that there's actually nothing wrong in being fat, and so on all the way to the most extreme ideas (which are nowadays very popular) that someone being "big" is just a normal physical (literally) immutable characteristic (just like height or eye color), and in fact obesity is healthy and there's zero medical evidence that it causes any sort of diseases or ill effects (which, of course, goes completely against science and reality).

Some views are even more absolutist than this. The far-leftist doctrine holds many assertions as universally true completely regardless of context and individual differences and life circumstances.

For example, in the far leftist doctrine every single white person is "privileged" and every single non-white person is "oppressed" and "marginalized", no matter what the situation, what the context, and completely regardless of who we are talking about.

A white man who is a homeless completely uneducated alcoholic living in a cardboard box under a bridge who owns nothing but the dirty rags he's wearing and who can't get a job (or hold one for long even in the rare instances he does) because of his alcoholism and his complete lack of education and skills, is more privileged than a black person who is a multi-millionaire world-renown celebrity living in luxury in a ten-million-dollar mansion in the richest part of the country. This black person is "oppressed" and the white person is "privileged", solely because of their skin color. No exceptions. Context is completely inconsequential.

Likewise every single white person in the world, without exception and completely regardless of context, is a racist and cannot be the victim of racism, and every single black person in the world, without exception, is a victim of racism and cannot be a racist.

Even if the white person lives as the only white person in a society, eg, somewhere in Africa, where everybody else is black, where every single government official and law enforcement officer is black, and this white person lives there solely to indiscriminately help those people who are in need, and is the constant daily victim of racist abuse, shunning and discrimination, both from the authorities and the population in general, even up to the point of being regularly physically assaulted (while being insulted for his race), the white person will still be a racist and will not be the victim of racism, and none of the black people there abusing him will be a racist, and instead they will be the victims of white racism. No exceptions.

I wish I was making that up. (Perhaps not every single individual leftist would state all of that as factual, but it's a very widely held set of doctrines among the far left.)
