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The biggest lies of the trans ideology

After decades of trying myriads of different tactics and methods by which to gain power over society, the modern far-leftist "feminist" "social justice" "progressive" sociopolitical ideology seems to have found their strongest weapon in this conquest: The transgenderism ideology. Somehow they have succeeded in not only making it absolutely ubiquitous almost everywhere in the western world, but they have also succeeded into injecting their transgenderism indoctrination and propaganda into the medical community at large, as well as schools of all levels, indoctrinating and grooming more and more children into destroying their bodies and physical well-being, at ever-accelerating amounts.

There are many blatant lies told by these transgenderism activists and doctors. Here are some of the biggest ones:

1) Puberty blockers are completely harmless, safe, and have no side-effects of any kind.

Many transgenderism activists, including many medical doctors (who should know better), are seriously claiming that puberty blockers for children who are reaching puberty are completely safe. They say that the only thing that they do is delay puberty, giving the child time to figure things out and make a more informed decision, and once the puberty blockers are ended puberty just continues as normal, as if nothing had happened. Completely harmless, completely safe, with no negative side-effects of any kind.

This is such a blatant lie that it's actually amazing how they are even allowed to tell it. Puberty blockers have loads of negative side-effects. The longer they are used, the higher the risks and the more severe the side-effects. For starters, the longer they are used, the higher the risk of infertility, and even of impotency. Likewise the longer they are used, the more they stunt growth. Puberty is not something that you can just delay indefinitely and then have it happen as normal, for its normal duration with all of its normal results. Also, the use of puberty blockers in this manner is dangerous in that there are very little studies about their long-term effects (I wouldn't be surprised if they increase all sorts of problems, like cancer.)

One of the main reasons that these quacks are pushing puberty blockers is that they seem to also have a psychological effect on children: Statistics show that the longer a child is on puberty blockers, the more likely it is for him or her to want to "transition". Just using them for many years seems to entice people to want to "go all the way". Which, of course, will cause the other problems described below.

2) Hormone therapy is harmless and its effects completely reversible.

By far the most common form of "transitioning" is the long-term administration of sex hormones of the opposite sex, which many people are doing even if they haven't gone through any surgeries (and even if they don't intend to).

Taking sex hormones of the opposite sex causes quite drastic changes to the body in the long term. Just about a year of taking the hormones will cause very visible changes.

Unlike the trans activists claim, most of these changes are not easily reversible. For example, a man who takes estrogen will grow breasts. The longer he takes them, the larger the breasts. These will not go away if he stops taking the hormones. They might get slightly smaller but they will never go away. The only way to try to reverse the effects is via surgery (and all surgeries always run the risk of complications). And this is just one example. There are myriads of changes, in both directions, that don't reverse on their own even if the person stops taking the hormones.

The hormones also have other negative side-effects. The most prominent one is, obviously, infertility. The longer the hormones are taken, the higher the risk of infertility (up to a point where it becomes pretty much guaranteed). The risk of cancer also increases significantly. The longer the hormones are taken, the higher the risk. Large-scale studies of long-term use of sex hormones are rare, so we still don't know all the negative side-effects that they may have.

3) Sex-change surgery is the best and most effective solution to gender dysphoria.

This is the one claim that they keep repeating over and over, and maintain most fervently. They will claim with absolute conviction and certainty how the surgery is by far the best and most effective treatment. Many go so far as to claim that it "saves lives" because, according to them, gender dysphoric people who don't get the sex change surgery are more prone to committing suicide.

This claim is literally based on nothing. They are just making the claim, and it's based on absolutely nothing. It's a completely empty baseless claim. There are no credible studies showing this.

On the contrary, statistics show the exact opposite: Suicide rates among people who have gone through sex change surgery are the highest among all groups of people. Quite prominently, they are higher than suicide rates among gender dysphoric people who have not gone through the surgery. The suicide rates of people who have gone through the surgery are highest between about 10 and 15 years after the surgery.

So no, the surgery doesn't "save lives". It seems to have the exact opposite effect.

4) Complication rates of sex-change surgery are very low.

Again this is a claim made based on absolutely nothing. In reality the amount of complications of sex change surgery is really high. One of the highest among any form of surgeries. A large portion of people need more than one surgery to "fix" the problems that followed the first surgery. Many people end up with chronic problems that cannot be fixed at all, something quite well attested by those who regret their "transition".

5) Only extremely few people regret having gone through the surgery.

And yet a blatant lie. Not only is the number of people who regret quite high, but they are also extremely oppressed and suppressed. Not by the anti-trans people. By the transgender ideologues themselves.

People who regret having gone through the surgery and want to tell their story and situation are systematically harassed, shunned and silenced, by transgender ideologues. Social media platforms like Twitter routinely censor them, derank them, and make their posts less visible to the wider audience. They are not allowed to tell their experiences.

The number of people who regret going through the surgery is increasing, and will only continue increasing as the groomers succeed in deceiving more and more children into it. More and more people are being castrated and their bodies mutilated and ruined forever. They will have to live with this their entire lives, and all that because they were deluded into it by sociopaths.

(My only hope is that 50 years from now society will look back at these times with the same level of disgust as we today look back at the times of lobotomies and trepanning. In fact, with even more disgust.)
