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Why a Communist regime would today collapse very fast

The Soviet Union, USSR, was pretty much the epitome of Communism. If one doesn't know the intricate details of the country one might actually be surprised how far and profoundly it implemented it. Indeed, private entrepreneurship was completely banned and every single citizen was (forcefully) assigned a job that he or she (forcefully) had to do. There was no private ownership per se (other than in the sense of the government assigning you, temporarily, some property, like an apartment or a car, which is still owned by the government, you just have a special permission to use it for the time being). There was salary, but this salary was determined 100% by the government (rather than each employer or company individually). And, most prominently, the price of every single product was set and fixed by the government, ie. free market was completely non-existent and banned (this was so to such an extent that the price of products was in fact stamped or embossed onto the products in such a manner that it could not be changed). The concept of "theft" existed, but not for the same reason as everywhere else ("theft" would sound strange given that in principle everything belongs to everybody, but the concept existed in the form that if you stole something that meant that you were taking more than your allowed share, which was illegal).

Poverty and very poor living conditions were very common in the USSR, and theft (eg. stealing stuff from the workplace) was rampant because people otherwise had a very hard time living. Theft was so common and so universal that it was pretty much expected. In many places at many points in history there was extreme scarcity and often there were literally miles-long queues to get food and other stuff from the few stores that had them.

The far-leftist "neo-communists" of the modern world, who hate capitalism with every fiber of their being (without even understanding what capitalism actually is) want to create a new Communist Utopia. They want to completely destroy the capitalist system and replace it with their communism. When you hear what they want, they essentially want a USSR v2.0.

The thing is, even if they succeeded in doing that, it wouldn't last for very long in the modern world, in the current political zeitgeist. I estimate that it would last a couple of years at the very most, before completely collapsing and crumbling down.

The USSR lasted for almost 70 years before sort-of collapsing. It was quite a long time. Why and how did it last so long, when I predict that a modern version would last a couple of years at the very most?

The reason is one of the major differences between the USSR and whatever Communist Utopia that the modern neo-communists are envisioning. And that difference would be border control.

The USSR was able to last for that long because of their extremely tight North-Korea-style border control. No citizen was allowed to leave, and people entering the country was extremely restricted, limited and controlled. And alongside the movement of people, also movement of information was extremely tight, and censorship was extremely strong and rampant. As little information as possible was allowed to move in our out of the country. The people of the country were kept as dark as possible from outside information (and they were constantly bombarded with propaganda, completely made-up claims about other countries).

The USSR lasted for so long because they controlled their borders so tightly. This would most certainly not be the case in the Communist Utopia USSR v2.0 that the modern neo-communists are envisioning. In this new Utopia not only would people allowed to freely enter, they would in fact be encouraged to do so (even to the point of this neo-communist government organizing transport for immigrants to enter the Utopia).

In other words, the flood of immigration would be absolutely massive. The flood of immigrants into Europe during the last 5 years would be nothing compared to it.

And it's precisely this massive unrestricted immigration that would very quickly destroy the entire system, making the Communist Utopia to collapse and crumble under its own impossibility. The Utopia would not be able to sustain the hundreds of millions of immigrants nor, especially, restrict or fight the unprecedented crime wave and unrest that would ensue. It would essentially become a post-apocalyptic wasteland where nobody is safe, and crime, home invasions, assaults, robberies, rape and theft would be the norm, with nobody capable (or even willing) to stop it.

It would be the end of the Communist Utopia very, very fast.

The Soviets knew how to keep the regime existing for as long as possible. These modern neo-communists do not.
